Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Variety show

I am linking up with Camera Critters and I'd-rather-b-birdin

Happy March!!!

Wow, the first Saturday of March already, the days are flying by. Spring will be here with my flowers popping out of the ground. YEA!!! For my critter post, I have a few ducks, geese, goats, chipmunk, cardinal and a bluejay. I would say a real variety of birds and critters.

 Hubby and I made a quick stop at one of the local reservoirs to see what kind of ducks were around. We did see some ducks and lots of Canada Geese but there were some other critters that surprised me.

I was not expecting to see goats with the geese along with a couple of Ring-necked ducks and a American Wigeon.

The goats were behind a fence, but this guy came up to visit with me.

 Do you remember the old variety/comedy shows on TV?  I am old enough to remember the Ed Sullivan show ( my first glimpse of the Beatles) , Smothers Brothers, Carol Burnett, Sonny & Cher show and what about the funny Laugh-in comedy show. I miss these variety/comedy shows. Now, I am watching a lot of crime/drama or I watching the show in my backyard.

 I am not sure if I have a Redhead above or if it is a Canvasback? I am thinking a Redhead because the Canvasback has a darker beak. It is my first sighting of a Redhead this year.

The variety show continues in my yard.....above a Cardinal with a chipmunk.

Can you find the chipmunk with a Bluejay?  I have been spreading birdseed around the yard. I am using one of the tree stumps that my darling hubby was nice enough to roll  around to various spots in the yard. I am sure these stumps were heavy to move.

I hope you enjoyed my variety show post and critters. Thank you for visiting my post and blog. I also appreciate the comments.

To see more wonderful critters and photos please visit and join in on the fun with Misty Dawn's Camera Critters and to see some lovely birds check out  I'd-rather-b-birdin

Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters and to Anni the host of I'd rather-b-birdin. I wish everyone a great weekend and Happy Birding.


Tina´s PicStory said...

so beautiful pics! :)

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
Wow, what a variety of anials you can enjoy around your local reservoir♡♡♡  I was born in the sheep year and my mother said thee were some time I had goat milk. I was most impressed with the lovely goat; haha. I've never seen them.
It may not be the common scene geese and goat together.

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Maria said...

Nice prelude to spring Eileen, the goat is so funny!

Lynne said...

Great "variety show" Eileen . . .

Anonymous said...

Great selection here Eileen. The Carnal was so stunning- I almost missed the Chipmunk and Bluejay.
Happy birding ~:)

Jen Sanford said...

Ooh, definitely a Redhead and a gorgeous fellow at that! Those goats are hilarious with the geese... Fun post.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I like the show in your backyard much better than what's on TV these days~...Happy Weekend!

Montanagirl said...

I enjoy the variety of birds you see. The Chipmunk is so tiny!

Brian King said...

haha! I wouldn't expect to see goats with ducks and geese, either! We have cardinals and blue jays, but no chipmunks. Hadn't really thought about it before, but I'm kinda surprised we don't.

Gail Dixon said...

Hi Eileen! I am old enough to remember those old variety shows and I loved them. Looks like you had a good photography day with a goat as a bonus. What a character! Hope you have a great weekend!

Giga said...

Miałaś co ogladać na spacerze. Było duzo ptaków i koza ( lubię je). Kardynał z wiewiórką to śliczna para. Pozdrawiam.
You had to watch on a walk. There were a lot of birds and a goat (I like it). The Cardinal of the squirrel is cute couple. Yours.

Karen said...

Goats! How cool.

Anonymous said...

A lovely show - and what a vibrant cardinal!

TexWisGirl said...

i SO want to see a redhead in person!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're right about Spring & I can't wait to see some color w/ all the flowers that come w/ warmer weather!
There's sooo many out there havin a swim! So neat =)
Cool Cardinal shot
Have a great weekend

Suzan said...

WOW!! That's neat! goats!! Were they eating off the underbrush? Or just there? I would have stayed and played with the goats - if they were in the playing mood!

