Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oregon Critters

My post for Camera Critters  and id-rather-b-birdin have some never ending shots from Oregon. I wanted to post the Sea Lions from the Sea Lion caves and I have some more Oregon Birds.

Besides a lot of Surf Scoters  in the Pacific Ocean we saw lots of Harlequin ducks. We found some Harlequins at the Haystack Rock during the low tide. They seemed comfy laying on the rocks or shells.

Female Harlequin Duck at Cannon Beach

SeaStar (starfish)  at Oswald State park beach.

 They blend in so well, how many Harlequin ducks can you find in this photo? I am not sure if these are mussels, what ever they are they do not look comfy to lay on? I guess the ducks do not mind.

For comparison these are two of the Atlantic Coast  Barnagat beach Harlequins from last winter. You can see the pretty male.

I am used to seeing the beautiful Harlequin ducks on the Atlantic Ocean during the winter months on the Jersey Shore.

Sea Lions in the Sea Lion cave near Yachats, Oregon

Sea Lions outside the cave.

One of the many cute baby gulls that we saw on Haystack Rock and Cannon Beach.

A Cute Pigeon Guillemot, they are not related to pigeons. The Guillemot is a seabird.

To see more cute and wonderful critters please visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters. Also, thanks to Anni I am linked up with I'd-rather-b-birdin  Thanks to Misty and Anni for hosting these fun critters meme. Also, thanks for stopping by to see my post. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


Chaparral Earth said...

I know it sounds crazy but my favourite shots here are of the Barnacles. I think those creatures are so kool and more importantly a necessary filtering component for our oceans. Among countless others of course.

DIMI said...

My dear Eileen,your photos are so amazing!!not get enough to watch them together with my granddaughter, I Breathtaking as always!!How do you get these photos;I love them all!!Have a wonderful weekend and a new month my dear friend!Thanks for your nice comment!!

Linda said...

Such great shots! I know you really enjoyed your time there - and you saw so many cool critters and birds!

Zenserly said...

I think I see eight Harlequin ducks...they really blend so well it would be hard to recognize them at first glance..the male Barnagat beach Harlequin is so pretty indeed! and the sea lions grouped together makes me think how lovely it is to be in a friendly community...the baby gull is so cute!!! oh, so the cute pigeon Guillemot is a seabird, I love its eyes! oh and yes I love the starfish and your awesome sunset header...happy weekend to you! :-)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Awesome photos- you have some beautiful scenery there!

Cloudy said...

Da ist ja richtig was los...

Lieben Gruß

Zizi Santos said...

Que fotos e lugares maravilhosos!
A natureza renasce em todos os momentos.
Feliz mes de setembro

Carol said...

Fantastic shots. I've never seen so many mussels like that, cool picture, the ducks do blend in! The sea lions are amazing, super capture!
Have a great weekend.

Montanagirl said...

Nice series of photos! I love the colors of the Harlequin Duck.

Leslie's Garden said...

I always look forward to your posts, can't wait to see what you'll introduce me to next!

LindyLouMac said...

Another lovely selection, it must be amazing to get so close to the sea lions.

Lynne said...

Amazing photography . . . I like seeing something different from what I see in the Midwest. One more way that communication through our blog friends can create a mini National Geographic. Thank you Eileen . . .

TexWisGirl said...

i love that guillemot! so sleek and pretty! neat shots!

DeniseinVA said...

Camouflage is an amazing thing and your shots are always such a treat, thanks Eileen.

Amila Kanchana said...

Fantastic marine life, sea lions and the star fish are fantastic!

Crafty Green Poet said...

The male Harlequin is so pretty, but what a strange surface they choose to sit on, it can't be at all comfortable!

Your pigeon guillemot looks very like our black guillemot, lovely bird!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I am oohing and aahing over your Harlequin Ducks. I have never seen one in person. Beautiful. I enjoyed seeing your other pictures today too. Have a fantastic holiday weekend!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

No surprise -- your Oregon pictures top mine!! Wonderful selection; I am so glad you guys got to spend some time here. My son-in-law taught us how to gather mussels and cook them (like clams). I never do it any more, too much work, but it was fun to learn. (We are staying about 40 minutes inland from Florence which is the next coastal town south of Sea Lion Caves.)

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

ouch...doesn't look like a very comfy spot sitting on top of all those mussels!
i love the sea star!! AND the sea lions!! the little fuzzy baby gull is adorable!!

Suz said...

I try to get these kind of close-ups of birds but I can't. Yours are wonderful and beautiful.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

The sea lion shots are amazing! Looks like real estate is at a premium!!

i beati said...

outstanding photos

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love the seastar!

Hopping by from Camera Critters.

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for sharing the incredible beauty of this place. I am blown away.

betchai said...

oh, all gorgeous critters Eileen, you had so much finds in Oregon.

Lina Gustina said...

Oregon critters are awesome. Stunning shots, Eileen!

Vores have said...

Nice pictures you show.
Wish you a good Sunday :)
Hanne Bente

Elaine said...

Wonderful series!

Anni said...

...those ducks?---------beautiful!!! You should seriously consider linking up at the Bird D'Pot with this post [and any other ones you post in the future that has bird photos!!]

I so enjoyed viewing these images. And I must add that your header photo is outstanding.

diane b said...

beautiful scenery and critters. The colourful harlequins are so pretty and I like the Guillemot's bright red legs.Those shells do look like mussels and the ducks have chosen an odd place too sleep. It must be a great picnic ground for the birds.

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

Looks like you had a great trip, beautiful pics!

Bob Bushell said...

The Guillemot and the Harlequin ducks are tremendous, not to mention the seals and starfish, superb Eileen.

Roan said...

I think harlequin ducks are my favorite. The guillemot is a real stunner!
Rubbish by Roan

Jen Sanford said...

Ooh what an awesome close-up of the guillemot! They usually keep their distance from me. The sea lions are great!

Laurence Butler said...

Fabulous stuff Eileen!

Unknown said...

Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Adam Jones said...

I really like the Guillemot shot. We call them Black Guillemots here in the UK. Lovely red feet.

Maude Lynn said...

That baby gull is so cute!

NatureFootstep said...

great birding Eileen. Seems liek a great place to see a lot of things besides great birds. :)

HansHB said...

Great post!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful captures. I love the one of the baby gull.

Julie G. said...

Fantastic photographs, Eileen! I especially love the baby gull, pretty Pigeon Guillemot and lazy Sea Lions. All are wonderful, though. Beautiful sights!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Those Harlequin Ducks are certainly beautiful. It's amazing how they blend in with the shells.

Dan said...

Fantastic photographs, Eileen!

You have seen so many creatures... big and small. Wow! :) Impressive!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...