Sunday, January 29, 2012

Birding & Covered Bridges

I am linking up with  Mary's Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday

On Saturday morning I was up early with the birds. On the weekends, the first thing I do (after coffee) is to go out on my deck and feed the birds some extra treats like peanuts and the little peanut suet nuggets. I noticed a pretty pink sunrise and I knew this day was going to be a pretty day to do something outside. I woke hubby up and said lets get out and go for a ride. I already had a place in mind, in fact I had just about the whole day planned.

 In the mosaic above is my sunrise, a couple of Bluejays on my deck and the pretty sky and trees around my house.

 On the way to the covered bridges I had to stop and check out a field that birders have been reporting seeing Short Eared Owls. No luck on seeing the owls but we did enjoy watching two Northern Harrier hawks hunt over the field.

I had read that there is a riding tour in Thurmont, Md where you can see three covered bridges all within a thirty mile loop. These covered bridges are also close to a waterfalls in the Cunningham Falls State Park in Catoctin, Md.   Of course, at all of these places I was checking out the area for birds. When I pulled up to the parking lot for the first bridge. I noticed two Red Tailed Hawks sitting close together in a tree. I tried to get a little closer but one flew off and at least I got in a shot of one of the hawks.

The Covered Bridge in this mosaic is named Loys Station Bridge. This bridge is listed on the National Parks National register of historic places. Each bridge had a different truss system, which I tried to show in one of the photos.

 My far away shot of my Red Tailed Hawk. I was checking out all along the stream for a Kingfisher, It just looked like the kind of area they would be found. The only other birds seen at this first covered bridge were some Grackles.

I think we surprised the female Belted Kingfisher and flew away only to land a little further away. I love their telltale rattle sound.

I will do a separate post on all three of the covered bridges and a waterfall on my travel blog. But I just wanted to do a post on how I spent my Saturday in the morning at home and a preview of our little day trip.  Covered Bridges and Lighthouses are just a few of the historic places that are definitely worth a trip to see. Oh, and waterfalls are great to see and visit.

To see more wonderful mosaic and beautiful photos please visit Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday


TexWisGirl said...

looks like you had a great day! the top mosaic w/ the blue jays is beautiful! and those covered bridges are art all to themselves!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

The pictures that you got of the sky are magical! I have always loved covered bridges especially when we are in Vermont. Have a wonderful week!

Carol said...

Beautiful skies, just so pretty. And I love those covered bridges! Stunning captures of the birds, I enjoyed your mosaics, Eileen.

Linda said...

What an awesome day you had! Now I have to find out how far that area is away from home...may have to plan a trip to see them for myself! Great photos - enjoyed your commentary! Have a great evening...

barbara l. hale said...

Love covered bridges and that's a fine one. Good pics all around.

SquirrelQueen said...

Looks like that lovely pink sunrise did lead to a gorgeous day. I love that bluejay. I would be in heaven to find three covered bridges on such a short drive, they are fabulous!

Mary said...

What wonderful covered bridges! Your mosaics are wonderful too~ I especially love the Blue Jay & silhouette of the trees against the ski :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I would love seeing more photos of the covered bridges. They are amazing and something I've only seen a few times. ♥

Anonymous said...

Beautiful mosaic I love the covered bridge.

A Garden of Threads said...

Fabulous shots of the covered bridges. Hope you have a wonderful week:) Jen

Snap said...

Birds and bridges. Now that sounds like the perfect day to me!!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You must live is such a beautiful area to be able to see so many wonderful birds and then such picturesque covered bridges! Wonderful photos!

rainfield61 said...

I always feel very excited shooting an eagle.

It maybe that I have not successfully shot any eagle.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I have never seen a covered bridge in person. I hope to see on some day. I like your picture of that Kingfisher. Have a super coming week and a great Monday!

Nancy said...

You had a lovely day! I used to love to go to Cunningham Falls State Park when we lived in southern Pennsylvania.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - what a great set of pictures. Any day with a kingfisher is a good day I think!

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The cloud formation on your header photo is so nice. I like the covered bridge.

Landbohaven said...

Jeg kom tilfældig forbi.
Smukke billeder.
Jeg holder dog mest af dine fuglebilleder.
Tak for kigget.

Dan Huber said...

Great shots Eileen. I miss seeing covered bridges, not many here in CT. Need to go further north to settle :) said...

Like you, I like to get up and out early and usually have the day planned!!. Great photographs of the bridge. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, we saw quite a few birders on the day.
Jackie in Surrey

Unknown said...

Each one of your photographs are beautiful. I love covered bridges and you captured this perfectly. Wonderful mosaic.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

Birds...Bridges...and Beautiful mosaics!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful photos. Why do you think the covered bridges were built, to keep someone dry?????????

Elegant Economies said...

