Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday's Critters #87

Saturday's Critters #87

It's Saturday and it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit and leaving a comment.

These images and critters are from our overnight visit to the Jersey shores early in July. We visited the Edwin Forsythe NWR near Atlantic City after leaving Cape May.

Above I believe is a Clapper Rail chick and an adult Clapper Rail bottom right. Hubby and I have been lucky with Rail sightings off of the wildlife drive at Edwin Forsythe NWR.

Ospreys on nest with Atlantic City's casinos in the background.

These are the Diamondback Terrapin Turtles, they can be seen at the refuge on the road so watch out.

Above are the Black Skimmers and some Terns and maybe a Willet on the left. I hope you enjoyed my critter post and images. As always, thank you for visiting and for the comments.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. Excellent shots. Those Rails are interesting.

  2. The ospreys are handsome birds. Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen!

  3. Dearest Eileen; Clapper Rail has unique beak; haha,like Black Skimmer, and I've never paid attention of them before:-) I think my first posting of the turtle's picture in your link♪ Funny or mysterious creature with long life :-)

    ps; Thanky SO much for your kind comment for my previous post. I think I'll have to visit other friends; wishing to come back later for your former post, Dear friend.

  4. A lovely selection of birds in this post Eileen. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Good morning Elaine. What amazing sightings of the Rails. I've never seen one. In fact, I'm off to check in my Africa book whether we get them on our continent. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great weekend Jo

  6. Amazing to see this rail out in the open, it must feel very safe!
    It's always quite a challenge to take photos of the species anywhere in the world!
    The skimmers are fantastic, a bird I would love to see up close one day!
    Enjoy your weekend Eileen :)

  7. Hi Eileen
    Lovely to be back in the blogging world to see your baby turtles, they would be dicing with death crossing the roads. Thanks for hosting, hope you are having a brill birding weekend!
    Wren x

  8. Turtles are so cute! The way they raise thier heads makes me smile.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Beautiful array of the birds and turtles Eileen.

  10. Que lindos bichinhos e adorei as tartaruguinhas! bjs, lindo fim de semana! chica

  11. Nice critters in the mud today. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  12. I always enjoy what you and your camera see, Eileen! And I often wish that I had been there too. ;))

  13. Wonderful critters today Eileen. Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend.

  14. Any kind of critter will do . . .
    And Eileen will have them!

  15. Nice sightings and photos of the Clapper Rails. Any time I see a rail it is a cause for celebration.

  16. Great photos, Eileen! The turtles look so incredibly cute.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  17. love the terrapins - never see anything like them here.

  18. Wow !! Always nice to see your wonderful pictures, Eileen !!
    Happy weekend !

  19. Interesting collection of critters! It is not safe for the turtles to be on the road.

  20. Wonderful! I would so love to see the Osprey nest. I have only seen one live least in the wild. But I cannot remember seeing one at a zoo, either.

  21. the rail is cool! those terrapins made me smile!

  22. Good bird shots. I like them

  23. I love the turtles and the beautiful shells they have! Happy Saturday my friend. Hugs, Diane

  24. looks like an awesome birding spot, i have not been.....but i do LOVE cape may!! the osprey image is really awesome!!!

  25. After seeing the size of the osprey nesting platform, I think whoever built the ones here made them too small, especially if three babies are born. They also put them right beside the highway instead of closer to the lake.
    I'm sure the blue heron has been sneaking into our yard still, down from 11 frogs to 2 now, sure hope some eggs were laid in the spring. :-)
    Enjoy your weekend Eileen!

  26. great shot of the Osprey so high in the sky on that nest, i like the buildings in the background. makes the photo different. I have never seen the clapper rail before

  27. ❤Ù‡° ·.
    O primeiro mural é impressionante!

    Bom sábado!
    °Ù‡✿♫ Bom fim de semana!
    °Ù‡✿ Beijinhos do Brasil.
    °Ù‡✿✿ ♫° ·.

