Sunday, September 9, 2012

A walk in the woods

I am linking up with  Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday

I can not believe how fast the week is going, and it is hard to believe it is Sunday already.  I have some photos of recent scenes from our local walk in the woods. As I am walking I am seeing the leaves falling, being a birder seeing movement automatically draws my attention. Sometimes I look from a distance at what I believe is a male cardinal in a tree and it turns out to be a red leaf. Are the leaves falling earlier this year? We are lucky to live near a pine forest so we have green year round which I love.

 Above are some of the scenes I saw last week while taking a walk. There are all kinds of berries, some of the berries I recognize are the pretty purple Devil's Walking stick berries, there are still some wild flowers blooming, a few different flycatchers showing up, some warblers are moving south and my pretty favorite.. the Red-Breasted Nuthatch.

The fireroad going thru the pine trees, the grass seems to be growing fast and hopefully they will come and cut it soon.

I am not sure if this is one of those confusing fall warblers or a flycatcher or could it be a vireo?

I am not sure what kind of berries these are but if the birds like them I like them too. The splash of bright red is pretty.

These are the Devil's walking stick berries and the warblers seem to love them.

The Gray Catbirds also seem to love the berries.

I always love to see any kind of wildflowers along the trails.

The Red-Breasted Nuthatch seem to be all over the woods near my house. They makes the cutest sounds.

I hope you enjoyed my walk and photos.
To see more beautiful photos and mosaics check out Mary's Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday.

Thanks to Mary of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy .  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post. Have  a safe and happy week!


TexWisGirl said...

really pleased to see the red-breasted nuthatch. what a cute little bird! the catbird, too. don't see either, here.

Tiago Braga said...

I have enjoyed very much the 1st photo, its a very interesting and beauty place. I can image all the beautys that you can see in this place, amazing

Bob Bushell said...

Nicest blog that I've read, beautiful Eileen.

Kerri Farley said...

Wonderful captures! What a GREAT walk!

Sue said...

What a pretty spot for a walk--I'd love to stroll through those pines!

inge said...

This walk must realllly put you in good humour great pictures

Lynne said...

I love your blog . . . perfect walk, fabulous photos. My kind of walk and my eyes like what yours like . . .

I am right now, sitting on my screened porch looking out at a fairly new thistle feeder and there are fourteen finches feeding. The feeder is like a mesh long sock and the birds love it! Oops, I moved and they flew . . .

Linda said...

That red-breasted nuthatch is just gorgeous! I thoroughly enjoyed the walk with you!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The clusters of red berries look familiar...I should know what they are! Lovely photos, my friend! We love our birds!

Vee said...

There certainly is a lot of activity in the trees isn't there?! The acorns dropping all around keeps me looking up and I find the treetops full of squirrels chucking them down. I swear they are.

Beautiful walk through the forest and that fireroad makes a wonderful path. Your photography is delightful.

Maude Lynn said...

Beautiful shots!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I enjoyed the walk with you Eileen, and it surprises me that a bird has you stumped with its identity. :-)
The shot along the fire road is very tranquil looking.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

A walk in the woods would be extra special in the fall to see the changing of the leaves. We have seen the Robins back in the yard. They are probably eating up so they can move south. We don't see them much through the hot summer. Love the photos. Valerie

A Garden of Threads said...

I enjoyed the walk. I love nuthatches, they are so cute and always in my backyard. Have a great week:)

BernieH said...

The berries certainly make a fabulous display out in the forest. The Red-Breasted Nuthatch is a very pretty little thing, but I also liked the rather drab looking Gray Catbird.

Kim, USA said...

Beautiful shots Eileen. I like that cedar waxing bird at your side bar so beautiful!


Rohrerbot said...

Love that nuthatch. Our variety is highly visible this year and all over the of my favorites to see out in the wild for all their acrobatic upside down walks:)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Another beautiful walk near your home. I can't believe the season is changing already -- late summer/early fall is lovely in your area though.

podso said...

You have such beautiful walks! I always enjoy your photos!

Rajesh said...

You have a nice place to walk with such beautiful birds and flowers.

Jenny said...

What a wonderful woods to walk in. You take a slow walk and see all the beauty. Thanks for sharing. xo Jenny

Cloudy said...

Jeder Tag ist ein Geschenk, Dein Blog in Wort und Bild bringt mir die Freude...

Lieben Gruß und Sonne im Herzen

Vores have said...

Great pictures / collages showing from the forest :)
Hanne Bente

Ingmarie We said...

Lovely photos. I really enjoy to follow you on your walks among birds, critters and plants.

Clara said...

beautiful walk! You live in a wonderful place. And I love your mosaic.

diane b said...

I love your nature walks. The birds and the plants are interesting as they are different to ours. I could hear a Whip Bird close to our house today but I couldn't see it, but it has a beautiful call. We usually only here them in the forests not in the suburbs.

BunnyKissd said...

Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for sharing your walk with us - enjoyed the pics. I have not had much luck taking good pics of birds.
Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.

Anonymous said...

Your woods are beautiful at this time of year. Lovely shots.

Lorrie said...

I thoroughly enjoyed the walk. Thank you for sharing it with us. Autumn is creeping into the woods around here, too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos. I love Red Breasted Nuthatches (White Breasted ones too.). Your walk in the woods was lovely, especially t he different seed heads and fruits.

Yael from Home Garden Diggers

Icy BC said...

I love those berries and bird! Your photos are gorgeous..

Unknown said...

Another great sequence!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

What a wonderful walk you have taken us on, Eileen! I love the birds and the flowers, the wonderful colors! So much to see and to enjoy!! Thank you for sharing it with us today! Hope you have a beautiful week!

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen a forest for more than a year now. You imagine how much I love this walk.

Please have you all a good Tuesday.

daily athens photo

Dianne said...

Lovely captures Eileen ... I love how you've caught the sun-light through those beautiful tall trees.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I LOVED your walk. Saw some plants and birds that I am unfamiliar with so I learned something also.

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic photography of nature's gems ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Dimple said...

Lovely shots, Eileen. I like the Devil's Walking Stick photo, it looks like rick-rack!
We have nuthatches here year-round. They come to my feeders and chase the chickadees!

Indrani said...

Terrific pictures by you during your trail. Those stick berries are new to me.

SandyCarlson said...

These are wonderful. Those berries are really beautiful.

Fun60 said...

Thanks for taking us along with you on your walk. Liked those berries.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

What a wonderful walk! Fantastic Pics!

lotusleaf said...

All your pictures are beautiful. The collage is gorgeous.

Elaine said...

Looks like a lovely walk! The leaves are beginning to fall here, but that's pretty much right on schedule

DIMI said...

What a beautiful walk!Amazing shots Eileen!What a nice plase to visit!
Have a lovely day my friend!

Unknown said...

your birds shots are impressive..and those berries are lovely.

NatureFootstep said...

thanks for sharing your walk. You always have interesting things to share.

Jill Harrison said...

Wonderful images - thank you for taking me there. Walking in the woods, or the "bush" as we call it over here, is my most favourite pasttime. I haven't done enough of it this year - and now it is wildflower season - and I must get out there!
Have a wonderful week, and thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi!

Carver said...

Wonderful shots from your walk in the woods.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I love how the great Creator put it all together to have so many wonderful, assorted berries and fruits that shall provide the energy for birds and wildlife to survive the winter, and, or their migration flights. Beautiful images~

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...