Monday, April 1, 2019

Our World , My World

Hello and happy Monday! Happy April to everyone too!

I am sharing more Florida images, these photos are from our 3rd visit on Jan 12th to the Blowing Rocks Preserve and Beach near Jupiter Florida. 

This day was more relaxed, we sat on the beach for a good part of the day. We watched the waves crashing on the rocks, I watched the Brown Pelicans flying along the beach. 

I sat for awhile on my beach chair and watch an artist paint this scene below. I was amazed at how fast she painted the scene. 

Not quite finished, but I think the artist did a beautiful painting. 

Waves crashing right in front of me, I was lucky I was not splashed. It might have felt good though, it was a hot sunny day.

I was enjoying the waves crashing on the rocks but I also enjoyed watching the groups of Brown Pelicans flying by. 

I tried practicing my flights shots, whenever the Pelicans came flying by me. 

We also  enjoyed the Blowing Rocks Preserve butterfly garden, we walked the boardwalk towards the Indian River Lagoon. 

I was surprised to see a shark swimming near the waves, I also saw a sea turtle. I could not catch them with my camera, they moved too quickly. 

Me and my shadow. 

Thanks for your visit today!  I hope you enjoyed my post and photos.

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!

Check out the links above, I hope to see you there. Thanks to the hosts today. Enjoy your day and new week.

As always I thank you for stopping by and as always I appreciate your comments.


  1. Hello Eileen,

    I love your Florida images. They are very beautiful.
    Happy Monday, and enjoy your new week!

  2. Stunning pics. Thanks for your blog post.
    Greetings from India

  3. Yes that beach scenes look lovely and very relaxing Love the waves and all the critters you photographed.

  4. Why is it that birds only fly in V formation? Don't they know any other letters of the alphabets?

    God bless.

  5. Um show para quem adora o céu e o mar! ADOREI! bjs, chica e linda semana!

  6. You caught some great wave action! LOVE the brown pelicans...and that butterfly almost doesn't look real. But then when you really look at them, all butterflies are almost to pretty to be real. OH, and that painting is good.

  7. You captured great flight moments of pelicans and pretty cool beach shots! Wonderful splash of waves and I do liked the painting by someone.

    Happy April

  8. I felt the salt spray when i saw the next to last photo... i love salt spray. Pelicans are my favorite bird and when we used to vacation in Daytona we spent hours watching them flying formations and in long lines, surfing the winds along the tall buildings. i love to watch them dive and fish... gorgeous beach scene the artist did. very talented...

  9. Nature's magnificence captured so beautifully as always!

  10. Thanks for sharing your beautiful shots from FL. I'll be headed that way later in the month. Since it's below freezing here this morning, that keeps my hopes up! I think pelicans are marvels to watch flying, or fishing for that matter. Thanks for visiting my blogs and commenting. Hope your week is fabulous!

  11. So beautiful..... Makes me want to make a trip to the beach NOW. It's cold here this morning --but hopefully, they say it will warm up this week...


  12. That crashing surf is so beautiful -- in fact, all the photos are. What beautiful blue water!

  13. Hi Eileen
    Happy April!
    The sea looked rough that day, but it must have felt cooling. I always like how brown pelicans fly so close to the water.
    Have a good week!

  14. Oh I love these! And I wish I could paint like that artist...WOW! We see Dolphins quite often but never a shark. Of course we know they are out there though! Love the photo with the waves spraying up! Beautiful!

  15. Love all of the photos, especially the shadows. The artist did and incredible job!

  16. Wonderful shots of the waves and the birds. That is one talented artist!

  17. What a wonderful place! Lovely.

  18. lovely waves and flying birds. A beautiful place to spend a day, and watch the world go by . That artist has a great eye for all the detail.

  19. The sky mosaic, that's my favourite today. Thanks for dropping by my blog today


  20. Yes, I enjoyed your photos. You only have to sit still and photo opportunities go by.

  21. Hi Eileen.. Very cool the photos ..
    Happy April to you too

  22. Loving your beach day! And great flight shots of the Pelican Patrols.

  23. what a lovely selection of shots, amazing captures

  24. I love the flight pics, Eileen!

  25. What a stunning place. Beautiful photos, I love those brown pelicans. Have a wonderful evening and new week.

  26. Oh my gosh! The artist did a fantastic job and so did you taking pictures of birds mid-flight!

  27. I would love a relaxing time on the beach, just sit under an umbrella and watch the water ebb and flow and the birds fly and dive.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  28. I'm in love with that beach and those crashing waves. Such a beautiful series of photos. Have a great week!

  29. Yes I enjoyed your post very much. That blue Florida sky is beautiful. I would love to be sitting there watching and listening to the waves crashing onto the shore.

  30. great photos and scenery. It looks like a perfect day. Did you put your toe into the water to check the temperature. That is usually the first thing I do in a place like that!!

  31. My favorite was seeing the waves crashing on the rocks.
    The artist did a nice job on the painting. Nice to see the painting and the real thing.

  32. Beach weather's here!!
    There's nothing like watching an artist at work. I feel I can do that for hours. That's a beautiful painting!
    And your pictures are beautiful too, Eileen. :) Have a great week.

  33. Eileen - that is an amazing painting. So realistic. I admire people with that depth of talent. Speaking of talent - your pictures in this post are super, especially the pelicans flying! Thanks for sharing your beach day with all of us at Mosaic Monday!

  34. Beautiful blue photos & collages - wishing you a sunny April!

  35. Comienzas abril en azules preciosos de cielo y mar. Lindos collages Eileen.
    Te deseo buena semana.
    Un abrazo.

  36. seems to be a very nice place
    I like your nice flying pictures on the birds

  37. these images are so beautiful!! the blues are breathtaking...

    and you do NOT need any more practice on your flight images, they are outstanding!!

    i am always so pleased when i see someone randomly painting, it happens a lot in longwood gardens!!! such a treat!!!

  38. The waves seems to be very fierce. Lovely weather to paint a picture or snap photos

  39. Hi Eileen, Good morning to you from Seattle. I enjoyed all of the pics in this post and thought the most fascinating thing was the artist's work. Wow, great and thank you for including that. This was a great visit to the beach. Hope you have a happy day and take good care my friend! John

  40. Lovely photos. I love being near the sea

  41. So nice to be able to enjoy the beautiful beach, blue sky and get to watch artist painting too.

  42. Hello,
    nice views in your post of ocean and birds...the painting is also just well done.
    All the best!

  43. Beautiful beach,love those splashing waves

  44. All lovely photographs and collages, my favourites are the waves crashing on the rocks :)

    All the best Jan

  45. I love those waves in action! They are quite big!

  46. You captured those waves crashing beautifully. I'm long overdue for hearing and seeing waves crashing. Lovely photos and collages!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly. " TCI resort, T...