Sunday, December 27, 2015

Piney Run Park

I have a list below of memes I am joining for this week, and to save time I am doing one post for all. They are all fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun  and check out some of the participating posts. Special thanks to all the wonderful host and their memes, I hope you have some time to check them out.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their Christmas and this holiday season. I want to thank everyone who has visited and commented on my post over the last year. I wish everyone a very happy healthy New Year.

It was a foggy morning during our visit to the Piney Run Park in Eldersburg, Md. We walked along the trail near the lake shore in both directions. We saw the Tundra Swans, various ducks and a huge flock of Canada Geese flew in while we were there.

Tundra Swans, Canada Geese and some Mallard Ducks

Tundra Swans, Mallard and a couple of Ring-necked Ducks.

The Piney Run Lake and park in southern Carroll County Maryland.

Way across the lake and in the middle of my photo I could see a horse farm with a nice barn for Tom's meme The Barn Collective.

Thru the fog, I was able to zoom in for a close look at the barn and stables.

A view of the farm and Canada Geese in the lake.

Just part of the trail along the lake at Piney Run. I hope you enjoyed my post and images. As always I appreciate your visits and nice comments. Thank you! Have a happy day and new week ahead!

Thanks for visiting my post and as always I appreciate your comments.

Thanks to Tom for hosting The Barn Collective
Thanks to Judith our  host of Mosaic Monday 
Thanks to Monica for hosting NF Trees
Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes
Thanks to the hosting team of Our World Tuesday!
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


LOU Blogs said...

Wonderfull shot gorgeous landscape,Happy end Xmas days , best regard from Belgium

Louisette said...

Happy days untill New Year. Great Shots.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You have shared another wonderful birding spot! And another beautiful scenery one as well. Something so special about seeing huge flicks of migrating birds .. Even thinking about it brings a huge smile to my face. I hope you two had a great Christmas and I wish you a perfect 2016!

Lynne said...

Nice group of foggy pics . . .
Loved "the whites" in the collage and first few pics.

Lea said...

Lovely birds! And I like the photos of the wooden walkways, gazebo, etc. Your weather looks just like ours here in Mississippi. So strange to have a warm rainy Christmas, but looking at our forecast, Winter is coming about the second week in January.
Have a great week!

Tom said...

What a wonderful place Eileen. Thanks for sharing that huge barn this week. I hope that you find an occasional barn in your travels in 2016.

Cloudia said...

Your photos look like paintings, Eileen!

( '>
Warm ALOHA to You,


Debbie said...

You find the best nature spots!! I love the foggy, hazy views and those beautiful swans!! Christmas was kinda' quiet, and I'm kinda' glad it's over!!

Linda said...

Gorgeous photos, Eileen! What a beautiful place! I could happily spend a few hours exploring and just enjoying!

TexWisGirl said...

pretty area! love that barn! swans sure dress things up, too.

The Yum List said...

I love the way the second to last photo is framed by the trees.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Oh the Swans! Wow! I really think they are exquisite! Have a fantastic coming week1

HappyK said...

Looks like a great walking place. Fabulous photos. Love the gazebo.

Small Kucing said...

Lovely photo as always, Eileen :)

Hope you had a great Christmas. New Year is just around the corner. Here is to wish you a great year ahead

rupam sarma said...

Awesome photos

Anu said...

Gorgeous landscapes and nice series of Tundra swans and Mallards.

Amy said...

I really like the view across the lake, think I'd like to walk around that :-)

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Fotografias espectaculares.
Um abraço e continuação de Boas Festas.

Sue said...

I was impressed with the "stillness" of the water--very nice. We've been crazy windy here lately. Bah!

What a terrific old barn. And that bottom photo of the boardwalk---very cool.

Hope you have a safe and Happy New Year.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Wonderful views, a little bit foggy and so serene, and lovely birds. The view of the farm and Canada Geese in the lake is my favourite.
Hoping you had a lovely Christmas, Eileen, I wish you a very Happy Birding and Photography Year 2016!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

looks like a fun place to grab a lunch or a few pics when sunny. i love ducks. so cute for the pics. have a happy week!! ( :

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful images, the Tundra Swans are the best.

Christine said...

Hello Eileen! another great selection of photos in a very pretty area. The swan are beautiful and the barns are a great find!
Have a great week!

Jo said...

Hello Eileen, compliments of the season to you and your hubby. I love the neat collage of birds. Swans are not something we would see in Africa. Thanks for sharing. Greetings Jo

Anonymous said...

Beautiful collection of images. We've had a lot of foggy weather this past week as well. Hope you enjoy this last week of 2015!

Alexa T said...

