Saturday, December 5, 2015

Saturday's Critters #103

Saturday's Critters #103

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. As always I appreciate everyone who is able to link in with this week's critter party.

I am sharing some more birds and critters seen during our trip to Ocean City, Maryland. There were plenty of gull species, terns and we saw some dolphins swimming by while we walked on the beach.

Some dolphins swimming by.

These two were swimming by the Ocean City inlet, they look darker than the dolphins above, I was thinking they may be the Pilot Whales.

In their usual place on the rocks and jetty I found the Ruddy Turnstones and some other shorebirds.

It was cool to watch the Northern Gannets diving into the ocean from our balcony.

While watching the sunset on the bayside, a fisherman caught this small Sand Shark. He released this small shark back into the water.

I believe these are the Forster's Terns

I was attracted to this dog, maybe because of it's cute ears. Adorable!

More Terns and gulls on the beach, just chillin.  I hope you enjoyed my critter post. Thank you for stopping by, thanks for joining in with my critter party. Most of all thank you for all the nice comments.  Have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. Thank you for hosting again this week, Eileen! It looks like you had a wonderful time in Ocean City. I would have been thrilled to see the dolphins!

  2. Wonderful critters! I love the dog and the shark was neat to see. Have a great weekend, Eileen!

  3. That Shark shot is hilarious and you are right, that dog is VERY cute. Love watching GAnnets dive and you c certainly saw a good number of gulls ad terns. Thanks for hoting and have a wonderful weekend Eileen

  4. many gorgeous critter. And I agree with you, the little dog is very cute. And I an glad the shark is back in it´s true habitat. :)

  5. Hi Eileen, thanks for sharing these cute critters. I love the sand shark and the dog with the big ears. Thanks for hosting this meme; I love joining in. Have a great weekend. Jo

  6. Excellent images. How to to be in an area where there are so many different species. The Sand Shark has a look on his face like"Wot the heck'.

  7. The whales and the cute, cute doggie are my favorites today!!

  8. I 1st read Turnstones as Turtles Eileen & was trying to see where the Turtles were in the photo but all I could see was birds. Then I read it again properly. :D I've got a fairly new pair of glasses too.
    The Shark photo is excellent, what a great example of being in the right place with your camera at the right time. And that little dog is just so sweet. We have a Toy Poodle so I'm used to using the words Dog & Sweet in the same sentence as our little girl is so sweet too.

  9. Hi Eileen, Happy Saturday to you. Thank you for hosting Saturday's Critters. Love your ocean view. So kind of the fisherman to release the small baby shark back into the water. Love the adorable dog with the cute ears too.

  10. I love that dog! The ears are really HUGE.

  11. Good morning, Eileen! What a lovely series! I am glad that the fisherman returned the shark to the water! I can see why you were attracted to the dog, the ears are huge, and it is so beautiful! :) I love the ocean, and I see many of my fellow ocean lovers...seagulls! Thanks for all the joy you bring with your photos. :)

  12. Hello Eileen,
    Very nice pictures.
    Great to see the jumping Dolphins and amazing to see that little shark.
    Funny shot of that dog.

    Many greetings,

  13. Beautiful critters, Eileen! This dog is so cute!:) Have a nice weekend!

  14. Truly fascinating critters! Have a lovely weekend!

  15. Good morning Eileen! A wonderful array of great critters! I've never seen dolphins in the wild at first hand so lucky you! The shark is a super close up and the dog is just heart meltingly cute!
    Thanks for hosting this great meme!
    Happy Saturday!

  16. Beautiful photos
    ~ Have a nice weekend ~

  17. Nice views of the ocean and its critters. Glad that the shark got to go back home.

  18. Very nice pictures. Thank you for hosting, Eileen. That shark is amazing. I love that sweet little dog, too! Happy Saturday.

  19. Dearest Eileen; I'd LOVE to see wild dolphin if I could, and the shark photo is gorgeous♪ Gannets diving must have been amazing, haha terns and gulls look a bit cold, aren't they p:-) The doggie (maybe papillon) is SO adorable♡♡♡
    Thank you SO much for hosting and have a wonderful weekend♫♫♫ 

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako* 

  20. Fun photos from the beach Eileen. I have enjoyed them all. The close up of the sand shark was amazing and I also was glad he was returned to the sea. Loved the little dog with the ears and all the birds were great and seeing the dolphins swim by, that is always cool. I wonder if the darker ones were pilot whales. You certainly saw a lot to photograph. Great shots! Happy weekend :)

  21. Belas fotografias gostei dos golfinhos.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  22. Hi Eileen. And thanks for allowing me to join in this week. I am so pleased the fisherman let the sand shark go. Such a beautiful creature. Like wise the little dog - what amazing ears it has.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  23. Oh, I love that dog with those big wars! So cute!

  24. It is thrilling to see dolphins bob up and down the water surface. Photographing them is a bit tricky though. Great shots for the week.

  25. Nice shots of the sea and shore life! I've never seen dolphins outside of an aquarium.

  26. Good morning Eileen, yes I'd be running over to say hello to that pup too, very sweet. What a cool small? shark! That is really something to see. You always have a great round up of cool critters. Enjoy your day.

