Thursday, April 18, 2019

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Hubby and I enjoyed some of our nice weather lately by going on a walk to see the Bald Eagle nest at our lake.  We had a pretty sky day, mostly blue sky, some clouds here and there. 

We were able to see the white head of the adult eagle on the nest. Not sure if the eggs have hatched yet. 

We could hear some Canada Geese in the distance and was able to find a Belted Kingfisher flying back and forth along the lake's edge. The kingfisher was across the lake, too far for a clear photo.  I still like to document my sightings, this was my first sighting of the kingfisher this season. 

The budding trees remind me of fall with the pretty red colored buds. 

I am thankful the for good spring weather and a nice walk.
am thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


  1. Even this far north there are always a few Belted Kingfishers, always males, who spend the winter here, as long as there is open water, so I suspect that as far south as Maryland it is also true. Maybe a good challenge for next winter to see if you can find one!

  2. ...this is a day to be thankful for!

  3. Gostei muito dessa tranquilidade que as fotos passaram... Lindo dia e feliz Páscoa! bjs, chica

  4. Hello Eileen,

    Beautiful images! I'm glad for you too have nice spring weather. Time to be outside again.
    Happy Thursday!

  5. Lovely day! Seeing these magnificent birds is very uplifting. I have something huge flying over my house again this Spring. Not getting a good look at it just yet. Might be a Turkey Vulture, an Eagle (we are supposed to have two around the lake area) or as I like to call it "a Pteradactyl"....ha, ha. I'll get a shot of it one of these days. Enjoy your day!

  6. It looks like a nice spring day. We haven't had too many of them here yet!

  7. We really do need to take advantage of the nice days when they come along! It's going to be too hot to get out today but our weekend looks nice. Love that Kingfisher...he's one of our favs! Hugs!

  8. ah, a great day.

    Love the red sticking to the trees.

  9. Lovely! I need to move closer to water. Brings with it so much peace. Have a great weekend.

  10. Beautiful photos. Always exciting to see a bald eagle.

    I used to see kingfishers along the highway in New Smyrna Beach, but could never get a photo. As soon as I got out of the car they flew off.

  11. A beautiful spring day. It's nice to be out and about exploring nature.
    Great photos, Eileen. Enjoy your day!

  12. A beautiful day to be thankful for. Pretty cool that you can see that eagles nest. Thanks for linking up today.

  13. I chased a Kingfisher the other day and never got what I wanted. You will see little grey heads when the eagles hatch, they start exploring their world as much as they can

    1. Hello, thanks for the comment and visit. I tried to visit your blog and it will not come up. I hope there are not any problems? Enjoy your day and weekend!

  14. The lake water rippling, beautiful.And a head above the nest top, hope there are little ones there soon.

  15. What a beautiful spring day.
    Lovely to see all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  16. Brilliant Eileen, the Bald Eagle is the best ever.

  17. amazing to see the bald eagle in its nest, the kingfisher too

  18. Good weather and a nice walk are indeed things to be thankful for!

  19. I love visiting the eagles with you. Beautiful lake. Happy Easter!

  20. We have seen kingfishers here yet. Maybe next month.

  21. Great shots on your walk Eileen and of the Bald Eagle. I would also fall out of my shoes in excitement if I saw a Kingfisher. I have yet to see one. Thank you for sharing these super photos through your blog and Happy Easter!

  22. Such a beautiful spring day. All your photos are so pretty.

  23. Its so pretty there!! Good to see the eagle and the kingfisher!!

  24. My birders laugh at me when we're out as I record every sighting. I also record weather and names of birders for each walk. However, now they know that they can ask me about previous sightings. Have a good week end.

  25. How I would like to spy an eagle's nest too!...
    Happy Easter weekend, dear Eileen!

  26. This was really a wonderful walk in springtime !
    My contribution
    Ich wünsche Happy Easter

  27. A walk to the lake to check on the eagles sounds perfect...and all the extra sightings is a big plus!

  28. Beautiful, similar spanish landscape.. Cheers

  29. Beautiful nature photo walk with you and your hubby ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. good finds eileen, i really enjoy seeing the kingfisher, i have never seen one even though they are in the area!! chuck and i found a big, beautiful eagles nest yesterday and i got some ok pictures. it was such a thrill for me. there were other people there and they said there are either 2 or 3 egrets in the nest. i will definitely be going back!!!

    that's a beautiful lake!!!

  31. Hi Eileen, I enjoyed these pictures around your lake. I wonder if there is a name for this lake? Looks like a great walk. Neat eagle capture! Wishing you and yours a happy day and Happy Easter. John

    1. Hello John, the lake does have a name it is the Prettyboy Reservoir. Thanks for the visit and comment. Happy Easter to you!

  32. I look forward to seeing Kingfishers again when we get to the lake -- we don't see a lot but I love it when you do. Lovely photos today, Eileen!

  33. I love how you caught the cloud in the barren tree. Have a great weekend.

  34. Wonderful to see you could make some photos of the bald eagle and the kingfisher.
    Wishing you a wonderful and Happy Easter.

  35. Pretty shots, Eileen. Cool to see the first kingfisher of the year. Have a great Easter weekend!

  36. Isn't it wonderful to be able to see the eagle and nest? I have not went back by the Eagles Nest near here...I told Roger we need to swing by there because the trees will be leafed out till we can't see before too long. I am wondering how big the babies are.

    Hope you have a nice weekend!

  37. Oh yes there is nothing nicer is there, a good walk in the spring. We're at the stage now here in Bangkok, in the hottest part of the year, where every walk is a huge hot, sweaty effort here! So I am thankful to have lovely Blogging friends with a good eye for a great photo that I can join in virtually with! Happy Easter Eileen :)
    Wren x

  38. Amazing pics.
    Happy Easter weekend.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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