Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Skywatch Friday  at the NCR trail. Hubby and I enjoy taking walks along our local bike and hike trail. It was a beautiful day with a pretty sky. While we are walking,  I am usually looking for birds along the trail. This section is near the Bee Tree Preserve and it looks like they are in the process of tree restoration. One of my favorite parts of the trail is where there are some dead old trees left purposely for woodpecker habitat.

Here are some scenes from our walk along the trail and of the pretty sky. There were a few puffy white clouds just hanging here and there in the sky.

We usually see the chickens in the same spot along the trail.

It is great to see new trees shooting up thru those white tubes.

Here is a list of the birds I saw and heard along the trail: Cardinals, Kinglets, Redbellied Woodpeckers, Downy Woodpeckers, Turkey Vultures, Great Blue Heron, Belted Kingfisher, Chickadees and Titmouse.

To see more beautiful skies from around the world please visit 
Skywatch Friday. Thanks to the hosting group of Sandy, Sylvia and Wren. Thanks, also for stopping by to see my skies. I wish everyone a Happy weekend and Happy Birding.


Kerri Farley said...

WOW - what a beautiful day!! Looks like a great day for a hike and a bike ride :)

Anonymous said...

Such pretty blue skies! Ours are snow-laden...

Zenserly said...

Hi there, those clouds look so beautiful, the second and the last photos are my favorite! and yes it is "great to see new trees shooting up"...enjoyed the virtual walk with you...

Jen Sanford said...

Haven't seen a day that nice in awhile!

Cuby said...

What a be a beautiful hike accompanied by such lovely bird song. I enjoyed it so much. Thanks.

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful sky Eileen and I love the places where you went for a walk.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful captures, Eileen. It was enjoyable joining you virtually for your walk in this lovely place.

Sylvia K said...

Such beautiful skies, Eileen! And you have captured them so beautifully! I do love the hikes you take us on! The next best thing to being there! Happy SWF! Hope you have a lovely weekend!


Anonymous said...

Marvelous skies ! I love those big old puffy clouds and it is as blue as can be. The chicken was definitely unexpected!

Unknown said...

Love that big cloud!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

toby said...

Those are really beautiful! Enjoy all that wonderful weather!

Diane AZ said...

Looks like a fantastic place to walk. I love the clouds, trees and chicken. :)

Carol said...

These are all beautiful, Eileen, so nice to see so many different birds on one walk.

EcoRover said...

That's REALLY a free range chicken. Looks like it was a gorgeous day, Eileen. I'm glad they leave some standing snags for the critters.

Jan said...

What a glorious area for walking and birdwatching.... beautiful post, you've really taken us all along!

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful shots!
Looks like a great place to walk.
Have a nice weekend.

Dhemz said...

wow! what a great adventure...great shots!
tanks for dropping by @

Saun said...

Beautiful post, love the chicken shot and looking up through the trees

Kim, USA said...

Huh? Is that a wild chicken? Because if not then there might be a house close to the trail hehe. Happy weekend and thanks for visiting.


keeyit said...

Lovely Friday skywatching~

Karen said...

Beautiful blue skies! A wild chicken??

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots of the place. Very nice place to walk.

Inger-M said...

Wow, such a gorgeous blue sky!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wow, is that chicken wild? Love the first shot Eileen!

Kathie Brown said...

Eileen, that first shot could have been taken at the bog up the road from me it is so similar! What a nice place to walk and it sounds like you saw some great birds! I would love to see a kinglet right about now!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Great place to bike/hike. Beautiful day nicely captured.

Darryl and Ruth :)

AVCr8teur said...

It's a beautiful trail and it stretches as far as the eye can see! I guess the chicken is the welcoming party.

Indrani said...

Great captures along the walk. Thanks for the virtual tour.

Anonymous said...

a wonderful spot for walking and photography.

Anonymous said...

a wonderful spot for walking and photography.

Elaine said...

Beautiful! I love your first and second shots.

Self Sagacity said...

The trail looks very dry. W have been having wet weather here. Chicken is a nice surprise.

Anna said...

I like to sit there for a while... it's so beautiful over there, Eileen!
Greetings from Holland,
Anna ;-))

Anonymous said...

Beautiful trails,bare branches and blue sky.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice photos.

Regards and best wishes

eden said...

Beautiful photos. Love the blue sky, very opposite to what we have here now.Have a great weekend.

Ingrid said...

I would love to make a walk like that ! with above a beautiful blue sky and fluffy clouds !

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What a lovely place to take a walk and view the sky~

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, What a great looking trail! I especially like that chicken! Have a super nice day today!

Bob Bushell said...

A fantastic place for walk.

Carver said...

Such a beautiful place to walk and enjoy nature.

Icy BC said...

Beautiful sky photos, and those clouds are so soft looking. The chicken though, got me thinking: free range :-)

NatureFootstep said...

nice place for a walk. A bit unusual for you I think. This type of shots I mean. :) It seems to be a lot of tubes, will it not be too many new trees?

Zyzzyz said...

Some lovely variety along that trail.

Gerald (SK14) said...

I like the tables along the track and the little stream.

Tina´s PicStory said...

wonderful skies! :)

Al said...

A beautiful trail and lovely skies. I bet it's even nicer in the summer!

To answer your question, Garden of the Gods is a city park in Colorado Springs, just 5 minutes from my office. I sometimes take walks in there as it presents lots of photo opportunities, but it tends to be overrun with tourists in the summer as it's one of the city's main attractions (along with Pikes Peak).

betchai said...

beautiful pictures, as always, Eileen. you have very interesting landscape and wildlife there, very good for relaxing and photography.

Lew said...

Beautiful day for a walk!

Peg said...

Hi! Thanks so much for sharing that walk... you're pics are wonderful. Have a great weekend!

eden said...

Beautiful photos and Goldie Girl is such a cutie.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

now that was a nice hike!! and quite a few birds too!!
i love how dead trees look...and that first picture is great!! like skeletons against the blue sky!!

(eileen, thanks for the kind & encouragement...)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...