HappyK said...

Enjoyed your photos.
Yes, I did see the chipmunk and the blue jay too.
Yes, I remember the old variety shows and miss them. They were good entertainment with something for everyone.

vivi ka said...

A beautiful variety show!!
I think i need a farm. I can't stand in the town anymore!! :)
Thanks for sharing!
Have a happy weekend!

George said...

I remember all those shows, and I think they were better than almost everything on TV now. I also like the show in your back yard -- thanks for sharing it with us.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, Great bunch of pictures. Neat that you might have gotten a Redhead... He sticks out among the others, doesn't he?

Goats??? What a surprise....

I too miss the variety shows on TV... We watch the crime/drama shows now also.


Jill Kristin Ø.Remme said...

I really know the birds love you!!

No birds to see up here in the winter where i am. The young birds have probably been hiding in other places where it is easier to find food :))) But at home the spring has little by little so I'll wait to take bird pictures until I get home :)

Take care U:)

A Colorful World said...

A wonderful variety of critters, Eileen!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Love the variety of wild birds. Of course, the goats are my favorites.

Martha Z said...

March and I still haven't gone to any of the wildlife refuges. I had better hurry.

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...Love the goat and geese shot makes me laugh why I don't
know : )!!
It took me a minute, but I found the chipmunk with the Jay,nice the cardinal and the chipmunk to !!

Indrani said...

I always look forward to the variety you present.
I could spot the chipmunk. :)

Murr Brewster said...

We'd have to go a fur piece to see a good old cardinal or blue jay. And there's nothing in the budget for it, so thanks for the little trip back east. Plus nothing cheers a girl up like a duck, except lots of ducks.

Vores have said...

Great image series showing. I really like the picture of the goat. Wish you a good Sunday :) Hanne Bente

Jidhu Jose said...

lots of critters around you :)

Phil Slade said...

Seeing the goats amongst your bird variety was a real treat Eileen. I never see goats when I go birding. And thanks for reminding me about those TV shows - they don't make them like that anymore do they? Enjoy your Sunday off work.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!Wonderful pictures!!So many beautiful animals you saw on your walk!Great images!!The goat looks so cute!Have a lovely Sunday!

Hootin Anni said...

I'd prefer to watch the show in the backyard or driving to the beach and view the variety show there...but I DO remember all those that you mentioned, and I miss the good ol' TV programs that you could sit and laugh along with the antics. Now like you say, the reality, crime dramas and not to mention the COMMERCIALS are not for me. LOL

GREAT images Eileen. Always, your posts are fantastic.

Memaria said...

Great photos as always!!
I enjoyed them all!..
Happy March to you too!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I loved seeing the goat! Wonderful shots. I'm so happy it is March! Spring is coming - I can feel it! Even though it's freezing here today haha. Hope you have a great day!

Unknown said...

Yes to Ed Sullivan where I saw Elvis Presley for the first time. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Magia da Inês said...

Bela coleção de fotos.
Bom Mês de Março!
Boa Primavera!
Beijinhos do Brasil.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful spreading the seeds of life all around, magic Eileen.

Debbie said...

i remember all those shows as well eileen!!

so nice to see all of mother natures animals getting along!!

very cute goat!!

Unknown said...

Lovely! I like the show in your yard much better than all the reruns on the telly.

Celeste said...

A wonderful variety show, I especially love the little chipmunk with his cheeks stuffed!

Betty Manousos said...

aw, love that cute goat. looks like he was enjoying having his picture taken!

a beautiful variety show overall!

TheChieftess said...

I would love to find a cardinal in my backyard!!!

Adam Jones said...

I thank that is what we call a Pochard here in the UK

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous cardinal!

Linda said...

The goats are a surprise but that white one posed beautifully!

NatureFootstep said...

I can only say "I wish" no migrating birds has arrived yet. :(

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...