Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow geese

For Camera Critters  I have some Snow geese from the wildlife refuge.

I want to say a big THANK YOU to my followers sometime between this post and my last post I now have 300 followers. Wow!!!!

Edit,  sorry looks like I jumped the gun.. And lost a follower..either way I still thank you all!!  Blogging followers may always come and go but my Goldie Girl is always following me.

In honor of Critter day here is my Goldie Girl.

Overnight we had a couple inches of snow and as I am typing this post we are getting freezing rain on top of the snow. It looks like winter has really hit us now, it is very cold... temps in the low twenties. Oh how, I wish for those 60 degree days. I hope everyone stays warm and safe...Good Luck to our home team THE RAVENS they are in the playoffs tomorrow against the New England Patriots.

Snow Geese are very common and they are increasing in their range. They breed in the Northern Artic and winter  in farm fields and marshes in the US. Sometimes when I see them, it is usually a large flock in the thousands.

I thought it was funny that my field guide mentions they may have dirty faces from foraging. LOL, I guess they need their mommas to wipe off their faces after eating.  The immature Snow Goose is variably grayish in color.

To see more wonderful and cute critters check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.  Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting. Thanks for stopping by to see my critters. I wish everyone a great weekend and Happy Birding.


Phil Slade said...

It must be fantastic to see and hear all those Snow Geese together - as it happens my favourite book "The Snow Geese" by William Fiennes.

Pearl Maple said...

Fantastic photos of nature out at play, the geese are fun to watch when they are flocked together like that. Thanks for your kind comments on my post.

Sue said...

"I guess they need their mommas to wipe off their faces after eating"
How funny! They sure are neat to see, aren't they?
Have a great weekend!

Jo said...

Congratulations Eileen! Your blog is so well worth visiting, I'm glad many other readers realise it too. Lovely photos of your Snow Geese. Never thought they'd have dirty faces (white as snow, etc, LOL) Have a great weekend. Jo

Randy Emmitt said...


Lovely photos! Brings back a found memory of seeing several thousand snow geese take flight in first day light from a NC ferry, they flew up and circled, the light was awesome on them, great way to start a day. Goldie Girl is so cute!

Hootin Anni said...

The snow geese photos are fantastic, but in all honesty, I really LOVED your "Goldie Girl"...she's beautiful!!!

If I Could Talk to the Animals

CameraCruise said...

Great shots, they're all beautiful, but my favorite is your Goldi Girl. She is so beautiful!
Have a great weekend.
Greetings from Mette

Saun said...

Love your Goldie beautiful pics. I usually don't do this but I don't see the link for this week. So here's mine

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi :))
la tua Goldie è veramente una bellezza !!!!
Tante baci e coccole !!!
Myriam :))

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Wonderful photos of the geese and your dog. What a clamor that many geese must make.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Reena said...

Yep, I woke up to a white winterland as well with rain coming a bit later. The birds are going crazy at the feeders!

TexWisGirl said...

love your adorable pup! seeing these huge flocks would be a joy for me! we get them winging overhead, but never stopping in here, except on the larger lakes and preserves.

(and i'd click to follow you again to put you back to 300!)

Snap said...

Your Goldie Girl is gorgeous. Enjoyed the snow geese!
Happy Critter Day!

Anonymous said...

I liked your pictures of the snow geese and Goldie Girl. By the way, does Goldie Girl like the snow?

Lina Gustina said...

Love seeing lots of Snow Geese!

Anonymous said...

Lovely bird shots, but your golden girl won my heart!

Lina Gustina said...

Admire your shots :)

Debbie said...

now that's a one was left off the guest list!!

awesome captures and i adore your "puppy"!!

have a beautiful weekend!!

Indrani said...

Looks like they are having a party!

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely doggy. And, the Snow Geese are something special.

Anonymous said...

The snow geese are awesome, but Goldie Girl has my heart!

Brian King said...

Your dog is so pretty, Eileen! What a sweet face. And your waterfowl shots are beautiful as always!

Anonymous said...

the birds are beautiful, but I am partial to your gorgeous golden girl.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots. I love Goldie girl.

AVCr8teur said...

It must be a sight to see so many geese. You can probably here them a mile away yakking to each other. Your Golden Girl is a beauty!

Sivinden said...

Great shots of these beautiful, white birds.

EJ said...

Goldie is a sweetie.

Carol said...

Your Goldie Girl is beautiful! I love the shot of the geese standing around in the puddles.

BlueShell said...

I agree: ..."Blogging followers may always come and go but my Goldie Girl is always following" you!

