Sunday, December 13, 2015


I have a list below of memes I am joining for this week, and to save time I am doing one post for all. They are all fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun  and check out some of the participating posts. Special thanks to all the wonderful host and their memes, I hope you have some time to check them out.

I am sharing a mish-mash or medley of images from October and November. Most of these images are from our neighborhood or the bike trail, some yard birds and moon captures.

I have not yet shared my hubby's shot of the super moon taken on Oct 26. It is beautiful. The moon is rising over the watershed forest and our lake.

On the same evening as above the moon's reflection on our lake.

A mosaic of a Northern Flicker seen on a tree across from our driveway. Not the best shots, I took them from our kitchen window.

 Some of my backyard and feeder birds, top row a female Purple Finch, Downy Woodpecker. Bottom row a Carolina Wren and the Carolina Chickadee.

Scenes from the NCR bike trail. Top row is a Great Blue Heron next to the river and a white barn. Bottom Row is the Gunpowder River and another barn.

For Tom's Barn Collective we see many barns and farm land around our Mason-Dixon area neighborhood. These cut-outs are popular around our neighborhood, this one above reminds me of the Marlboro Man.

Last but not least, my Great Nephew Neill who just turned 2 and his new baby sister Sonja.

I hope you enjoyed my mish-mash post and images. As always I appreciate your visits and nice comments. Thank you! Have a happy day and new week ahead!

Thanks for visiting my post and as always I appreciate your comments.

Thanks to Tom for hosting The Barn Collective
Thanks to Judith our  host of Mosaic Monday 
Thanks to Monica for hosting NF Trees
Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes
Thanks to the hosting team of Our World Tuesday!
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
Magnificent series pictures you have taken.
I think they photographed all perfect, my compliments
Best regards, Irma

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; First of all, your Great Nephew and his sister look SO adorable♡♡♡ We had busy 2 days, but my husband and I had warm smile after dinner♪
I sure admire your husband's supper moon, I'll try hard take good photographs :-)
Lovely mosaics of great birdies♫♫♫  

Wishing you will have a wonderful coming new week.
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Tom said...

Thanks Eileen for sharing this lovely mish-mash. Delightful bundles of joy! I hope that you find more barns in your travels.

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful photos and how sweet is baby Sonja and with a big brother to love her! The moon shots are gorgeous. I also love the chickadee and wren. So cute!
Have a blessed week, Eileen.
Also, I want to say how nice it is of participants of your Sat. Critters to stop by my post and say hello. A wonderful group of folks.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the moon shots. so pretty. love the glow. awesome times. what a cute little baby. awww!! what a cute little family. we went to my hubby's work party last night & there is a co-worker who has a new grand baby & i can only imagine their Christmas will be super fun. i love watching little ones find Christmas presents they are too surprised and happy. ( :

EG CameraGirl said...

The moon is beautiful in these photos, especially in the photo reflected in the lake. Your rand nephew is adorable!

Mersad said...

That golden moon is wonderful! What an amazing shot. Great reflections as well. Hope to see you link up with Through My Lens tomorrow as well.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great moon shot! For an object that looms so large it's amazing that we see it photographed so rarely.

TexWisGirl said...

sweet little ones. :) loved the birds - the female purple finch is lovely. GREAT moon shot resting atop the trees. :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You take some incredible photos of the moon! WOW! And we have so many birds now here in Florida. They are flocking to the warmth! lol Hugs!

Mary Hone said...

You always get the cutest bird photos. All your pics are great.

Gail said...

Great pictures.

Debbie said...

It's hard to not be awestruck by the super moon image!! Cute little ones, they are so fun at this stage of life!! Have a wonderful Sunday, I think we are down in your neck of the woods, it's 69 degrees and we are lovin' it!!

Ela said...

Your photos are always excellent and very interesting, Eileen !
The moon shots are gorgeous !!
Have a happy Sunday :)

Lea said...

As I was scrolling down through your photos, I was thinking, 'very nice.' Then I got to the children - Wonderful!
Have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is just about The MOST beautiful moon photo i have ever seen. i love it. and the sweet birds and adorable kids.... i also LOVE the marlboro man

Rose said...

Such cute kids, Eileen...that Neil adorable...and the baby a little darling!

Love your barns, and I love the collage with the Great Blue Heron. It goes without saying that I LOVE that Carolina wren.

Martha Z said...

That's a wonderful collection of images, Eileen

Giga said...

Certainly that post I like, especially the nephew of his sister, and the moon with the first shot. Regards.

Cloudia said...

Wow honey! A bounty!

><3 3 3('>

J said...

Those beautiful children! How lucky for them to have a great aunt with such skill behind the lens!
And you are not the only one, it seems! Hubby's photo of the moon is spectacular!

Linda said...

I love your moon photos, Eileen! The little ones and the birds are gorgeous, too! :)

Unknown said...

