Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Just Wrens

Linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes and NC Sue Wordless
I hope you can join in and share your wild birds and nature scenes

For this week's Wild Bird post, I am sharing two Wrens.  The Carolina Wren and the House Wren. Both of these are backyard birds for me and nest in or around my yard. The Carolina Wren is a year round resident and the House Wren shows up in the summer months.

Above is the Carolina Wren, this wren has what I call an white eyebrow. It seems like both of these wrens can be extremly loud and bossy at times.

Below is my crazy House Wren.

Above the House Wren is a busy bird when it arrives trying to make nest in every birdhouse I have in my yard. They want to rule the yard with their bossy ways.

This birdhouse has four openings and the House Wren managed to build a nest in each hole. I hope you enjoyed this Wren post, they are adorable birds.  Thank you for stopping by and for the nice comments.

Till next week's wild bird post. Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird and nature photos please visit:

 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes and NC Sue Wordless

Thanks to all of our hosts. Michelle for Nature Notes and Stewart of Wild Bird Wednesday and Sue for Wordless Wednesday.

  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


Maude Lynn said...

They are both so pretty!

21 Wits said...

Ha! Ha! On your blog nothing is just wrens! More like just beautiful captures of everything. What another fun day in paradise for them all! I sure needed a pick-me-up post like this. it's another rainy day here again.

J said...

LOL Loved it! We think of these darling little critters as kind, generous souls - but only to find out they have their bossy, selfish sides too! My daughter has a hummingbird that guards her feeder against all others. We thought she was the only one with that problem. The other day I read a blog post describing the same problem someone else is having. Hummingbirds can be vicious too!

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Eileen, these little birds are so pretty and cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I must be a house wren because Bob says i am 'bossy' to... they are so cute.. like me LOL

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Hello, Eileen! Really beautiful photos!
You are right, even the smallest animals need to compete for food and territory etc... but they surely look cute.
Have a lovely day!

chica said...

Muito lindas!Adorei! beijos,chica

Rohrerbot said...

That is one lovely wren! I would love to see one this year. Love the coloring and song of this little bird. Lucky lady:)

Rohrerbot said...

PLUS, anytime you have a wren around nesting, it's a good day. They are so cool to watch during this time period.

Silver Parrot said...

Very nice birds and photos!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Both birds are lovely and like our Wrens in the UK, they prbably have to longest call.

Nancy J said...

Maybe the saying " Busy as a Wren" would be right, beautiful markings on their feathers.

Amanda Peters said...

Lovely photo, nice looking bird..
Amanda xx

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, I LOVE those perky little birds who know what they want! Thanks for sharing. Greetings Jo

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I adore the wren species... these are bonny indeed! YAM xx

Claire Justine said...

Aww, lovely pictures :)

rupam sarma said...

So Beautiful photos

Debra said...

<3 the wrens. I love how loud and bossy they are and how they build practice nests all over the place. These are really beautiful photos.

Rambling Woods said...

Sweet little birds. I have only seen a wren here once...I need to find bird houses that house sparrows can't get into and what I have hasn't worked yet.. Michelle

The Artful Diva said...

sweet little birds. It's so hot here, the birds are coming to my feeder - ugh!

Sue said...

It's funny that those tiny little wrens can be such bossy things! Of course, I know a guy like that---HA!
Hope your week is going well

Linda W. said...

Cute pics of these little birds!

EG CameraGirl said...

BOTH wrens in your yard! They are such cute birds...but noisy too. At least the House wren can be. I have yet to see a Carolina wren.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh Eileen,
These are some sweet cuties!
Have a lovely afternoon,

Little Wandering Wren said...

Hi Eileen - What a special post even if I do say so myself!! I am happy to see all your Wren's up close and to see I share the similar traits - greying eyebrows and a bossy nature!
One day I will get you a photo of an Aussie Blue Wren but they never stay still long enough for me to capture.
This post made this little wren smile today :) thank you.
Wren xx

NCSue said...

They're cute little fellas with mighty voices - amazing to hear such a sound coming from something so tiny!
Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/08/say-yes-to-neigh.html

Inspired By June said...

Great shots, Eileen! Wrens are one of my favorite yard birds and you've described them perfectly lol!

Brian King said...

Nice shots of the wrens. They can be noisy little creatures!

Blogoratti said...

What beauties to behold.

The Yum List said...

That last shot is helpful in understanding the size as you can see the bird in relation to the screw.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I love watching the carolina wrens traipsing through the mulch in my backyard.

HappyK said...

They are such cute little birds. You have wonderful captures of them.

GreenComotion said...

