Thursday, September 27, 2012


It is time to link up with one of my favorites memes Skywatch Friday and  NF Winged.  My entry this week is some of the skies above my yard and a few birds for NF Winged.

I enjoy watching the sky, a simple pleasure everyone can enjoy!

The Black Throated Green Warbler is still hanging around my yard. I guess it wants a full belly before it heads south.

I love to look up and see these beautiful white puffy clouds.

The Mourning Doves are a common visitor to my yard, on this day I had ten or more hanging around my deck and feeders.

Looking west after the sun had set, there were a few clouds left that turned a pretty pink.

To see more beautiful photos and pretty skies please visit Skywatch Friday
and NF Winged

Thanks to Sylvia and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday! Thanks to Monica the host of NF Winged. Also, thank you for stopping by to see my post. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


Linda said...

The skies are so pretty - love the color in that sunset! That little bird was almost hidden in the greenery! Nice shot...

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
Oh, lovely sky for skywatch; Lovely pink color of setting sun. Haha, I wish I had the environment which birds can visit♡♡♡
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan my friend, xoxo Miyako*

Dan Huber said...

beautiful shots Eileen.

Anonymous said...

A lovely series of shots. Enjoy your weekend.

Cloudy said...

Tolle Wolkenbilder, so klar ind Farbe...

Lieben Gruß

Lynne said...

Mourning Doves . . . why do the visit some home areas and not others.
Something in the soil . . .

LindyLouMac said...

Calling by from NF-Winged meme,lovely photos Eileen and for Skywatch. :)

rainfield61 said...

Simple yet beautiful.

HappyK said...

Love those big white puffy clouds in the bright blue sky. That is enough to make anyone cheerful. : )

TexWisGirl said...

i do love the sunsets at this time of the year.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i love your big fluffy clouds...and all the winged sightings in your yard!!

Maude Lynn said...

Lovely shots! I particularly like the second one.

Anni said...

All those doves....I bet early in the morning when they visit your feeders, they're mighty watch and hear!!

Sorry, I'm a bit late in visiting, but, have had a couple of days where the computer is not very cooperative!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

beautiful clouds and birds. It's always nice to have a pretty bird stop and stay around for a while!

DIMI said...

What amazing pictures my friend!The colors of the sky are wonderful!Wish a good Friday!

Rohrerbot said...

Still awesome:) Grosbeaks, are really lucky. It means you're doing something right in your yard. If I ever have an owl come visit, I'll smile because I'll have created a sanctuary at last. I have the hummingbirds. But a warbler......

As for the Mourning Doves, well they're like neighbors. All over:)

Saun said...

Love your backyard shots. Our post kind of look the same this week :)blue skies and white puffy clouds.

Sylvia K said...

Such lovely clouds and skies and beautiful birds!! All the things that make every day one to enjoy! Beautiful captures as always, Eileen! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Beautiful skies and I love that sunset!

Karen said...

Terrific skies, and I always enjoy seeing your bird shots.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful dreamy skies -- and it looks like the warbler has lots of berries left to eat before he flies away.

Debbie said...

gorgeous blues in the sky and the sunsets are becoming exceptionally colorful!!

beautiful eileen, have a wonderful weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Thanks for showing the Black-throated Green Warbler. I have never seen one in life. It is a beauty! Nice photo's. I also like the shot of those doves. Have a fantastic Friday tomorrow!

Indrani said...

Great skies for photography and travel.
Have a great weekend.

Chubskulit Rose said...

The last shot is whimsical!

Carletta said...

Lovely skies Eileen!
This is the time I love the most. The days with blue skies and puffy white clouds and nice crisp air.
Always a treat to see your feathered friends.
Have a great upcoming weekend!

Stewart M said...

Those skies look a little crisper than mine!

Nice blues.

I don't mind it don't see another sky like that for a while either!

Stewart M - Australia

NatureFootstep said...

your birds did not want to pose today. :) But of course, you were supposed to shoot the sky. :)
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful blue sky captured.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful sky shots, I like those white fluffy clouds. Nice to see you have so many birds in your garden.

Alice said...

Nice to have nature so near you, cool to go bird watching. Have a nice weekend.

Regina said...

Amazing captures as always!

Hi Eileen. Happy weekend.


Michelle said...

Cloudy sunsets are so moody and interesting. We get lots of mourning doves here, too. Some of them sleep near the feeders. :)

Unknown said...

Lovely shot and peaceful, Eileen!


Unknown said...

Great photos! I love the clouds.

AVCr8teur said...

Both of the warblers were well-camouflaged that I almost missed them. Have a good Sunday!

Ebie said...

So many birds around, I wonder if they chirp together, they would create a great harmony!

Heather said...

Pretty sunset shot!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...