...(to continue) May you have a very prousperous, positive, joyful time till the New Year will come,so soon, a great start in this new week of Winter Holidays, too!
The tundra swans and the gazebo on the pond, the lake view seen in the fog and the path along...oh my... this is a wonder, indeed!
Happy New Year with good cheer, lots of good health and many joys from nature, family and friends!
My warm greetings from here! Alexa

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Oh my what a magnificent spot...all those incredible views you captured...wishing you a Happy New Year!

Nancy Chan said...

I enjoy the pics of Piney Run Park. Love the countryside view. Have a wonderful new week!

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful images and a zillion windows in that barn.

Gail said...

Through your eyes...thank you. Beautiful.

Life Images by Jill said...

this looks like a lovely place to walk and sit whatever the weather. Wishing you a wonderful 2016 Eileen and many more wonderful travels and photo sharing.

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

All great photos Eileen, but I sure do love those swans! and that boardwalk!

Linda Kay said...

Especially love the swans, Eileen. They are such a graceful bird. Have a wonderful week.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the beauty of the fog and that is a lovely barn.. i would like to see swans in the wild. have only seen them in Jungle gardens here.

Phil Slade said...

Hello Eileen. Piney Run Park and the area of the lake are so picturesque. A lovely place to explore or simply take in the view along that boardwalk. Or maybe take a seat at the table and have a good long think and put the world to rights!

Have a lovely week ahead and all Best Wishes for the New Year.

This N That said...

Beautiful images, Eileen..They look like paintings..Love the Barn photos..That's quite a zoom you have there...Have a wonderful week..

September Violets said...

Such beautiful images of this small lake Eileen! You really capture the feeling of that still, slightly misty day when you feel you have the whole place to yourselves. What a lovely setting for a farm ... I can see why the original owners chose this pretty spot.

Marit said...

Wonderful images!

Thank you for all your comments!

I wish you a Happy New Year, Eileen!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
fantastic photos of your walk on a gray day. We have also no snow and a weather like in Autumn.
Best regards, Synnöve

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Even though it was a foggy morning you sure got some wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing them. Hope you and your family have a very Happy New Year! Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog!

EG CameraGirl said...

Ooh! Love seeing the swans!

Sarah said...

Yes, this was a most enjoyable post. Amazing shots! The swans are magnificent!
Happy New Year!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes! I love the swans, too!! Lovely captures as always, Eileen!! Thank you for sharing the beauty!! Wishing you a very Beautiful and Happy New Year!!

Fun60 said...

Those close ups are excellent. Thank you for your many visits to my blog and your encouraging comments. May I take this opportunity to wish you a healthy and happy 2016.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

What a treat to see swans so easily and more great places to walk with your camera.
Thank you for your faithful support and participation in Mosaic Monday Eileen, it is greatly appreciated.
Best wishes for 2016!

Our photos said...

Wonderful series !

Jenn Jilks said...

So many memes, so little time! I can barely keep up with them as it is!

carol l mckenna said...

Always beautiful and well done photography, Eileen ~ Marvelous!

Wishing you a Happy New Year,
artmusedog and carol

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Beautiful swans! The fog gives everything a eerie look. All nice shots.
Thanks for stopping by. My daughter is the one who does the mischievous elf for my Granddaughter. :) Enjoy your evening.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Oh how I enjoyed your pictures. That is a wonderful barn, especially. I appreciate your blog friendship. I look forward to next year and hope you and yours will have a happy and healthy 2016.

ann said...

Yes. Snow here and it is very cold. 12 degrees tonight and the Broncos are playing, losing to Bengals. Touchdown Denver. Anyway. Beautiful scenery in your photos this time; well, as usual. Love the swans. We see millions, literally, of Canada geese here, rarely swans. I like swans. Happy New Year Eileen and thank you visiting the Garden Spot and leaving such nice comments always.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It looks warm and foggy there, Eileen. Loved seeing all the swans. We've had lots of snow on and off all month of December. I would love to add my mule deer buck photos to your Saturday critters but I'm having round 2 of eye surgery in my other eye this week and will be offline a week or two.

Have a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful park with so many birds.

Arija said...

What a beautiful place to visit with delightful picnicking facilities and those beautiful Tundra Swans.
Thank you for being such a good friend my dear. Believe me, I have needed all the friends I could muster this year past. Much better this last six weeks and enjoying life again.
Wishing yu the most wonderful New Year ahead. Hugs . . . Arija

Rose said...

Wonderful set of photos....I LOVE that barn. I would love to see inside it.

Linda said...

Looks like a neat park to visit.

Stewart M said...

Thats a nice collection of waterfowl - looks very much like a winter scene from my past!

We had parrots in the garden for Christmas!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Unknown said...

