Saturday, March 30, 2013

More from around the yard

I am linking up with Camera Critters and I'd-rather-b-birdin

Happy Easter to everyone!! I hope you have a happy day!

These are more birds from around the yard, I see lots of activity at my feeders and some birds have been checking out my birdhouses.

The Carolina Wren is a cute bird and can also be one of the loudest birds around my yard. Who would think that one of the smallest birds can also be the loudest.

This Pine Siskin has been acting like a baby, holding it's wings open and it's mouth open and begging for food from other birds. I watched it the other day begging for food from a Nuthatch. Is it confused? It seems like my biggest group of Pine Siskins have moved on but I am still seeing a few stragglers.

I love these cute Red-Breasted Nuthatches, I am see at least two of the Red-Breasted Nuthatches in my yard.  I believe the other is a female has more of a whitish belly. I also see my year round White-Breasted Nuthatches.

Yesterday, I watched both the Carolina Chickadee and the Tufted Titmouse going back and forth to this tree. There is a hole there, I am not sure if they have a stash of seed there?

Maybe they are stealing the squirrels stash of food? Above the Chickadee is going down into the hole.

The Tufted Titmouse is looking a little guilty looking, like I caught her in the act. Maybe they are taking seed out that belongs to another bird?

The shot above, I watched the Titmouse going into the hole.

And yesterday, I checked on the GB Heron nest. He/She looks to be standing guard.

 Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed the birds from around my yard. It is fun watching the birds and their behavior.

To see more wonderful critters and photos please visit and join in on the fun with Misty Dawn's Camera Critters and to see some lovely birds check out  I'd-rather-b-birdin

Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters and to Anni the host of I'd rather-b-birdin. I wish everyone a great weekend and Happy Birding.


Crafty Green Poet said...

what lovely photos! Our wren is our smallest bird and one of the loudest!

Gail Dixon said...

Excellent shots here! The wren is so sweet and the focus superb. I read in my birding app that titmice nest in a hole in a tree, so maybe that's what's going on. Wonderful behavior you captured!

Lynne said...

It is all about birthing, building and birds these days.
Happy Easter . . .

Carole M. said...

now there's a toss-up! The birds grabbing the squirrels stash; great shots Eileen

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...How cute is that... Two of the cutest birds the chickadee and the Titmouse ...I like the butt end sticking out of the hole!!
Have a nice Easter day!!

islandwonder said...

Great shots! Herons are so interesting.

rainfield61 said...

A small bird with a big lung.

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous shots!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Great captures of all the birds in your yard. I love the shots of the birds going in the whole.

Snap said...

Your feathered friends are all wonderful! I love the shots of the Titmouse and chickadee checking out the hole -- a treasure?!!!! Happy Critter Day!

Lina Gustina said...

Pretty birds!

TexWisGirl said...

love the carolinas. well, love the titmouses and chickadees, too. wish we had nuthatches here!

Anonymous said...

So many cute shots of your feathered visitors.

Celeste said...

Great photos Eileen. Love the wrens, they are so raucous for such a small bird!

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant images, especially the Wren, superb.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful birds, it is joy to see them.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen. My favorite bird is the Carolina Wren - they have such a cute personality!
Happy Easter from GA.

Suzan said...

You have awesome eye-sight!! How do you ever find those little song birds to take the pictures.
Happy Easter!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!!Great shots as always!!Very beautiful and cute birds each of them!!I realy like the 1st one!!Thank you for sharing!Happy Easter to you and your family!Enjoy your hollidays!

Pia said...

Very nice photos! Hope the birds like your birdhouse.

Jill Kristin Ø.Remme said...

I guess the birds love you and you backyard:)♥ And you love them:)))

Happy weekend:)))

George said...

The Titmouse and the Chickadee definitely look as if they are up to something. I really like that photo sequence. We have several Carolina wrens around our house. I love to hear them singing.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great birdie photos, Eileen. I have the hardest time getting those sweet little Chickadees in a photo. They are quicker than I am... ha

Happy Easter to you and yours.


