Saturday, December 26, 2015

Saturday's Critters #106

Saturday's Critters #106

Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with New Hope, New Joy and New Beginnings! May peace, love and prosperity follow you always! 

Happy Saturday, I hope everyone had a great Christmas. It's time to share your critters post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

A pouty looking female Cardinal.

A Dark-eyed Junco

The Downy woodpecker

A Tufted Titmouse and a Chickadee

A piggy squirrel empties the feeder.

More peanuts please!  I hope you enjoyed my backyard birds and critter..

As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. Please tell the squirrel, more peanuts make him nut.

  2. lol, squirrels always finds it´s way into the food. Don´t they?

    Wishing you a Happy New Year too.
    Thanks for hosting SC during 2015. Looking forward to 2016.

  3. Good morning Eileen, compliments of the season to you and your family. Thanks for hosting this meme. You'll note I have rather a strange mix of critters in today's post, but there you are! Greetings, Jo

  4. I like the pouty looking female Cardinal and the dark-eyed Junco looks cute and round. The piggy squirrel enjoys her peanuts. Happy Saturday to you too!

  5. I admire the squirrels for their cunning and persistence. After seeing your birds I am tempted to put up a feeder again. Need to outsmart muscular Muscovy Ducks which are able to clean it out in minutes. A local ordinance prohibits feeding the ducks as they are such a nuisance.

  6. Eileen, amazing shots as always of your critter friends.

  7. Dearest Eileen; Your varieties of birdies always warmed my heart♪ My favorite is Junco; really cute and adorable, fluffy, fur ball♡♡♡
    Piggy squirrel smiled me,'empties the feeder'p:-) I sometimes worry seeing my husband eats too much peanuts(^^;)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Great bird photos, and I adore the squirrel in the feeder!

  9. Beautiful choices to ring in the New Year, esp the birds!

  10. The squirrel is too cute! I've never seen one in my life! Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas!

  11. Thank you for your New Year wishes Eileen. You have given us all a lovely set of photos to start the New Year.

    Thank you also for hosting this meme throughout 2015. I look forward to joining in during 2016.

    Best wishes to you and your family from England.

  12. Glorious series of captures, Eileen! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  13. Very nice variety! Love the juncos, but they don't come around often. Unfortunately, the piggy squirrels do. :-) Hope you had a great Christmas!

  14. I always enjoy . . .
    I liked "piggy" eating up the seed . . .
    One less I will have to feed . . .

  15. Beautiful birds, but my heart was stolen squirrel. Regards.

  16. Hi Eileen
    Excellent capture of the female cardinal. The woodpeckers like to sit and ponder what's in a feeder, don't they? Great photos.

  17. 'piggy' squirrel has put himself in a precarious position. Happy Day.

  18. hi eileen, i hope you had a wonderful christmas!!! i have a post scheduled for 10 am, finally, a real bird!!!

    your juno's are back, i have not seen mine. the squirrel image is my favorite. it's not difficult to find them in the wrong place at the right time!!!!!

    a beautiful selection of birds!!!!!

  19. Happy New Year Eileen! That squirrel makes me laugh. I guess that is what I looked like yesterday at Christmas lunch!!!
    Beautiful birds, too. Have a lovely day.

  20. ohhh...lots of blogs with chickadees today


  21. Cute squirrel! I just wish they weren't so greedy. And I always love to see the birds that visit your yard.

  22. So beautiful pics
    Happy New Year ,Greetings from India

  23. Hi Y'all!

    Ornery squirrels...always winning at the feeders!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  24. Got to love how industrious a squirrel can be. Same goes for my woodrats. - Margy

  25. Such cuties! Lovely photos, as always!
    Have a nice and Christmassy weekend!

  26. Lovely critters, Eileen!

    Squirrels are so lucky they have those cute, bushy tails, aren't they?

  27. Beautiful collection of birds, and I just love the squirrels. They are so much fun to watch.

  28. Good call on the female cardinal, Eileen. She does indeed look "pouty".

    We had no electric for 2 days (including Christmas day!!) What a mess---big wind storm blew through. Still had a very nice day, but so so so glad to have the power back on.
    Happy New Year to you, dear lady. I hope you have many happy days of birding in the new year.

  29. Great shots again Eileen... and goodness - it's the 26th December!

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas Day, and my good wishes for this most special time of year.

    All the best Jan

  30. the junco makes me want to hold him in the palms of my hands.. gently. the squirrel makes me smile

  31. Wonderful Pictures Eileen, especially of the squirrel getting the LAST morsel!!!
    I'm very nervous with all the warm weather we're having here in the Atlanta area. It looks like your photos - still winter - but buds are starting to pop out and with another week of this warmth - we won't have a spring since everything will be frozen back here soon!!

  32. Your pretty female cardinal reminded me of the time I found a fake one in a florist shop. I was admiring it and the owner told me "you don't see females very often." I was stunned. Had no idea that a female wasn't solid red too! I bought the sweet little bird and still have her somewhere in my boxes of Christmas things!

  33. I like the cardinal photo. And the pic of the squirrel into the bird feeder made me laugh. I enjoy watching the backyard gymnastics of our squirrels as they try to get food out of our bird feeders.

  34. Critters seem to be happy this holiday season! Happy New Year!

  35. My favorite is the cardinal though all your photos are always wonderful.

  36. Is it really Saturday? I've been very confused this week. Love the piggy squirrel! They are so much fun to watch. I'll have to check my blog posts and see if I have a critter for you. Happy new year to you as well. I'm sure I will be saying that more this week. Enjoy your weekend. A little winding down.

  37. "Pouty" is a great descriptor for that cardinal - she looks as though she scolding someone. ;-)

  38. Ha, ha! I love the piggy squirrel! Wishing you a new year of continued artistic expression and plenty of joy.

  39. Beautiful series of birds. Squirrels are very greedy, but they look so cute.

  40. The best way out is to move forward with motivation.
    Good New Year 2016

  41. Beautiful shots, Eileen! Thanks for hosting.
    Best wishes for a New Year full of health, happiness and prosperity for you and your family.

  42. What a lovely post and beautiful animals !!
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas time !!!!

  43. adorable little junco and basket-case squirrel. :)

  44. The squirrels look so sweet in their busyness.Excellent bird images!

    Thanks for your good wishes for the new year!!!

  45. Superb series Eileen, and have a great week.

  46. The squirrel is a lovely, cute little one, Eileen! But all these critters are, cute ,as well!!! So thankful for sharing them with us through your so, so magical photo lens...
    May you have a very prousperous, positive, joyful time till New Year will come!...

  47. What a wonderful collection of birds! I really like the fat looking junco. And here's to Sir Squirrel as well.

  48. Great series of captures Eileen. I wonder what it is that causes our hearts to melt at the sight of a squirrel/chipmunk holding food to its mouth?! (perhaps for us in the southern hemisphere it is a rare sight) Whatever the cause, thank you for sharing your part of our world and its critters. Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy and peaceful 2016.

  49. What a lovely post... and amazing catches!!!!
    My best wishes to you and yours, in the coming year, Eileen!
    Happy 2016!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...