Saturday, January 14, 2012

More Edwin Forsythe NWR

For my Camera Critters I have some more birds from our to visit to the Edwin Forsythe wildlife refuge.

If you want to see ducks or geese a visit to the Edwin Forsythe NWR in the winter is a must. We saw so many ducks, geese, Hawks, Yellow Rump Warblers, Cedar Waxwings, Great Blue Herons and some Coots.

American Black Ducks.

See all the dark black spots in my photo above, well they are American Black Ducks. I think they out numbered the Snow Geese that were at the refuge. In 1967 part of Edwin Forsythe NWR was added to the refuge system to provide wintering habitat for waterfowl, especially the American Black Duck and Brant. The American Black Duck often breeds at the Edwin Forsythe NWR.

One of the few Coots we saw while visiting the wildlife refuge.

Ha, just a few Snow Geese and some Black Ducks in the distance.

We sat and listened to these Snow geese for awhile. They had a lot to say.

I am assuming these skinning legs belong to a Sharp Shinned Hawk.

The Yellow Rump Warblers were hopping along in the trees next to the wildlife drive.

We watched a flock of Cedar Waxwings and a groups of Yellow Rump Warblers eating what I thought was Juniper berries.

On my post below I have my video of the Snow geese during the sunset, this video was taken the next day at Edwin Forsythe NWR.

I hope you enjoyed my birds and critter post. To see more cute and wonderful critters please visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.  Thanks to Misty for hosting and thank you for stopping by to see my post.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy MLK holiday weekend. It is nice to have another long weekend. To all the birders, Happy Birding!


Sue said...

Hi Eileen-beautiful photos-hope you enjoy the long weekend!

Anonymous said...

That was a great birding excursion Eileen. Snow geese definitely do have a lot to say!

Carole said...

Fabulous birds! And very nice photos of them. I agree with your take on the sharp-shinned.

Linda said...

I loved your bird photographs! We make it a point to visit every wildlife refuge we can while traveling, and always enjoy the birds! Thanks for sharing your birds with us! I will be back.

Snap said...

Eileen, wonderful shots all! I giggled at *snow geese have a lot to say* ... isn't that the truth!!!! Happy Critter Day!

Kate said...

You have posted some really good and fascinating photos of birds. Nice done!!

Jen Sanford said...

Those Snow Geese make for an amazing sight... I have only seen a few at a time here this winter...

Liz said...

Great bird shots, Eileen!
Your American Black Duck is very similar to our Pacific Black Duck (ours has a patterened face).

DeniseinVA said...

I'm loving all these places you're showing us Eileen, thank you so much. Great photos and a great video.

TexWisGirl said...

that thick line of black ducks is impressive! how neat!

Martha said...

Good morning! Thanks for stopping by! Great shots. I also love your header photo. I will have to research to find out where this refuge is!

Debbie said...

awesome tour...from the comfort of my chair!!

gorgeous varity of birds!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely series of bird shots! Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

There's oh so many, Eileen! What a fantastic place for all of them & an excellent shot of the Hawk! =)

EG CameraGirl said...

Super place to see birds! I don't think I have ever seen a coot. But then, I just recently figured out that some of the "female mallards" I've seen were actually black ducks. I still have so much to learn!!

grammie g said...

HI Eileen...Wow that is quite a noisy group ...
Great photos...I love the FEW Snow Geese and a band of Black Ducks photo!! : }

Karin M. said...

Wow .... these photos are sooooo beautiful.
amazing .... so many birds, madness ..
Greeting Karin

Betty Manousos said...

extremely beautiful images, eileen!

what a great place for all of them.
that american black duck is truly beautiful!

happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Great shots Eileen! I enjoyed my trip there between Christmas and New Year. I can't wait to go back!

Anonymous said...

Great variety of birds! That looks like a beautiful place to visit.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful day to visit the wildlife refuge. What a sight to see the snow geese and contrasting black ducks on the water!

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a lovely selection of birds! Have a lovely weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

I spent a good hour the other day just watching a hawk [Cooper's hawk] --they are so fascinating. Love the huge group of birds on the water photos!!

My Camera Critter Link: PELICANS Cormorants and Water

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen Love the pictures - especially of those Coots! Having had a flock of Coots grazing on my front lawn last winter at the lake house, I have come to enjoy seeing Coots. Have a wonderful day today and thanks for sharing all of these great pictures!

Jidhu Jose said...

awesome shots ...its so lovely to see the white birds

Camera Critters

Anonymous said...

You had a good visit judging by the variety of photographs you captured. I especially like the close-up pictures of the ducks and coot, as well as the hawk.

Chubskulit Rose said...

The circular formation of the water in the third shot is gorgeous!

Stewart M said...

Hi there – What a splendid set of pictures. Seeing that many water birds in one place must be great. Our birds are a lot more spread out since we have had some rain.
Struggling with internet at present - arg!
Cheers - Stewart M – Australia

BlueShell said...

Oh dear! It is a pleasure to come here and see all there wonderfull pictures!
Thank you for that!
have a nice sunday!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

LoVE the snow geese with the line of black ducks behind!! OH, and the hawk!
and i never tire of hearing the geese!!!!! thanks! happy sunday.

Saun said...

What a nice way to start a sunday morning off. A cup of coffee and your beautiful pictures. I have never seen a black duck. Enjoy your day!

CameraCruise said...

Great shots of the beautiful birds!
Love them, my favorite is the hawk.
Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Another great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Lina Gustina said...

Really enjoying your shots, Eileen. All of them :)
It's a pity I can't see the video. I've got slow connection here.
Thanks for dropping by...

Ebie said...

Every creature in this preserve are so not camera shy. What a fun day!

jabblog said...

All those snow geese must have been quite an experience - and fairly noisy, too, I should think. Wonderful.

ShannonW said...

You have some really awesome captures here. I bet the geese were noisy but oh so beautiful!

Al said...

A great critter post, I've never seen so many ducks in my life!

Carol said...

I enjoyed all the duck and geese shots! Fantastic captures. I especially love the white geese with the black ducks. Have a great weekend Eileen!

FAB said...

Hi Eileen. I very much enjoyed reviewing the winter wildlife from 'Brigantine' .... so much different from my visit in the fall many years ago. Have a great week .... FAB.

eden said...

Beautiful photos as always. I enjoyed all of them.

Have a great week!

Dan Huber said...

Wonderful photos Eileen.

 gmirage said...

pretty critters! ours migrated! :) -

Susan Cook said...

Wow, cool photos. I would love to go to a bird refuge. That looks awesome.

Thanks for sharing & for stopping by mine :)

Happy Monday!

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