Thursday, November 22, 2018

Duck, Duck, Goose!


I hope everyone in the USA has a Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my family, food on the table and a warm house.  I think about those in California who have lost family members, their homes and all their belongings. My prayers go out to the fire victims and to the firefighters. 

Recently hubby and I had a lot of shopping to do, but we wanted to do a walk too while the weather was cooperating. We walked around the path at a local pond in the Westminster Community Park located in Westminster Maryland. Since we live in rural area our shopping is a 15-30 minute drive away. 

These are some photos I took while walking the path around the pond, we saw lots of Canada Geese, Mallards, Hybrid ducks and I think white Domestic Ducks. 

The path is like a figure eight with a bridge going across the middle of the pond. 

The Geese and ducks must be used to people coming to feed them. 

The sky was mostly cloudy but we did see some blue sky poking out in places. 

The were still some colorful Autumn leaves and trees. 

We walked over this bridge but the path led to a community of houses so we just backtracked and finished walking around the pond.

Pretty blue sky. 

Colorful leaves and the Canada Geese finding food on the grass. 

I am thankful for my family.
A thankful heart is a happy heart. 
am thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to the hosts of   Skywatch Friday

Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


  1. Hi Eileen, I really like how that walk is set out, being able cross the water. Lovely spots from which to take photos. It's well inhabited by ducks and geese by the looks. What a gorgeous place to live too.
    Thanks for another beautiful post full of the simple things in life and nature. All the best :D)

  2. Birds together, I would hope one day all humanity might be the same and live in Harmony. A lovely bridge, and the walkway is a great addition for those to walk around.

  3. that is a lovely place to take a wlk round an so close to home. Lots of waterfowl to see what is good Eileen

  4. Great pictures . . .
    Liked the Duck, Duck Goose . . .
    I imagine you had to do some “ducking” with so many ducks around.
    Loved the touches of blue sky and dots of fall color . .
    It will be changing fast very soon, no doubt.
    I like your thankful heart . . .

  5. São lindos os patos e gansos e o céu! beijos, ótimo fim de semana! beijos, chica

  6. Enjoyable ducky post.
    I am thankful for my family too: it is precious.
    Happy weekend, Eileen!

  7. Hari Om
    Hope that your TG-day was joyous and that you continue to live blessed, bringing us such lovely scenes as these - for which we are grateful!!! YAM xx

  8. Hello Eileen!
    I hope you had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving with your family!
    Gorgeous pictures from your walk at this beautiful park with the Autumn scenery !
    Great captures of the Geese’s and the Mallard ducks! Beautiful sky photos!
    Have a lovely day and a happy weekend!

  9. Lovely photos of the ducks and geese. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  10. Nice post again, Eileen. The second last photo is my favourite this time.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Hello, Thanks for your beautiful post.
    Happy Thanksgiving. Greetings from India

  12.'s nice to see them getting along together. Something for humans to understand.

  13. I am glad to see those CANADA Geese munching away on the grass!

  14. As I see this then it looks really like the Netherlands. Same landscape and same birds. Nice.

  15. The park looks like a nice place to take a walk especially the bridge over the water. It is definitely a duck, duck, goose place to walk. I hope you and your family had a lovely Thanksgiving. Due to work schedules, we are having our Thanksgiving Sunday.

  16. You are blessed with a lovely park with a perfect walk view. Thanks for sharing another wonderful nature walk.

  17. my favorite is the last one today, and I noticed your grass is still green at Thanksgiving, which is a good sign. a beautiful spot to walk, I prefer walking over shopping any day

  18. Hello Eileen,

    Beautiful photos! Your 4th photo is very pretty with the clouds and a little blue sky.

    Happy Weekend!

  19. I hope yours was very happy. What a lovely walk you two had. We cherish days like that.


  20. Love that seventh shot . . . great skywatch photo

  21. I would have wished you a Happy T-day, but you turned comments off. So happy day after! Thanks for your comment on my blog. Barb

  22. That is a nice way to break up a shopping trip, Eileen!

  23. Nice walk. Like the footbridge. Reminds me of my old walk in Columbia.

  24. What a wonderful area to walk around and see some waterfowl. The bridge looks nice. Hope you had a nice and peaceful Thanksgiving with your family. Have a wonderful weekend.

  25. A wonderful spot to stretch your legs! Lots to be thankful for...

  26. Beautiful place to go, and there was the Canada Geese, fabulous.

  27. Whenever possible, I really like to combine a necessary shopping trip with a beautiful walk in nature. you had a great one!

  28. Lovely nature photos and love the Geese ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. A lot of us have the same things to be thankful for, fortunately. We are very lucky. There are those that are not as fortunate. Wonderful pictures of the duck, duck, geese. You probably needed to be careful where you walked around there. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your weekend.

  30. It looks a lovely place to walk.
    I enjoyed all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  31. Hi Eileen! A perfect post as you say what you're thankful for, reminds me to be thankful again today for those same things.

    I've actually been to this park in Westminster. We've met potential adopters there for one of our fosters. It's a nice park, and it's always fun to visit in any season.

  32. Such a nice place to walk. It would be nice to have a house in the addition that went into the park.

  33. A beautiful walk and photos Eileen. It's a busy time now that Thanksgiving for you is over and Christmas is around the corner. Next thing you know it will be the New Year, lol. I love all the bird life and the Canada Geese. The Canada geese do get around ;-)

  34. Beautiful park, lovely place. Thank you.

  35. Hi. Eileen. Beautiful mosaics and pictures.. Happy week..

  36. Bom dia, vim avisar que teu céu está lá! Acaba de entrar! beijos, obrigadão! chica

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Have a happy day, Eileen

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