Sunday, January 8, 2012

Jersey Shore Birding

I am linking up with Mosaic Monday  and  Our World Tuesday

Having off work Friday ( a mental health day) and a forecast of beautiful weather convinced hubby and I to head to the Jersey shores for some birding. Our first stop were the beaches at Avalon-Stone Harbor and then we headed north to Barnegat Lighthouse.

Here are some of the highlights from Friday the first day of our visit to New Jersey.

The first shot is of the sunrise at we headed across the Delaware Memorial bridge, in the second photo are hundreds of Sanderlings on the beach at Avalon, the last shot above.. a few Brants at Barnegat Lighthouse.

Sanderlings and seagulls a plenty on the Jersey beaches.

Purple Sandpipers and Ruddy Turnstones(orange legs) seen along the jetty.

Brants walking along the beach at Barnegat. Winter time is a great time for viewing the ducks along the coast. I do think this warm weather we have been having lately is having an affect on the numbers of ducks we are use to seeing in the winter. I am loving this warm weather and I hope it continues thru January.

In the mosaic above are shots of the Barnegat Lighthouse, A few Purple Sandpipers at the Stone Harbor jetty, a Common Loon and a group of Long-tailed ducks at Barnegat Lighthouse.

Above, a Harlequin couple seen at Barnegat.

The Long-tailed ducks seen at Barnegat. Barnegat Lighthouse beach is known as a great place for birders to see some great ducks like the Long-Tailed, Brants and the Harlequins. We also saw Common Eider, tons of Common Loons and Surf Scotors.

To see more wonderful mosaics and photos please visit Mary's Mosaic Monday and  Our World Tuesday.  Thanks to Mary of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World: Sylvia, Sandy, Lady Fi, Gattina and Arija.

Thank you for visiting my blog and post and for the lovely comments. I hope everyone has a great week ahead and Happy Birding.


Barbara Selkirk said...

What a fabulous visit you must have had with your husband Eileen. I'm jealous of your proximity to the Jersey shores and the many ducks and birds you have shown us - just wonderful photographs... I find it hard to choose which one I like best they are all so great. Enjoy your blog so much.

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images of your lovely wildlife.. I would love to live by the coast.

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely arrangement, and all those birds, many we don't have them over here. Beauties.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Wonderful pictures...Unseasonable weather here too and really enjoying it. Wishing you well!11 Cathy

TexWisGirl said...

what a great variety of birds you get to see there!!! love it!

Carol said...

Wonderful shots! Looks like a lovely time at the shore in Jersey. We're having the warm weather in NY, too, freezing one day and warm the next. No complaints :)

Jo said...

I love the Long-tailed ducks and the Harlequins, Eileen. What a beautiful header photo that lighthouse makes. Thanks for sharing these photos. I learn so much from your blog. (I never imagined you could get a PURPLE sandpiper! Looks very similar to our Common Sandpiper) Have a great trip. Jo

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...My goodness lovely shots of the shore birds and what a beautiful day for it!!


Karin M. said...

..a lovely duck parade...wonderful series..
Greetings Karin

Saun said...

Thanks for sharing beautiful ducks lovely pics....

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your photos so much. It is rainy and dreary in GA today. Blessings to you this Sunday afternoon, Eileen.

Nancy said...

Nice get away. Love that harlequin duck! Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Wonderful views! I so like the picture of the Brants. I have never seen any Brant Geese before. They are really interesting looking birds! Have a super nice Monday tomorrow. Love the look of that lighthouse - makes me want to visit that place.

BirdGalAlcatraz said...

What a bounty of beautiful birds!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Grandiose foto !!!!
Ciao Myriam :)))


Great shots! I'm head down to Lakewood on an unplanned, 'urgent' family matter. I was depressed that I would miss the birds here at home in Maine. Your post cheered me up! Has any one seen a Snowy owl around?

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful photos of the lighthouse and the birds!
Love them!
Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day.

jeanlivingsimple said...

I like the idea of having a "mental health day" off from work. You used the day well.

Red Nomad OZ said...

The miracle of bird migration means we get some of the same birds as visitors downunder in OZ!

But I'm SO jealous of the Harlequins and Brants!!

Hope your boss doesn't stop by for a look at your blog!!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Oz, I do not have to worry about my boss. My leave slip was approved in advance for a vacation day off. I wish I could send you a harlequin. They are beautiful ducks.

rainfield61 said...

A "bird" a day, keeps the bored away.

Pondside said...

Brrrrr - that water looks cold, but the waterfowl look happy!

ellen b. said...

Eileen, It looks like a perfect day at the shore! Love all your sparkly photos. Beautiful!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, I love visiting your blog since I always learn something.. I don't know much about the shore birds ---but people like you are helping me learn more. Great photos... Love that Harlequin couple.