And you have snow...I DO NOT HAVE SNOW! It's cold out there...BUT WE DO NOT have snow!!!.

Thank you for visiting: it is very important to me...
BShell (Isabel)

Crafty Green Poet said...

wonderful photos of the snow geese, such handsome birds

J.Rylie.C said...

You lost one but you also gained one, I am your new.

Lovely photos.

Kay L. Davies said...

The snow goose photos are great, Eileen, but I love the one of your Goldie Girl the best. I see she has curls on her décolletage just as our Lindy has. Wonderful dogs, aren't they?

Kathie Brown said...

Your "Goldie" is gorgeous and the geese are fantastic! Do you ever get any Ross' geese in that mix?

Kathie Brown said...

Oh, and I meant to say congrats on 300 followers!

wildcatwoods said...

Good to see Goldie! Great shots of the geese.

Cats of wildcat woods

Barbara Selkirk said...

Hi Eileen - congratulations on # 300 (or so)- just great news... and these photos of the snow geese are amazing. I don't think I've ever seen such lovely ones.

and of course - your golden - she's a beauty - no wonder you want to have her picture up there... thanks for stopping by my blog earlier... so enjoy hearing from you and reading what you're up to - cheerio...

i beati said...

veyt uplifting I loved it

betchai said...

congratulations, Eileen, you really have 300 followers, happy for you, and what wonderful wildlife you always have to share. Happy weekend.

Maude Lynn said...

Amazing shots!

Jen Sanford said...

Congrats on 300- looks like you got your lost follower back! Love the photo of your dog... Hope the weather doesn't get too bad!

SquirrelQueen said...

Messy eaters apparently.
I love you shot of them in flight.
Your snow followed by freezing rain sounds exactly like what we have had this week. Our temps are rising so it should be gone in a day or two hope yours does the same.

Marvin said...

Goldie Girl is a beautiful companion -- and great photos of the Snow Geese.

Elaine said...

You got some beautiful photos of the Snow Geese. I always love seeing the big congregations when we visit the Skagit Valley in Washington. I see a few here in the spring when they are migrating north, but never in large numbers.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

A wonderful dog and beautiful photos from the birds. Great !

Betty Manousos said...

go glad to see all those geese!

gorgeous shots, eileen!

your pup is soo cute!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

beautiful goose pictures!! but even MORE beautiful than the your Goldie Girl!!

i see 300...congrats to you!!

stay warm...happy sunday!

Cezar and Léia said...

Happy critters there!
Thanks for sharing these adorable pictures!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Great photos of the snow geese, I have never seen them in real life.
Your Goldie Girl looks very loyal and friendly!

Thank you for all your wonderful comments on my blog.

diane b said...

I like Goldie Girl best of all. The geese are astounding in their numbers and dirty faces. Great shots.

Kay said...

Hello Eileen,
Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I'm so glad you found me by "blog hopping". I like your photos and I am going to sign up to follow you. Hope you also check out my other 2 blogs. There are links for them on my Photoblog.

shirley said...

Beautiful scenes with the geese. We once saw a lone snow goose amongst a flock of Canada Geese. He/she really stood out. Amazing to see so many fly around.

Unknown said...

Lovely to see your Goldie and all those feathery fellows!

And Congrats on all the peeps following you, well deserved!
(Someone dropped out of my followers too, maybe someone quit Blogger...)

Liz said...

Your Goldies girl is beautiful!!
The geese are great. You still have 300+ followers. I hit 100 this week (I am still amazed!!)

Bengts fotoblogg said...

Great shots, lovely dog.

Chris said...

Wow I can imagine you were more than happy to see this flock! Wonderful I would have been thrilled. I only saw it once, lost in Iceland.

eden said...

You have a beautiful dog. I love all the bird photos too. Have a great week.

Tammy said...

Congratulations on your successful blogging :)

Goldie girl is a sweetheart for sure.

Anonymous said...

You deserve every follower you have (and that doesn't even incude me -- I blog on a different format and don't know how to become a follower officially -- but I am one!) The snow-geese are wonderful -- your dog is too! (Sorry 'bout the ball game>)

Cheryl said...

Gorgeous birds and terrific captures. (Your dog is adorable too.)

Lindy said...

Beautiful captures of the Snow Geese! We were introduced to them a few Decembers ago down in the Henderson, Kentucky area. Their numbers astound me!

I have a Camera Critters post on my Drive-By Photos blog if you're out making the rounds.

Stay warm! Sorry the Ravens lost; I was rooting for them.

Salitype said...

Gorgeous looking dog !!! Birds just never fail to entertain me !

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...