Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hashawha Nature Center

 I am linking up with   Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday

On the weekends, hubby and I always try to talk a walk somewhere. So on Saturday the weather was somewhat nice, we drove to the local Hashawha Nature center for a walk with Goldie Girl. The Native American Hashawha name means "old Fields".

On the drive to the nature center we pass many farms, some with really cool barns.

We always pass by this fence with these colorful birdhouses. Over the years new birdhouses have replaced the old worn houses.

Above some of the nature center scenes, the lake, a bridge crossing a creek and a couple of Mourning Doves.

The above scene is at the nature center, the fence around the tree is new. I do not think it was there during our last visit. I am not sure why they put the fence around the tree. This field attracts many sparrows and bluebirds. Yesterday, we were seeing lots of Robins.

The nature center has a lake, usually we see some Mallard ducks and this time with a few Canada Geese.

By the visitor center's feeders the Mourning Doves were eating the seed dropped by the birds at the feeders. Other birds around their feeders were Goldfinches, Cardinals, Chickadees, Juncos, Titmouse and White-throated Sparrows.

Back at home, I have been keeping an eye on the neighborhood heron nest. I am trying not to get close to the nest but this morning I noticed some movement in another tree across from this nest. We might have more than one Heron nest.

Thanks for stopping by my post and I always appreciate your comments.
Join in on the fun and for more wonderful photos please visit  Mosaic Monday and more from  Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to our host: Mary our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post.  I wish everyone a happy week!


TexWisGirl said...

i like the fence w/ the birdhouses! so cute. lucky you with your heron nests!

i like the unkempt osprey in your header, too.

chica said...

Muito lindas fotos! Lindos detalhes! beijos,chica

MandaBurms FarmStay for Cats. said...

Oh wow I love the fence with the bird houses on! AWESOME.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

What does Hashawha mean Eileen? I assume it is a native name. The fence with the birdhouses is really cool.
And, I'm wondering about the heron nests. The only one I've seen here was so high up in a tree you'd never get to see anything. Is this one lower to the ground? Sorry to ask questions this week but you've caught my interest with this post.

Pondside said...

There's a heron rookery in the tall cedars opposite where my parents stay when they winter out here. I love to watch the progress of the new nests, the hatching, the fending-off of the eagles and gulls. It's a wonder.

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely mosaic you have done, I love the one with birdhouses, it is superb.

Montanagirl said...

Looks like a great place to spend walking! Love those colorful birdhouses.

Rohrerbot said...

Most excellent birds. Love the rookery. I'm glad you get out with the hubby. We are doing the same next weekend. It's great to share those days together. I like the dinners that go with them as well:)

And on a separate note.....holy cow Eileen!!! Congrats on the subscribers. I don't know how you keep up with us all. I have such a hard time going out, writing and reading. That's wonderful! Congrats on all your hard work. Hope you're having a good Sunday.

HappyK said...

I like the fence with the bird houses on it. I did that at the house I lived in before now. : )

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love the birdhouse fence! They've made their field a lovely landmark.

How lucky to have a heron rookery practically in your backyard!

The French Hutch said...

Hi Eileen, The scenery from the drive was lovely. I love the fence with the bird houses. That’s a really good idea. You’ve just given me an idea for my own backyard fence. I love old barns especially big red ones. How beautiful. Pretty water scenes. I think watching the Herons build their nests will be interesting and entertaining.
Have a lovely and Happy Easter Eileen.

The French Hutch

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Oh wow Eileen, it does look like you have more than one nest to keep up with...neat! The fence with the birdhouses is really cool and those barns are grand.

Brian King said...

That's my kind of place! Love the birdhouses on the fence! Cool idea! Keep us posted with more photos of the herons!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!As i can see we all like the fence with the birdhouses!!You had a wondefrul walk!!Nice places and amazing photos as always!Hope you have a lovely Sunday!

Kay said...

I love the birdhouses.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I really like those colorful birdhouses. How neat! And the doves are so cute. I've always loved them!

Lorrie said...

What a fun walk. You saw lots of wildlife there and your photos are great. How fun to have a heron nest to observe.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photography of nature and all its splendor ~ Love the colorful bird houses and heron nests ~ Wow! Great shots!~ Enjoy ^_^

Anonymous said...

I love the fence with colorful birdhouses.
I would definitely enjoy a walk around the nature center.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love those birdhouses on the white fence. . . gorgeous barn. great shots. ( :

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh wow, I love the birdhouses on the fence. That is a wonderful idea. You and your hubby always find the most fascinating places for your walks. I'll bet Goldie Girl loved it.

Suzan said...

Such a great way to decorate the fence posts!! Those nesting herons are awesome!! You seem to be fairly close! Nice weekend! And a Happy Week to you as well!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Herons are so interesting and how wonderful to see their big nests. Aren't those bird houses cute on the fence? I love your photos this week! Happy Spring!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

What a great route to take on a road trip - Lots to see! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by and nice comment on daughter's creations. I think she said she made the hat for someone to give as a gift to a baby boy. Hope you have enjoyed the weekend.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

You have some lovely spots for walking and hiking. Watching the heron's nests would be exciting. Valerie

George said...

It would really be something if you had more than one heron nest in the neighborhood. I hope you'll keep us posted. The Nature Center looks like a great place for a walk.

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...You sure have the neatest places to visit!!
The birdhouses are so cute , I wonder how many get occupied !!
I think it is real cool that you have the neighborhood Herons !!
Thank for sharing, and have a good week!

A Garden of Threads said...

The birdhouses along the fence post is so cool. It looks like a great place for a walk. Take care and have a wonderful week:)

genie said...