Lorrie said...

Gorgeous images of the beach.

I clicked here through a comment on another blog, because when I clicked on the link to Eileen on Mosaic Monday, I ended up at another site. (link below)

Seems weird. I wonder if others are having the same issue?

The French Hutch said...

Eileen, what a fabulous way to spend your time on your day off. The Jersey shore is beautiful and so are the birds. Oh my, the sandpipers and Turnstones are wind ruffled and the Harlequin couple are just the sweetest.
Beautiful lighthouse. Thanks for sharing this amazing spot.
Wishing you the best in the new year.

The French Hutch

Debbie said...

hi eileen, your photo's are wonderful.

you were very close to me when you were in barnegat, it is about a half hour south of me. my brother lives there.

i adore stone harbor, they have a wonderful craft show there the first weekend in august, it is worth the trip!! did you stop in cape may?? that is a wonderful sea side town and they also have a great zoo there that we visit often.

spring lake is about 1 hour north of barnegat. i love the jersey shore, there is so much to see and do. glad you had fun!!

shirley said...

Eileen - it looks like a weekend well spent! Wonderful photos!

AVCr8teur said...

What a beautiful place for birding! So many variety of birds flock here so they must love it here too.

betty-NZ said...

Wow! Those are some lovely shots. You have quite a variety of subjects to photograph.

Dan Huber said...

Wonderful collection of birds seen and nicely photographed.


Unknown said...

That is such a beautiful collection!
Wouldn't mind having a bird trip there :D!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Wonderful picture of the brants...just out for a Sunday walk!!! Most enjoyable !! cathy

Cuby said...

Oh Eileen how I enjoy my visits to your blog and this one is no exception. I love to see and hear wild geese their flying V's and their honking!

Indrani said...

Wow! Love your presentations!
Thanks for taking the trouble to identify the bird for me. :)

Tina´s PicStory said...

oooohhh, what wonderful skies!

Unknown said...

Looks like you have a very good day too. I love to see the beauty around here. Thanks for sharing Eileen and happy Monday!

Mary, MI

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

OH we ALL need a mental health day now and then!!

what a gorgeous sunrise!!
and i LOVE the little sandpipers on the 'shell mound'!!

and those harlequins!! wow!!

beautiful mosaics!!
happy new year!

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Wow look at all the ducks. Great pictures and so glad the weather cooperated. V

Leslie's Garden said...

Hurray for mental health days! How wonderful to live so close to the beach, such wonderful wildlife to see! Your photography is awesome, too. (I think I say that every time, but it's just so gorgeous!).

Cuby said...

I find your blog so enjoyable, with lovely photos and lots of information so thank you for all that.

Unknown said...

Great tour Eileen. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic captures, Eileen, as always! I love the lighthouse and, of course, the ducks! Such a delightful tour you've taken us on! I hope you have a wonderful week! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

LOVE your header. As your page was opening, I recognized the lighthouse immediately. I would love to visit this part of NJ again. I used to live a couple hours north of this part of NJ. I enjoyed looking at your water birds.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wonderful just completely wonderful. That day sure would have helped my mental health!

Inger-M said...

That's a beautiful series, it must be a wonderful place for walks!

Kathie Brown said...

Seeing this post is inspiring me to get out to our Massachusetts shore. What a lot of great birds you saw!

LifeRamblings said...

looks like a wonderful getaway. lovely pictures of the lighthouse and birds.

Gaelyn said...

January at the beach and all these colorful ducks is a special treat.

Anonymous said...

I was there on Sunday! How amazing the both of us went to Barnegat lighthouse the same weekend.

Carver said...

I enjoy your birding jaunts so much. You got some great shots.

Andrea said...

Hi Eileen, that's a lot of shorebirds! Are those growing on the rock shells or algae? If shells, that surely is plenty for those birds.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What an outing, you made the most of it.

Ebie said...

Thanks for identifying the birds. There are so many species, and I don;t know if I have even seen them. It is always a delight to see them.

I love how the sea foam matching colors with the shore birds.

Hahaha, I always use that reason, mental health day! Planning to use one.

Anonymous said...

Wow - what glorious shots!

Elaine said...

What a beautiful weekend you had!

Unknown said...

i wish i'd have an opportunity to photograph birds one of these days. your bird shots are awesome! i particularly love the Harlequins. have a great week.

Jen Sanford said...

Stunning shot of the Harlequins! And I would love to see so many Long-tailed Ducks...

wildcatwoods said...

Great time of year to go to the beach - lovely shots!

Carolina Mts

My Little Home and Garden said...

Harlequin ducks are new to me. It was nice to see them!

Liz said...

A wonderful post, Eileen. It looks like such a lovely peaceful place to holiday.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...