I love the moon and the birds. Your grandkids are adorable!

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely set of photos!

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent shots...all. I do like the giant moon and also the reflection in the lake.

Of course babies are always sweet.

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, what a beautiful mish-mash of events you posted.Your hubby's supermoon image is stunning! I love your nephew and his baby sister most. Have a great day. Jo

Linda W. said...

Wonderful moon photos, and super cute kids!

Anonymous said...


Louisette said...

Woauff wonderfull phots and sunshine
Greeting from Belgium "Mons ma ville"

Michelle said...

That first shot is my favorite. Just gorgeous! Neill and Sonja are gorgeous too :)

DeniseinVA said...

Your niece and nephew are adorable Eileen, sweet faces. Your moon shots are always impressive, especially in awe of the reflective shot. Enjoyed your birds also the pretty rural scenes. Happy weekend to you :)

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, A little bit of everything here and I enjoyed all of it. Thank you for sharing and have a fine week ahead!

Country Gal said...

Wonderful Mish Mash of photos ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

GreenComotion said...

That photo of the moon has me speechless - phenomenal work, Eileen!
Of course, the other photos are wonderful too.
Have a Great Week, Eileen!
Peace :)

Liz said...

A great "mish mash" series, Eileen! I love your hubby's shot of the Super Moon!

This N That said...

Gorgeous moon shot..Adorable children..Nice mish-mash

Lynne said...

The moon photo, first one, is beautiful . . .
I loved the second reflection . . .
The Flicker and others . . .
Adorable little one . . . new baby . . .
As expected . . . wonderful pictures . . .

The Yum List said...

What fantastic moons shots, and the kids are so cute!

Debby Ray said...

Wow...that moon tucked behind the trees...awesome shot!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Trabalho fantástico e belas fotografias.
Um abraço e boa semana.

podso said...

An amazing view of the moon. I enjoyed your array of photos including the beautiful children. Have a good week!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Hello, Eileen! First I thought "oh how cute birds, especially the chickadee!" and then I needed to add "oh such super cute children!". Lovely post. The moon shots are wonderful too. Have a great new week!

Crimson Kettle said...

Look at that huge moon! Fantastic as are the dear children. Great to be able to see your post again as I have had a few problems. Enjoy your week :-)

Cranberry Morning said...

That little Neill is such a cutie. Congratulations to him on the new baby sister.

The downy is one of my favorites and reminds me that I need to buy suet. So far no snow, but winter won't stay away forever.

I love the moon shots, the second being my favorite.Have a great week, Eileen.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
fabulous photos of the full moon and fantastic photos of the birds. The children are so cute. Congrats !
Best regards, Synnöve

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

Adorable shots of the little cute! Equally nice ones of scenery and birds but that moon shot is absolutely amazing!

Phil Slade said...

Good Morning Eileeen. I didn't know that you are a great aunt and you are obviously proud of those lovely kids.

Great pictures of the full moon, the NCR Trail and of course those yard birds. I hope you have a lovely week ahead.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Charming!!!.. beautiful children's.. Wonderful images and varied .. Have a happy week ..

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

That super moon is incredible! The photo of your sweet niece and nephew topped it though. Beautiful children.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful, the moon, the birds and there was little kids, stunning.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

enjoyed your mishmash...particularly the chickadee :O)

Christine said...

Wow Eileen! The photos of the super moon are fantastic! I really enjoyed seeing the birds around your area especially the woodpeckers.
& how adorable are your great nephew & new baby sister! Congratulations!
Have a wonderful week!

A Colorful World said...

Wow! Those supermoon shots are WONDERFUL! Kudos to your hubby! Secondly, the collage of photos re just beautiful. Enjoyed them all so much! And lastly those little sunshine faces in the last show...too beautiful for words! Such blessings!

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Votos de Feliz Natal

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Adorable great nephew and niece Eileen and your hubby's moon shots are always awesome - the super moon is one of his best.

Helma said...

Hello Eileen,
Again wonderful and beautiful variations to photos. The woodpecker really nice but I also think the matkop and other birds are amazing to see. :-)

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful captures for the day, as always, Eileen!! I do love the moon and, of course, your adorable great nephew!! And, yes, I'm hooked on little new babies these days!! Have a great week!! Enjoy!!

Hootin Anni said...

That moon....well, it is absolutely SUPER. And cute kids...a sweet, proud brother of baby sister.
Love the birds of course.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting today, Eileen! Love all the birds with the feeders! A new member in the family is always fun:) You have a happy week too!

Our photos said...

Very nice ! I love the stunning photos of the moon !!

carol l mckenna said...

All wonderful miracles in your photos ~ The most magnificent is that adorable new baby! Wow!

Wishing you the magic and love of the season,
artmusedog and carol

Lowcarb team member said...