How lucky can a person be to have heron nest close by? What a thrill for you. The white fence with the colorful birdhouses has to be the cutest ever. How I would love to have one in my yare. genie

Gail Dixon said...

I am loving that fence lined with bird houses. How cool is that! So many beautiful scenes here. Glad the weather has been cooperating with you to get all these cool shots. The heron nest is pretty awesome. :)

Pamela Gordon said...

What a wonderful day you had at this park. Great photos. I love the big barn and the birdhouses on the fence. Do you suppose that tree has the fence to protect it for some reason? I've seen trees fenced to keep animals from chewing on them. Perhaps deer?

Tammy said...

The nature center looks like a really pretty place for a walk! The birdhouse fence is really cool; what a unique idea!

Indrani said...

Great captures.
Herons in neighborhood, what else can one ask for.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This area looks very pretty, Eileen, and the weather looked mild --perfect for walking. I loved the birdhouse fence and the birds.

Two heron nests in you yard is amazing! What fun it will be to watch them.

Meghana Hassan said...

What a beautiful place to spend a weekend around...!!!

Lynne said...

Always great photos. I loved the fenced birdhouse row. And of course I am excited to se what happens in Heron Haven . . .

Happy Easter Days . . .

Maria said...

Beautiful birds, beautiful birdhouses.

Red Nomad OZ said...

What a great place to go!! There's nothing like a walk through a nature reserve for exercise and relaxation - and if there's a few birds in there, so much the better! Great to see what's happening in your neck of the woods!!

Vores have said...

Great pictures / collages you have made Eileen. Wish you a happy Easter :) Hanne Bente

Paco Torres said...

Precioso reportaje fotográfico, gracias por compartir estas maravillosas imágenes y por entrar a visitar mi blog. Desde Barcelona recibe mi saludo. Paco

Hootin Anni said...

Wow....a heron nest so close by to keep tabs on. How lucky can you be?!!!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Birdhouses on a fence! That's one of the most amazing things I've ever seen!!

Jill Harrison said...

thanks for taking us along with you again - I always enjoy your trips and seeing your corner of the world.
This last Sunday we went out walking with our grandsons. It was lovely to get out of the house with them, and the sun was thankfully not too hot, and the walk partly shaded.
Have a wonderful week Eileen.

Jill Harrison said...

ps - love the bird houses on the fence!

Veronica Roth said...

Hello Eileen, great photos and happy spring. I've got a couple mourning doves nesting close by. They are city doves but I'm glad they're here. I love to hear them coo in the mornings. The bird song in Vancouver isn't anything like it is in England, where I live for part of the year, btu I still love it. You've given me some inspiration to paint a few birdhouses. I love their cheery, cheeky look on your fence.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Hope you do have more herons coming to nest in that area! Fantastic pictures! Have a pleasant day today.

Barbara said...

love the barns and fence. what a great place to visit, and lucky you to have a heron nest nearby!

Saun said...

I love the fence OMG baby herons how lucky are you. Awesome shots have a great week!

My name is Riet said...

Oh that fence with the birdhouses is great, what a lovely idea.

Debbie said...

i love the birdouses on the fence, how cute and colorful. some people are just so clever!!

i hope those herons have babies!!

Sherrie {Bird Lady} said...

Wow! Love the heron nest. I've always wanted to see one. Like everyone else, I like the little bird house fence too.

Nice walk Eileen! Can't wait to get out there!

~ Sherrie (Bird Lady)

islandwonder said...

Great series! I love the birdhouses on the fence.

mick said...

Great photos and it looks like a very interesting place to visit. I especially like all those colorful birdhouses on the fence posts.

Fun60 said...

Do the birds actually use those houses on the fence or are they just for decoration?

Leovi said...

Wonderful photos, I like those birdhouses of beautiful colors, wonderful! Excellent photos!

Reena said...

Love those birdhouses on the fence! Awesome idea!

Andrea said...

Hi Eileen, i love all those sites you chose to post here, but most specially those colorful birdhouses on the posts, look like some caps from afar. I also wonder if my feelings are true, "that the place looks so dry even if it looks so cold".

Kusum said...

I like those little birdhouses on the fence. Interestingly they are painted in bright colors!?

Karen said...

A great walk! Thanks for sharing, love those birdhouses.

Anonymous said...

That fence with the birdhouses is so charming. Lovely pictures.

Randi said...

These images are enchanted! Love the photo of the lovely birdhouses! said...

I´M SO SORRY BUT I WAS OUT FROM THE internet. I was bited bya tick last June and a coma putted me out of the life.
Now, I´m here saying to you I AM SO HAPPY BECAUSE I FOUND YOU AGAIN

EG CameraGirl said...

I LOVE the fence with the birdhouses! Very cool!

Unknown said...

Fascinating g fence. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

ShySongbird said...

It looks a lovely place to visit Eileen. I love all the colourful little bird houses. I also enjoyed your garden birds on the previous post especially the White-throated Sparrow and the Fox Sparrow, such pretty little birds. You seem to have so many different types of sparrow over there, we only have two!

Carver said...

Looks like a fantastic place and I enjoyed your photographs.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots from the nature.

Self Sagacity said...

the bird houses on the fence is amazing! how in the world they come up with that many? :-)

shirley said...

Eileen - these are all so beautiful! What a wonderful place. My favorites are the fence with the birdhouses and the scene with the tree with the fence around it. Just lovely - thank you for sharing you visit.

Kay L. Davies said...

Beautiful, Eileen! I love the mourning doves. We've had a pair here for a few summers, I hope they're back here again this year.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Beautiful photos Eileen. I love the barns and the fence with the bird houses is fun.

NatureFootstep said...

a great walk. Love the birdhouses. The birds will never get into the wrong house I guess. :) Thanks for sharing.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...