Thursday, March 7, 2013

Snow Day ...March 6

Linking up with NF Winged   and  Skywatch Friday

 I have been home sick the last two days, with a bad head cold and taking medicine that just seems to make my head feel even more groggy. This Wednesday morning I woke up to snow coming down hard and a few inches of the white stuff already on the ground. So not only do I have a sick day, it is a snow day.

Between taking naps I have been watching the birds in the snow outside my windows. On a snowy day the bird feeders become very popular. My yard is the best birdie restaurant in the neighborhood.

I have been enjoying all the Cardinals, this tree I can see four males and at least three female Cardinals.

This shot shows my snowy gray skies! Also, Goldie Girl and my neighbors dog had fun playing on our deck. It seems  Marlow, the neighbor's puppy has been escaping from their yard and likes to visit with Goldie.

On this photo, you can see just how popular my birdie restaurant is on snow days. There are Juncos, White-throated Sparrows and Cardinals.

At times the snow was coming down very hard but, the Cardinals do not seem to mind.

The Red-winged Blackbirds have also found my birdie restaurant.

It seems like I have a large flock of various Blackbirds, I am seeing the Brown-headed Cowbirds, Red-winged Blackbirds, Starlings and Common Grackles all  bullying their way to my birdie restaurant. Maybe they should take a number and wait their turn or move on!

This is a closeup of just a few of the Blackbirds around my yard.I am hoping this large flock of Blackbirds leave soon, my poor little birds do not stand a chance. I am not much of a winter or snow lover, I am really looking forward to Spring.

This morning I capture the waning crescent moon setting. I hope you enjoyed my birds and skies.

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and to see more of the winged critters check out NF Winged

Thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday! Thanks to the host of NF Winged.  Also, thank you for stopping by to see my post. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


From The Heart said...

Beautiful photos..especially the snowy Cardinals!

Elin said...

Beautiful birds and pictures.
I love your moon.

George said...

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well, and snow days are no fun, but you did get some wonderful pictures of your winter wonderland and birdie restaurant. I also like your picture of the moon.

Get well soon.

Carver said...

These are all beautiful shots. I hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

I absolutely enjoy your birds and sky and that beautiful crescent!

Our first linky party is on at:

We hope you can join us, have a great weekend!

Julie G. said...

Eileen, so sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. At least you have a lot of stunning birds visiting your feeders to brighten your day. The brilliant red feathers of the cardinals against the pure white snow is stunning. Love the photographs of the two pups playing on the porch, too. All are beautiful! Get well soon!

namaki said...

Wow ! the moon shot is awsome !

Lynne said...

The snow sure makes for some great photos . . . maybe some Redpoles will decide to visit your birdie restaurant!

I hope your cold goes away and you feel better soon . . .

Mimi said...

Love your Birdie Restaurant lol!
Sorry you're sick, but at least the birds provided entertainment.

Meoww said...

Sweet shots. I love the way the cardinals pop up from the snowy background!

HappyK said...

So that's where the snow went. : )
We had a mixture of snow and rain and it didn't amount to anything.
So pretty how the red cardinals stand out against the white snow.

Sorry to hear you have a cold and hope your better soon.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you came down with dreadful head cold.
The cardinals look so pretty sitting in the snow covered trees. All your little bird friends came to wish you well and say thanks for the grub ~:)
I hope you feel better real soon Eileen.

no need to reply- take care!

Misty said...

Hope you are feeling better very soon.

The cardinal is the state bird of my home state, Indiana. All these pictures of bird and dogs and snow are lovely.

You must have a very good lens for close-up shots! Gorgeous!! :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog sometime back. :)

Anonymous said...

Hope your feeling better today. Love your snow photos. I'm always a sucker for birds and dogs. Happy Skywatching!!

Sylvia K said...

Sorry about your cold, Eileen, and hope you feel better soon. Gorgeous, snowy captures and the birds were there indeed to entertain you! Have a good weekend!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Bless your heart. I had no idea you were sick. I'm so sorry. Hope you feel better soon.

Love your snow birdies... I'm jealous that the Red-winged Blackbirds visited you... I have seen a few here --out on the golf course fairway. They have never come close to the feeders... BUT--we haven't gotten near as much snow this year as you have.. This has really been a fairly mild winter overall for us...

Get well soon.

Maria said...

They will all be alright. Nature has to take its course. Hope you feel better.

diane b said...

I hope you get well soon. Still it is probably best to be in bed on a day like that. The birds are gorgeous as usual. The red winged blackbirds ar my favourite today.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You are known far and wide for your great buffet at your feeder. Great pics.

Brian King said...

Gorgeous snow shots! I love the one with all the cardinals!

Unknown said...

the birds love visiting your yard---free meals plus a modeling career!:p i hope you're feeling better.

Indrani said...

Those red winged black birds. I have never seen them before. Great series. The moon capture is fantastic.

Lina Gustina said...

Wonderful captures. Love them all.
Get well soon!

Lew said...

You had more snow and more birds than we did! Snow was knee deep to one of you black birds - up on Catoctin Mountain there was more snow and trees down. I hope your cold is on the way out by now!

Stewart M said...

Another 30+ day here - I'll take a snow day please.

I think the bat shot had a good deal of luck associated with it - but, as they say, the more you prepare the luckier you become!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Anonymous said...