  27. What a place to go, excellent find Eileen.

  28. These are lovely shots of your time along the shore. How cool to see not only dolphins, but whales and sharks! Love the shot of the gannet dive bombing into the water!

  29. Hi Y'all!

    Oh how I love the ocean and the sea birds.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  30. i bet that cute pup has extreme hearing...dolphins always excite me when i see them, they are much like people. yikes on the shark

  31. A great series of critters, Eileen!

  32. ✿Ù‡° ·.
    Um belo passeio com lindas fotos.
    Ótimo fim de semana com tudo de bom!
    ❤Ù‡°˚ ·.

  33. Hi there Eileen! Thank-you again for hosting. I'm joining in this weekend with a post from this past Spring. We had a gorgeous family of killdeer nesting in our yard, and I was lucky enough to get some photos on hatch-day!!!

  34. Marvelous critters! I always enjoy seeing dolphins.

  35. Papillon's are sweet dogs. Papillon means butterfly, they are named that because their ears look like butterfly wings, lol. Great shots, Eileen, thank you for hosting!

  36. Love the pup and the pilot whales...Nice series, Eileen..

  37. WOW ! You get a lot of different and interesting nature there ! Wonderful photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  38. Eileen, such cute critters today!

  39. cute puppy

    Your first shot reminds me of the thrill I'd get the first couple of decades in Tampa, driving one of the bridges over the bay, and seeing a pod of dolphins breaking the water. I kept my eyes on the water more than the road. Lucky to still be alive *wink*

  40. Dolphins are so hard to catch out of the water. Whales too. Good catch!

  41. You've got lots of great critters today - I love the dolphins and cute dog. I'll be linking up before long!

  42. Great photos, I am glad the shark was also returned to the waters too.

  43. Hi Eileen, Wonderful picures of a happy trip. I sure like the dolphins. Surprisingly, I have not yet seen any dolphins here in Florida in the three years I have been here. Have a super good weekend!

  44. That dog is a cutie, and I bet it was fun to watch those diving birds. That always fascinates me to see any bird dive like that.

  45. Oh Beach life - I miss it (except for crowds of people)!

  46. Once again, thanks for linking up for viewing this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'

    Hope your weekend is filled with sunshine and laughter Eileen.

  47. Good collections of critters here today!
    That sand shark looks like an old man without any teeth. : )

  48. Fabulous Eileen...I adore the beach and especially the dolphins...that little shark certainly reminds us to be careful!

  49. While you know the dolphins and pilot whales and birds are great, that dog has my attention too!...:)JP

  50. Cute doggie and awesome photography of nature!!!

    Wishing you a magical weekend,
    artmusedog and carol

  51. Beautiful blue water. Beautiful images. Very handsome dog
    Have a good weekend.

  52. That shark image is amazing!

  53. I like the doggy too. The shark looks like a puppet to me, perhaps because I'm thinking of a shark puppet that Craig Ferguson used to have on his show.

  54. Another great selection of critters, Eileen! Thanks for hosting.

  55. aww, that doggie is too too cute! i love those ears. what a sweetheart, happy weekend to you, Eileen. ( :

  56. the papillon is cute! a strong wind and he'd be gone! :)

    the gannet's are very cool! dolphins, too.

  57. Hi Eileen, Another great Saturday's Critters. I love that pic of the tiny shark! Wow, how neat is that? I always enjoy your pics around the waterfront. Hope you are having a fine weekend.

  58. Wonderful critters. I love the dog shot the best.

  59. I think the dog may be a Papillon...not sure. I have always liked them, too. But kinda like I am with rocks, I've never met an ugly dog...yet.

    All great photographs.

    Have a wonderful week.

  60. Hi friend!!!...very cool series of images.. beautiful dog .. Happy Sunday and coming week

  61. in love with everything as always

  62. Lovely photos Eileen. The shark one is amazing and I'm glad it was returned into the water. The little dog is cute.

  63. A cute pup, what a treat to see Dolphins!!

  64. Hello Eileen
    How wonderful to see Dolphins ... and that dog, definitely does look so cute and adorable!

    All the best Jan

  65. From the birds to the dolphins, everything about the beach is wonderful, isn't it -- And the cute pup is just a bonus! You had great weather, which I know added to your great fun! Hope you've had a good weekend too!

  66. The dog looks really cute. I never see a shark so near. Thank you and have a nice day

  67. It would have been fun watching the gannets diving.

  68. Awesome shots of the seaside, with the dolphins playing...and that sand shark catch & release. :-) I've ben out of town, but my trip will yield some critters for next week & several weeks beyond! :-)

  69. Doggie ears bigger than his face . . .
    So cute . . .
    Liked the terns too . . .
    The small shark looked frightened to death. I hope he survived.
    A Pigeon walked right in front of me while in Chicago.
    Almost stepped on him.
    Had I had my phone out like 99% of the other people around me
    I would have had a pic for Saturday's Critters . . .
    Instead . . . I am telling you about it a few days later!

  70. Great images!
    I found the Shark kind of cute... maybe because it has no teeth yet... and doesn't look dangerous.
    And I loved the dog... another great sequence of beautiful shots, of the coast of Maryland!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Enjoy your week... so special!
    All the best!

  71. A beautiful series of natural images. Well, that little shark back into the water. Regards.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...