  28. Love seeing the turtles....Great photos.

  29. Incredible shot of the Ospreys with the busy city life fading off behind them! They are truly the focal point for me! Thanks for such a delightful visit!

  30. Good Morning, Eileen!
    Happy learn about a new species today - the Clapper Rail.
    Very interesting name - I would be curious about how these names come about.
    Thank you so much for hosting Saturday's Critters.
    Have a Joyous Weekend!
    Peace :)

  31. Lots of great birds spotted! I love the turtle pic. Happy weekend to you!

  32. That's an interesting contrast there Eileen. Spending time watching and photographing Ospreys or going to the casino?

    Think I know which we both prefer?

    Thanks for the party today. And enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  33. Eileen, interesting Rail. Thanks for sharing.

  34. Hello Eileen - happy weekend wishes.

    Lovely pictures - especially those Diamondback Terrapin Turtles.

    All the best Jan

  35. Hari OM
    that's a lot of terrapin gathering there! Always enjoy your critters Eileen! YAM xx

  36. Cool pictures of animals and birds! Good weekend!

  37. Love the contrast of the Osprey and City Skyline.

  38. Rails are so hard to spot ... But you have the birders karma! Wonderful shots. Thanks so unchanged as always for all you do.

  39. It's great you stopped by to share the link this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'. Thanks.

    Love the photos...the skimmers are such a neat bird and so unique. And to have a backdrop of the casinos is cool. Super images as always.

    PS...never heard of a diamondback turtle before today.

  40. I'm so impressed with the birds - love the osprey and the Black Skimmers.

  41. All wonderful critters, Eileen! The Rails are exciting to see and so is the osprey nest. My passion for photography and for birds really kicked in after spending a summer watching an osprey pair (we named them Olivia and Lawrence) raise their chick. I liked all of the other critters as well. We've never seen Diamond Terrapin turtles here, nor for that matter, Black Skimmers or Willets. Always something to learn at your blog. Thank you so much for hosting!!

  42. The Clapper Rail chick is so cute ruffling and grooming its feathers. Cool to see the osprey nest and the Diamondback Terrapin turtles, they do look energetic. Happy weekend!

  43. Hi Eileen, Love the shots of the Clapper Rails. Gorgeous big birds. I do not think I have ever spotted any. Have a fantastic Sunday tomorrow!

  44. Love the ospreys nest and the turtles! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  45. Add me to the turtle fan club! I always stop when I can and help them get where they need too -- I'd do the same for these cuties too!

    Hope you're enjoying the weekend!

  46. Wonderful photos , Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  47. Wonderful series of bird shots and Turtle shots too.

  48. Hi Eileen, Congrats on another interesting Saturday's Critters. Wonderful variety here and something for everyone. Nice work! Hope you are having a fine weekend!

  49. Though I have nothing to contribute to the link up, I enjoy seeing what contributors have shared.

    Those turtles are cute. I hope they don't get ran over by cars.

  50. Hello Eileen!
    Great post!!What a lovely selection of birds!!
    Adorable critters!!Excellnt shots!!
    Have a happy Sunday!

  51. Blogger didn't let me yesterday :(
    Love the mudbird, the turtles and
    the terns :))

    Have a happy Sunday!

  52. my osprey are gone as are those you photographed, I bet. Lovely group of critters today.

  53. What a wonderful set of photos, really lovely indeed. Greetings!

  54. Nice shots, as usual, Eileen! Thanks for hosting and have a great week.

  55. you are so lucky to see the young rail. I have only seen this species once, in the south part pf Sweden. Would love to see it again.

  56. While the pix of the Rail are great, the Osprey has my eye! I saw this week!!...:)JP

  57. Retirement isn't for chumps! So many things to photograph!!!!

  58. i think it is cool how birds r ... always so busy. ( :
    hope ur weekend was nice.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Never give up, great things take time." "All good things are wild and ...