Reena said...

Love all your birdies but my fave is that little wren. I so hope to have some this season. Happy Easter!

Brian King said...

Love your wren shot! Activity here has slowed a bit with warmer temps, but I'll be feeding a bit longer hoping to see some migrating species.

Vores have said...

Nice pictures you show. Wish you a good Easter :)

magiceye said...

Lovely captures!!

Anni said...

such great always Eileen. You have a special knack for taking such animated images. Love 'em.

Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this weekend.

Cheryl said...

It's so nice to see the songbirds are back in your yard. Wonderful set of photos (my favorite is your capture of the heron guarding its nest).

Betty Manousos said...

dear eileen,

happy easter!!

as always, gorgeous images btw.


Dianne said...

the heron is magnificent
the little ones are all so sweet, love their expressions

Happy Easter

Icy BC said...

Love it, love it, Eileen..You've just made my Sunday morning perfect..We are supposedly getting some snow here.


Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Marvelous photos of the different birds. Beautiful ! I wish you a sunny and happy Easter !

Giga said...

Dziupla jest spiżarnią, tylko czyją ? Dobrze jest chyba zaopatrzona, że zaglądają do niej ptaki. Sporo ślicznych ptaków masz blisko siebie. Radosnych Świąt Wielkanocnych !
Pantry is hollow, but whose? Well stocked is probably that they look to the birds. A lot of birds have pretty close to each other. Happy Easter!

Phil Slade said...

You have lots of activity around your feeders for sure Eileen. I think you are right about those little fellas stealing the stash of other birds and where food is involved birds don't seem to have any scruples. Enjoyed your pictures today - keep em coming and have a Happy Easter.

Shey said...

Definitely a lot of activity in your yard. Cool shots!

Montanagirl said...

Nice photos! You have some fun backyard visitors.

SquirrelQueen said...

Your feeders are busy places. Maybe the Pine Siskin is a little spoiled and wants to see if he can find someone else to baby him. The Carolina Wren is so cute.

Unknown said...

Wonderful bird shots! I miss having a yard full of birds.

Little Dotty Bird said...

I love your pictures so much! They are so inspiring for me..I want to recreate all of the beautiful birdies in fabric and stitch! We have a dear little Wren that visits our garden, they move so fast though I dont think I'd be able to get a picture like yours! Very lovely indeed! and I'd love to know what those birds are up to! x

Debbie said...

Awesome yard bids!! If your having a party, you have the perfect guests ;)))))

Maria said...

Happy Easter to you too! The Carolina Wren looks awesome, and I envy you with that Great Blue Heron nest.

NatureFootstep said...

two of my favourites today. The vren and the titmouse. Both so sweet looking. Great shots Eileen.
I thought they were nesting not stealing food. .)

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Eileen, a great post to enjoy with my cup of coffee this morning. Love all your photos, you have a nice variety of birds that come to your feeders, and how great to be close to a heron's nest. Hope your Easter Sunday was a great one.

Kaya said...

You are so great taking pictures of birds!!!

And you are lucky to have a yard and birds who come to you.

Amazing shots!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your "nature park" is so amazing. The pictures are wonderful and I love the observations you share about your birds -- you do so much more than just 'spot' them. I have never in my life seen a bird begging for food from other birds...really makes you wonder.

Anonymous said...

These are all wonderful captures. I'm always impressed when someone can actually name all the birds.

Beth said...

I really enjoyed seeing your backyard birds, Eileen. Your photos are very well done. I enjoyed hearing about the behavior of the birds too. We have nuthatches but they do not have red breasts. We also see pine siskins, chickadees, and wrens. I don't think our wrens have returned yet. You mentioned wrens being noisy; I think they have a lot of 'attitude!'

Rohrerbot said...

Most of those would be lifebirds for me. Love the Titmouse!

Maria Luiza said...

Quantos animais lindos! Amei esse seu post! Obrigada por me visitar, mesmo sem Green Day. Grande abraço e final de semana!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...