Oh, such pretty shots! The cardinals look wonderful.

Please feel better soon.

DIMI said...

Dear Eileen,your photos are amazimg!!So many snow !!!Beautiful birds are visiting your birdie restaurant!!Lucky birds!I love the cardinals shots!!Hope you are much better now!Wishing you a wonderful weekend!Take care!

Phil Slade said...

I hope you are feeling better soon Eileen. There's nothing quite like the common cold for making us feel uncommonly poorly. I just love the splash of colour that the Red-winged Blackbirds bring to your snowy scene.I believe they are not universally popular but they are one of my favourite US birds - so much character. Good to see the boys and girls having fun in the snow too. Stay warm and keep taking the medicine, you'll be back to normal by Monday.

Bob Bushell said...

More snow, you have it bad Eileen. Goldie Girl was having fun, lol.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Hope you feel better soon! Lovely photos, the cardinals look wonderful in the snow.

Betty Manousos said...

hi eileen, hope you're feeling better today.

love your snowy landscape photos.
and the cardinals.
simply gorgeous!!

big hugs~

Kerri Farley said...

Hope you are feeling better! Looks like they had a party at your house :)

DrillerAA said...

Nice photo set. We have a back yard full of cardinals every morning as well. I love photographing them. Happy Skywatching.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Love those cardinals amidst the snow!! I hope you're feeling better :)

Leovi said...

Wonderful photos, I love those birds in that beautiful place snow, excellent. Greetings.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting cold chills just looking at these pics... I love the Cardinals, but that's just too much snow for my blood! LoL!
It's 38 here, right now, but suppose to reach mid 50's, then mid 60's tomorrow! YaaaY! =)

My name is Riet said...

your photo's are beautiful as always Eileen.i love the cardinals and I don't think I ever saw blackbirds. wonderful too

inge said...

I love the red bird

DeniseinVA said...

So sorry you are sick Eileen and feel better soon. Your birds are keeping you company it seems and I had a chuckle that Goldie Girl's friend is visiting. When we had our little dog she was often visited by a neighborhood dog who always found a way to get out of his yard.

Ranten said...

Thanks for the nice comment with us. For some amazing birds you have in your garden! Red birds against the white snow was beautiful!

Ranten said...

Thanks for the nice comment with us. For some amazing birds you have in your garden! Red birds against the white snow was beautiful!

Debbie said...

nice images of all your pretty birds, someone sure did spread the word about where to get a good meal!!

beautiful image of the cresent moon eileen, i hope you are feeling better!!

Magia da Inês said...

Lindas imagens dos pássaros que frequentam seu "restaurante".
Gostei muito das fotos dos melros.
°º✿ Bom fim de semana!
º° ✿✿ ♫° ·. Beijinhos do Brasil

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the red of the cardinals against the white of the snow! And the red-winged blackbirds look wonderful! Sometimes even from inside the house, looking for photo opportunities helps to get the mind off feeling unwell! Do hope you feel more healthy and that energy returns too!

Red Nomad OZ said...

Those shots of the cardinals in the snow just took my breath away!!! And I've only ever heard of a red-winged blackbird in the song!!

Hope you're well enough to enjoy your weekend!!

Ebie said...

You made sure the birds never go hungry! That's a nice close up of the moon!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

What an incredible moon!!

Anonymous said...

j'aime bien cet effet bleuté au premier cliché

vivi ka said...

I hope you are better today!!
Amazing photos!!
I am a lover of spring but i like to see the snow.....ok sometimes :)
Have a great weekend!!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful winter shots. It looks these birds are having good time in snow.

ShySongbird said...

Sorry to read you are unwell Eileen, I hope you feel better very soon. You certainly have lots going on through the window to keep you entertained though. The male Cardinals always look lovely but against the snow they are stunning! I also love the photo of the two handsome Red-winged Blackbirds.

Unknown said...

Beautiful birds. It looks like the dogs are having a lot of fun in the snow. I hope you are feeling better now.

Anonymous said...

I hope each day you feel better Eileen. Happy weekend to you ~:)

Giga said...

To cudowne zobaczyć czerwone ptaki na tle ośnieżonych drzew. Pozdrawiam.
It's wonderful to see red birds on the background of snow-covered trees. Yours.

Mia McPherson said...

I hope you are feeling much better now Eileen!

AVCr8teur said...

The snow is really coming down and the cardinals really stand out. Those birds probably have a social network and tell their friends about your eatery. Get well soon!

Nancy said...

Gorgeous images of your snow day Eileen. The pups are so cute playing together.

Hope you are feeling better soonest!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Coming late to this post; hope you're all better by now. You took some wonderful pictures while you were under the weather. The birds certainly appreciate your restaurant!

Linda said...

Great shots! I feed birds too and in return they pose for photos. Cheapest models around!

Jill Harrison said...

those red Cardinals certainly are a splash of colour against the snow.

Elaine said...

Beautiful series of shots! I love the bright red cardinals in the snow. Too bad we don't have them here.

Liz said...

Those Cardinals against the snow are stunning!
I love the Red-winged Blackbirds too.

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous birds and snow, Eileeen. What a pretty back deck view, and I LOVE those red-winged blackbirds!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...