Eileen, what a fantastic selection
... and you saved the cutest 'til last.

All the best Jan

Alexa T said...

Congrats for the little ones! So cute and adorable! And you must have the secret for all the wonderful aspects of nature that you've shared with us! What a moon, as well!!
Warm greetings of december for you!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful set of images. Your nephew is cute.

Al said...

A great medley of photos - congratulations on your new great-niece.

Stephanie said...

Lovely captures! Love that moon shot, the birds and your grandkids!

Anonymous said...

Wow - gorgeous moon shots.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You take the most beautiful moon and bird photos, Eileen. They are always a pleasure to look at. Your great nephew and new baby great nice are beautiful children. Thanks for your good wishes tio me on my recovering from eye surgery! Now I can't wait to get the other eye done

Linda said...

You are posting so many fine photos it is hard to comment but I must say: baby and big brother are adorable!

Indrani said...

Great pics presented.
I have always loved your collages.
I am inspired by you and now started doing some collages in my posts. :)

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Always the great collection Eileen...the moon is superb, and oh the cute birds. But the best are the adorable shots of your niece and nephew.

Gardens Eye View
Living From Happiness

Shantana said...

What a lovely lovely post. The children are adorable! Lovely images too. Have a great day!

ann said...

Such sweet babies. I always enjoy a visit to your neighborhood, especially the lovely bird photos.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

You certainly served up a meal of Mish-Mash ... Delicious, Eileen. Your lake offers you many beautiful pictures and your surroundings seem to have endless opportunity. Congrats to your husband on his wonderful moon shot. Your combining everything is a smart move ... I am guessing you are as busy as the rest of us getting ready for Christmas. And, can't forget the cuties ... your niece and nephew are adorable, but I think you know that already. Hope your Holidays are wonderful, Eileen ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

Andrea said...

I love your very big moon Eileen, and of course your backyard is so tranquil and peaceful.

Fun60 said...

A wonderful collection but I think the moon shots are spectacular.

Barb said...

You must live in Birdville, Eileen! Those children are beautiful.

fredamans said...

Both of those moon shots are pretty incredible!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Very enjoyable mix of images. Quite an active back yard. Love the Purple Finch, a bird we cannot hope to see in south Florida (nor chickadees!)

Neil said...

Great MishMash

sunshine said...

A beautiful collection of photos.

Sonja said...

Another lovely collection, Eileen. That first image is an eye-catching one, and it's a lovely way to finish with the children.

Small Kucing said...

Happy Birthday to Neil. Both Neil and SOnja looks so cute

Ruth said...

Wow! Those moon photos are incredible. You should write posts with photo tips.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Congrats on the newest member of the family, both of the children are beautiful! How fun it must be to be a Great Aunt.

Lovely photos and that moon was something else this past Fall, I have been hearing that we are getting another special moon for Christmas Eve. Hope that is true!

Have a lovely day,

Ohmydearests said...

incredible moon shots! you have lovely visitors to your garden + your great nephew + niece are adorable!

Laura. M said...

Fantastic that moon !!
Very handsome your nephews, Eileen, the child is happy with his hernana ♥ ♥ ;)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Christmas is going to be a lot of fun at your great nephews house! Sister won't care, but he's the perfect age! Beautiful scenes fro beautiful Washington. Sad we didn't have time to visit any of those great places ... Next summer will be better!

KL said...

Absolutely fantastic pictures. If I could take pictures like you through my kitchen window, then I would be jumping out in joy. Loved every one of the pictures.

likeschocolate said...

Lovely photos and what a sweet baby! Have a great week!

HappyK said...

WOW you get a LOT of comments!!!
That moon is fantastic as are all you pictures.
I have gotten so far behind in blog reading, just trying to catch up.

NatureFootstep said...

loved to see your yellow moon today. And all nice birds.
Neill is a beautiful little boy. And his sister is sweet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Such great pictures! Well done. I especially love that Flicker! Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

Rohrerbot said...

Purple finches!!! You have some great backyard birds. They are SOOOO tricky here to find. In fact, we are going to chase a Carolina Wren this weekend. The things we do for birds:) Love the moon shots.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Adorable grandchildren and congratulations on the newest addition to your family Eileen. I think your Flicker images are wonderful. Happy weekend~

Life Images by Jill said...

I love your photo of the moon coming up. We have a new addition to our family too. A great nephew.
Have a lovely week leading up to Christmas Eileen.

thomas said...

Love the moon shot.

Rambling Woods said...

Awww beautiful baby and little boy Eileen..I love the moon shots and the birds....Michelle

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful ecclectic collection of images! I love that first shot of the moon, and your bird images are always stunning. You have beautiful little ones in your family.

Ana Freire said...

I loved the moon and the birds!!!
And I loved to see your Great Nephew and his little sister!!!
Adorable images!!!!
Merry Christmas, to you all!!!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...