Friday, September 18, 2009

Scenic Sunday # 62

Scenic Sunday the Grand Prasmatic spring at Yellowstone, photos are clickable

This is one of my favorite scenes from Yellowstone National Park. It is called the Grand Prasmatic spring. I love how the wind is blowing the steam to the side. The colors of the Grand Prasmatic are just out of this world. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. There are so many wonderful scenes from Yellowstone I have a hard time choosing which is more scenic.

For more wonderful scenic Sundays photos please click on my link.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my Grand Prasmatic spring photo. I really enjoy everyone's photos from all around the world, this is such a great idea!


Dimple said...

Beautiful! Yellowstone is such an interesting place.

P-TER said...

Beautiful pictures ! ! !

Ms. Fiddlesticks said...

You are doing great with your photos. Never under estimate yourself. I always think mine do not look that great but when I get home and download, I go wow. I went to Grand Tetons and Yellowstone this past May. I love the colors in the hot springs. The ambers, golds, turguoise, lovely. I have been there twice and could go all the time. Thanks for sharing.

Petit Eyekiss said...

Yor photos are very nice.I love the colours.

Marie said...

Amazing spring.

Janie said...

Great capture of the steam and the colors. Yellowstone is such an amazing place! I've been there many times, but I each time I discover something new.

Maria said...

They are really awesome pictures! So cool! Thanks for sharing!

NatureFootstep said...

I love this, I have been there once and would love to go again. :)
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating shots! Geology in action :)

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

marvelous shots.. makes me want to go back to Yellowstone.

Gaelyn said...

Wow, that's fantastic. I love the vibrant colors in contrast to the steam. I need to get back to Yellowstone soon. Excellent captures.

Anonymous said...

Yellowstone is a GREAT place for Scenic Sunday photos! Beautiful place & beautiful photos

life's journey said...

that is a very pretty sight and very beautiful. Happy SS! Mine is ready too.

Linda said...

What an amazing combination of colours! Somewhere I've always wanted to visit.

Tulip said...

wonderful pictures, how i love to visit that place someday.

my entry:

kRiZcPEc said...

I could be there all day watching, enjoying the view

Christina. Sweden said...

Great sceneries and wonderful colors. Wolud absolutely like to go there sometime


Baruch said...

Wonderful scenes - so interesting

Dancin Fool said...

Wow! Yellowstone has always been somewhere I would love to go. Thanks so much for posting these shots, they are amazing! Do you go there a lot or was it a vacation?

HIDE said...

Amazing view!
Those colors absolutely look out of this world ! Thank you.

Sharon said...

Wow, absolutely stunning!!

Irene said...

Amazing scenery.Great shots!

George said...

The spring is absolutely beautiful, but I don't think I've seen pictures of it before. We're definitely going to have to make it out to Yellowstone!

ms toast burner said...

Beautiful photos! wow!

BP said...

Fantastic pics! Wish I had something as beautiful to photograph around here. And your bird photos are absolutely amazing.

PS. Thanks for checking out my blog and that you liked my pic. DS

Anonymous said...

Simply amazing! I can just imagine what it must have been like to experience it first hand. Lucky you. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos.

Heather said...

Oh my, how lovely! What a beautiful spot, and what great scenes you have chosen to share. Thank you for stopping by my blog, Eileen. It looks like you do a LOT of traveling. You've got a great blog here, with lots of neat stuff.

TOMO said...

Such an interesting place!
I've never been there.
These photos are very wonderful scenes.
Many times I clicked on your photos and enjoyed a lot! :)

Rebecca said...

wow, what a beautiful place. I will have to visit this location. Thank you for sharing these wonderful shots.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Love your photos of Yellowstone. I've not been there in MANY years so it's fun to see again.
Hugs and blessings,

Light and Voices said...

Fantastic photos! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog.
Joyce M

Kirigalpoththa said...

Breathtaking scenery!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Nothing soothes the soul like a day by the ocean." "Sky above, sand belo...