Hi Eileen,
Superb collection of Wrens!
As you may know, we get the Carolina Wren, who has a peculiar habit of throwing out seeds he doesn't like from the feeder, especially Sunflower Seeds with black shell. Is this a normal behavior you have seen? I ask because he is throwing out a lot of seeds. While they are not going to waste (Chipmunks and Squirrels and other ground feeders eat them), it is expensive replenish.
Thank you in advance for your time!
Have a Happy Week!
Peace :)

Michelle said...

Such delicate birds!

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Sure enjoyed your photos of the Carolina Wren and the House Wren. Nice shots indeed. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. You are so right, the fires around Lake Chelan are tragic. Several people have lost their homes. The dry, hot weather has been tough on the Pacific Northwest. Hope you are have a good week ahead!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, so cute!

Beth said...

Love your sweet little wrens, Eileen! We have house wrens here and have had two nests of babies in different houses. When the first nestlings left the nest, I rescued a baby wren from a cat. I held it in my hand for awhile before putting it out of harm's way. It sat for about 10 minutes and then flew into a pine tree. Another wren story: Just today, a wren was on a shepherd's hook sitting (sitting where a hummingbird frequently perches). The hummer tried to get the wren to leave and actually body-slammed the much larger wren and then chased it until the wren took refuge in its birdhouse. I'm glad I got to witness that.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

We've had wrens around this year and I just love hearing them! But unlike you, I've not been able to capture them as well as you have!

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos of your little wren Eileen. They are indeed such cute little birds.

amanda said...

Wrens are such darling little birds! I love their perfectly simple shape.

diane b said...

They look cute and I bet they sound sweet.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

When you are that cute you can get away with being a little bossy! Love these little guys!

Unknown said...

Adorable little birds!

Adam Jones said...

Such neat little birds.

Caroline Gill said...

Such lovely birds, Eileen. We have a 'resident wren' in the garden, but like most in the UK, it is incredibly shy. I only see it occasionally, poking out from the trellis. Thank you for your comment on my Buddleia/butterfly post. I need to do some more investigation - would like to buy a nectar-rich variety, probably purple.

Tom said...

Just lovely wrens. Tom The Backroads Traveller

Betty Manousos said...

good morning, dear,

such beautiful little birds! terrific shots.
great lighting and gorgeous bokeh. well done! :))

Share my Garden said...

How nice after mentioning wrens on my post this morning to come over to your site and see all these lovely photos. I especially like the last image of the house wren with it's plump little body and upturned tail - they are one of my favourite garden birds.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

What a Wrenaissance!

Mary Hone said...

Those are so cute. We don't have those here in the west.

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures of those cute birds, Eileen! :)
Smiled when I read about the busy homemaker :))

Have a happy and beautiful day!

PS: Yes, you can stay overnight in that lighthouse.
There are links in my post, the first one for that
one lighthouse only, the other one for all the
lighthouses in Norway you can stay overnight :)

colleen said...

Nice shots. We had a wren set up house in a birdhouse that had been hanging on the tree for many years with no takers.

Debbie said...

I love those little wrens with their cute little bodies and popping tails. This reminds me that I have not been seeing mine!!

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful ones both of them. Nice shots too. :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love the sweet little wrens. I haven't heard mine since spring, I suspect the outside cats have something to do with that.
Have a great week!

Les Fous du Cap said...

We just watch your latest publications. Your photos are always beautiful ;-)
Céline & Philippe

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, We have a few Carolina Wrens around but not any House Wrens. Your pictures are great! Have a fine Thursday tomorrow!

A Colorful World said...

Each of these are wonderful little wrens. So great to have them both in your yard, though one is only there in summer. They are such darling little birds!

Bethany Carson said...

Love your shots of the wrens! I don't think I've seen any around my house.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

My Humans love the friendly little wrens that haunt our porch.

Y'all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Not sure if I have spotted wrens in my backyard. Now that you've shown me what they look like, I'll have to pay more attention!

Rose said...

Is your house wren shyer than the Carolina wren? Ours are shy, and just fussed and fussed at us if we sat on the porch. I love them both, but the Carolina is my favorite. They were always so friendly at home, and even at work.

Indrani said...

Loved seeing these wrens. Wish they would come visiting me. :)

Laura. M said...

A screw is also good to rest ... good the last picture ;)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'd be thrilled to have those little sweethearts anywhere and everywhere in my yard! I have seen the Carolinas in Florida, at my favorite nature park, but never got a picture.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
such a cute little bird. Hust wonderful !
Best regards, Synnöve

Lowcarb team member said...

What lovely birds, thank you for sharing great photo's.

All the best Jan

Wally Jones said...

Wonderful wren wrap-up!

Here in central Florida the Carolina is a resident but we only see the House Wren during migration. No matter which one we find they are always making a joyful noise!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...