Love your birds! What a glorious day...three covered bridges. We have several green herons in our creek. We were so happy to see them when we 1st moved to Va from Fl.
Blessings, Audrey

magiceye said...

love them all!

Anonymous said...

Lovely places. I lived in Frederick for years and some how missed that there were covered bridges nearby. Perhaps I'll get to go back some day.

Regina said...

Wonderful post Eileen!
Miss coming here!



Icy BC said...

A post full of wonderful nature, Eileen. I love all your bird shots!

Gillian Olson said...

Great shots, love those bluejays and covered bridges.

Teacup-In-The-Garden said...

Great shots...
Have a wonderful week,

Lorrie said...

Beautiful photos. I love those sweet blue jays.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

I do love covered bridges. There are not many left around. Looked like a nice day to be out and about. V

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots from nature. Very scenic.

Karin M. said...

Amazing mosaics and great pictures .....
Best regards, Karin

Nancy said...

Lovely photographs. I love covered bridges, and you captured these beautifully. Thanks for sharing.

Sylvia K said...

What a great day and what a beautiful place, Eileen!! I love the covered bridge, the lovely skies and, of course, the blue jays! Another delightful look at your world! Hope your week goes well!


Unknown said...

Great covered bridges!! Boom & gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

This entry is a piece of art.

daily athens photo

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Such beautiful covered bridges...and the little blue jay!!! Very nice! Cathy

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Fantastic shots, Eileen. We don't see these covered bridges here in Australia, so they are quite fascinating to me...

Anonymous said...

What a Saturday morning -- I LOVE this post!!!! You see more birds on a trip where your real goal is to see the bridges than I would if I went out on purpose to bird! It's as if you are a bird-whisperer, I love it!!!!

That bridge photo showing the trusses is just amazing, just makes me feel like I could walk right into the phot.

Indrani said...

Covered bridges are interesting! You got good bird shots too.

Carver said...

Great shots of the birds and covered bridges. There is something so attractive to me about covered bridges.

Martha Z said...

I'm envious of your belted kingfisher, I still don't have a good image of one.
I keep thinking we should do a trip with its focus on the covered bridges in Oregon, maybe someday.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You made the most of your trip. Those bridges and the birds are very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect day!

What a lovely soft sky and that covered bridge is gorgeous!

Ebie said...

You must be close to all the birding areas. Just like you, I always look forward to my weekend fun!

I am nowhere close to covered bridges and light house, it is quite a ways from me. But am glad you can share your experience and photos with us.

Cherry said...

that covered bridge is interesting! i love the bird photos too!

LifeRamblings said...

the little blue jay is so gorgeous. beautiful skies and i love the composition of the last photo.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Eileen..I missed you and appreciate you checking in on me! I'm sorry for the delay..I've had a draft in my post (I think I have a draft in my head)..(lol) well, looks to funny to change.
Your photos of this beautiful day are fabulous!! Simply amazing! I will be back soon. It's late but just wanted to stop by and send some warmth from the Pacific..thanks for such a delightful visual!

Ingrid said...

I love these covered bridges, I have never seen one "life" ! Instead of reading "Blujays" I read Blue Jeans, lol ! Must say the little birdie is so cute !

Anna said...

What a lovely captures!
I love your sky and bird pictures...
Greetings from Holland,
Anna :-))

jabblog said...

You had a lovely productive day. I love the pretty morning sky and the bluejay photos.

Unknown said...

the covered bridges are beautiful. we don't have it here. so unique!

DeniseinVA said...

Great series of photos Eileen. I haven't seen a covered bridge in a couple of years but I remember being impressed on the craftsmanship on the inside as well as the outside. Loved the photos of the birds, especially of the female Belted Kingfisher as I have never seen one of those before.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Eileen, my husby enjoys covered bridges very much. As a matter of fact in Cromer's Mill, Georgia, named after his ancestry, there is a covered bridge as well. Your bridge images are really lovely, looks like a wonderful day. Oh I would love to see a Kingfisher like that...some day. Great post~

Maria Berg said...

When I see those bridges I think of the movie "Bridges over Madison county" love it (I think it is 15-20 years old).

Kingfisher - I saw three different kind in Sri Lanka. (Not this one) Have just come back from 6 weeks in Sri Lanka with my family.


Hello! I agree with these comments...Beautiful post!
Thank You very much for Your visit!

Dhemz said...

oh, wow! totally stunning photos....:)

thanks for dropping by my entry at

Lew said...

Great shots! These old bridges are one of my favorite spots. The covered bridges date to mid to late 1800's. Loy's Station bridge was burned in 1991 and rebuilt by the County with volunteer funds and labor. There are a number of historic iron bridges in the same area as well. I have links in my sidebar on to some of them.

Anonymous said...

The perspectives of the bridge are wonderful. I love the scenes, filled with beauty and contrasts.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful skies and such a gorgeous covered bridge!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...