Wonderful shots Eileen, particularly the shot of the farm and geese. Have a very happy new year

K V V S MURTHY said...

I found no words for the pics.Great photography.

Reader Wil said...

i Eileen! I always enjoy seeing your post about nature.It makes me wish to be with you in the environment where you live.
Have a great New Year,
Wil, ABCW Team.

forgetmenot said...

Eileen, Always fun to see your great photos. Happy New Year - may it be filled with much joy and many blessings. Mickie

podso said...

There's a certain mood to your photos with the fog…they are really beautiful and evoke an emotion of calm I think. Happy 2016!

Findlay Wilde said...

What a great place to go birding. I really like the look of those Tundra Swans. I hope you have lots of brilliant walks like that in 2016.

Al said...

What a beautiful park. I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful 2016!

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

A melhor saída é seguir em frente com motivação.
Feliz Ano Novo

Adam Tilt said...

Great selection of images Eileen. Happy new year to you as well.

Debby Ray said...

Lovely, lovely photos! I see it was favorite time for shooting just about anything :)

NatureFootstep said...

your tundra swan seem to glow. So beautiful.

Our little lake is covered with ice now and I saw some whooper swans standing on the ice :(

Wishing you a great New Year. Thanks a lot for the one soon finished :)

Becca said...

That looks like such a gorgeous place to go for a walk. I especially love the picture of the mallards - they are my favorite! :)

theconstantwalker said...

A wonderful post x

Sonja said...

Definitely winter where you are judging from this post. Thanks for sharing your interesting year and happy birding and travels in 2016.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

What a peaceful, calming place to be. If I was a bird, I'd head there, too. Happy New Year!
The View from the Top of the Ladder

GranthamLynn said...

Beautiful shots as always. I wish I had more opts. for shooting nature! Maybe in the spring I can venture out in the neighborhood!
Until then...I'm doing a feature in February and want to invite you!
I'll be writing a post to link for tomorrow.
I wanted to invite you. Ask you. To join me in my America The Beautiful/Hometown tour feature.
I'd love posts written about where bloggers live.
Would you join me and write a post about your hometown?
I'll be announcing the feature on New Years Day with a button.
I'd like to include the list of planned features. It'll be ongoing
up to February. Then when you post I'll feature your post on my blog.
I'd love you to join the fun!
I'll see you Saturday with my latest critter shots!
Happy New Year!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Oh My, how relaxing and good for our heath to strollariund and enjoy birding♡♡♡ Yes,LOVE the Tundra Swans♪ Haha, you know why.
Wishing you will have a wonderful coming New Year☆☆☆

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Small Kucing said...

Nice to be able to see the place through your eyes, Eileen.

magiceye said...

Beautiful soft images!

Cath said...

beautiful scenes Eileen.....but it does look chilly!

Królowa Karo said...

Nice place and good pictures!

Laura. M said...

Beautiful !!
I wish you a happy new year full of happiness. And to continue sharing ;)
Feliz año Nuevo Eileen ♥

Giga said...

Lovely walk and what we could see. I wish you a wonderful 2016 years!

Black Jack's Carol said...

Hello Eileen, I hope Christmas was a happy time for you and your family. I especially loved your foggy, scenery shots in this post. The barn and stables were amazing. I caught up with your critter post as well. The cardinal and that cute "piggy" squirrel really caught my eye, but you continue to find such a wonderful range of birds around you. I'm not sure if Piney Run Park is close to your home. It looks like a delightful place to visit. You have been such a consistent blogger and commenter over the years. Truly an inspiration!

Wally Jones said...

Wonderful images, Eileen! Thank you for sharing your local beauty. We lived in Maryland for a few years and truly loved the rural countryside.

Happy New Year!

A Colorful World said...

Love the swans! Piney Run Lake looks like such a beautiful place! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

KL said...

Thanks for this interesting post. I live in NJ and thus MD quite close to us. I hope to visit it one-day soon.

betty-NZ said...

Nice variety of shots. Thanks for taking us along :)

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Happy New Year my friend and I hope it is wonderful for you and yours. I enjoy my visits to see what you have been up to and I hope to see at least 55 more this coming year. Many Blessings to you~

Ingmarie We said...

It is a rest for the soul to watch all your beautiful images of nature and birds Eileen. Happy New Year.

Ana Freire said...

A very beautiful and calm place... as we can see in this stunning sequence of great images!
Well done, Eileen! As usual... a wonderful work!
All the best!

Ailime said...

Hi Eileen, I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR Hugs.
(Your photos are beautiful)

21 Wits said...

Goodness all lovely photos from the beach, to the winter scenes and wildlife, all great captures! I hope you're having a wonderful beginning to 2016!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...