Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm Loony over birds

I am linking up with World Bird Wednesday  and Nature Notes

This weeks post is on the Common Loon and a couple of female Surf Scoters I saw during my visit to Delaware's Indian River Inlet.

The Common Loon winters on the coast with a few found on inland reservoirs. I believe my Common Loon is the non-breeding adult/subadult.

A different look at the Common Loon

Two female Surf Scoters. The female shows a distinctive dark cap.

Please visit Springman's World Bird Wednesday   and Michelle's Nature Notes.  Thanks to Springman and Michelle for hosting these fun memes.

I hope you enjoyed my Loon and Scoters and to see more wonderful birds and nature photos please click on my links.

Thanks for stopping by to see my post, I appreciate all the visits and comments. I hope everyone has a wonderful week.  HAPPY Birding!


TexWisGirl said...

the loon has such a distinctive profile! :)

theconstantwalker said...

Your Loon is a wonderful bird to see....

Blair said...

Another great post Eileen. Luv your work..

mick said...

A great series of photos. Ii have only seen a loon once and that was on some lakes in northern British Columbia. Quite unforgettable!

Anonymous said...

Lovely Eileen... thanks for sharing -- you have the best birding outings ever!

caite said...

love that loon call!!

I need to get me a good birding book..

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Yes, you are correct about the Loons. Love those pictures! I have never seen Surf Scoters before. I sure like the surf picture with the nonchalant-looking Sea Gull. Have a most excellent day tomorrow!

EG CameraGirl said...

Neat shots of the loons. Whenever I see them they are way to far away to take a good photo.

Brian King said...

Beautiful birds, Eileen! I love to hear the loons.

raf said...

Wonderful shots of the common loon, Eileen! The haunting call of the loon is one of the most memorable of water birds for me.

rainfield61 said...

That's so good to be able to see birds in the winter time.

Nature Rambles said...

Great shots of the loons! Surf scoters are new to me. Love reading about the places you visit!

AVCr8teur said...

One seems to be staring right at you.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I was brought up to call your 'loon' a Great Northern Diver - we would see them on coastal waters in the winter in the North of the UK. Their call is one of the things I'd like to hear in the wild.

Hope you have settled into the New Year.

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots of the bird.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Got to love yourself a Loon, such grand looking birds. One day, I should enjoy viewing some~

Dan Huber said...

Great captures - I love the loons


Anonymous said...

Wonderful photographs of the loons! I like the last picture, too, of the surf and the sea gull.

Hilke Breder said...

Seeing a loon is always a thrill. You really have to search them out here in VT and are lucky if you actually see one. Great shot of one in winter plumage, Eileen! Happy birding this winter!

Maude Lynn said...

Lovely shots! Love the title.

holdingmoments said...

Love the shots of the Loon.
Had one at my local lake the last few weeks.

barbara l. hale said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! I really enjoyed looking back through your bird and nature pics. I will say that the only way I have found to keep the squirrels away is to hang the feeder on an archway on our porch that is kind of far away from the supports. There's nothing for them to grip onto. I am still not sure whether or not they will figure out a way around it though. They are clever little devils.

Pat Ulrich said...

Great finds -- loons are such lovely birds!

NatureFootstep said...

you got some great shots of the loon. That´s a bird I rarely see. Maybe once a year only. Great shots.

joo said...

It's a great bird to watch:)

EcoRover said...

Happy loon memories from our times with N.H. friends at their lakeside cottage--my infant daughter would wake up about 5 a.m. and start calling back to the loons.

Carver said...

You got some great shots of the loons. I enjoy your photographs so much.

Leora said...

The photo with the rocks is great! Love your title also: I could see in the url im-loony-over-birds - and that makes you fun, birdly loving!

Debbie said...

oooohhhh eileen, i am looney as well. great captures and clever title, i think we have so much in common!!

so happy we found each other, i always enjoy my visits here!!

Arija said...

Thanks Eileen, I just love loons, especially their mournful calls across the water on a still night.

Unknown said...

Loon and Scooter - both on my "I want!' list :D
Lovely catches!

Dianne said...

I d believe the Loon is the official bird of my family :)

love your photos

Rambling Woods said...

I think the loon would be our family bird too...LOL.. You get to see so many birds that I will only be able to see when people like you share them...thank you Eileen...Michelle

Springman said...

I'm still waiting for my first loon sighting. Lovely to see yours, thank you for sharing!

CameraCruise said...

Great shots of the loons!

Carole M. said...

I don't think I made it here earlier in the week; I enjoyed each of your photos, amazing names haven't they .. some birds?

Larry said...

Wonderful shots of the Common Loon Eileen! I really enjoy seeing these birds but being inland it's a rare treat.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...