Tuesday, September 4, 2012

American Avocets

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

The American Avocet  is a shorebird that nest colonially or singly on freshwater lakes. Avocets search for larvae and other food by sweeping their bill along the waters surface.  The breeding male has black and white wings and a burned orangy head and neck. The female has more of an off white or gray  head and neck.

I hope you enjoyed my American Avocets from the Bombay Hook National wildlife refuge.

To see more beautiful birds and nature photos please visit Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesdayand Nature Notes

 Thanks to Stewart the host of Wild Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle the host of Nature Notes. Also, thank you for stopping by to see my post. Happy Birding and I hope the rest of your week is great.


TexWisGirl said...

these birds and the stilts are such cool-looking birds to me. :)

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Eileen, I can't remember if I came by already but just in case I haven't, what a lovely selection for us again. I do so enjoy your bird photos.

Carole M. said...

how beautiful to see these waterbirds en-masse

mick said...

Great photos of the Avocets and fantastic to see a flock of them like that.

Sue said...

TexWis girl hit it on the nose-birds on stilts--how funny!
You found the mother lode there. I was lucky to see a few pairs.

NatureFootstep said...

ah, your beautiful Avocet. They are more colorful then the european one. We usually have some in the southern part of Sweden. They never come to where I live. It is too far north.

re the Guillemot. Acc to wikipedia it sithe same as Murre. But I´m no expert so there are probably local differencies.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That first shot is so cool- they are busy catching supper!

Janet said...

awesome shots!! Just fabulous!!

Tiago Braga said...

Great photos, fantastic place and lovely birds, love the photo number one =)

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...That is quite the gathering of Avocets...I like the first one they almost mirror each other!!
Your previous post was awesome to see!!

Fjällripan said...

Oh yes I really enjoyed your post. LIke the shorebirds very much!! Great header to :)

Larry said...

Great shots of the American Avocets Eileen! It's fun to watch them in a flock as they feed with that back and forth motion of their beaks skimming the water for those aquatic invertebrates.

Nancy said...

Love their markings and there are so many of them!

Carver said...

The avocets look like fun birds to watch. I enjoyed your shots so much.

Rohrerbot said...

I really like the American Avocet a lot. Beautiful birds to see along the ocean or in and around ponds of water. We have them here in Tucson once and awhile.

I'm back with a major mission accomplished and I can rest mentally now that I've satisfied the goal. Do you ever have that internal need to find that shot/animal so much that you can't sleep until you find it? That was me yesterday! But I can sleep now ....although the bug bites were pretty bad. But those will go away. Hope you had a great 3 day weekend. Chris

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi, Just wanted to drop by and say HELLO. It's been a busy week/month --and just gonna get busier.

Love the little Avocets, Eileen... Such pretty little shorebirds.


Anonymous said...

GReat captures of thes lovely shorebirds.

Lynne said...

Beautiful pictures . .

SquirrelQueen said...

I love your Avocets.
Your first photo of the synchronized fishing and the reflections is just beautiful.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Wow, that is a lot of Avocets! I have never seen them.

Cloudy said...

Das erste Bild ist ja so wizig, wie Zwillinge...

Lieben Gruß

Elaine said...

Funny how they're all bunched so tightly together when there's so much open water. Must be a particularly good spot for feeding.

Carletta said...

In that first shot they are really purpose minded aren't they.
Nice shots and wonderful info as always Eileen!

Vores have said...

Nice pictures you show.
Wish you a good day :)
Hanne Bente

Bob Bushell said...

I certainly did enjoy myself, the Avocet is a superb bird, thanks Eileen.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - thanks for the visit to WBW.

Always nice to see avocets!

Stewart M - Australia

Linda said...

I love these shots - especially the one with ALL of them together. Great! Have a great day!

DIMI said...

Amazind pic.Eillen!Have a nice day!

Dan Huber said...

Fantastic photos! How cool to see so many together.

Anonymous said...

These are great birds. Sometimes children will run at the flocks and I am able to catch them flying off.

i stora drag said...

Nice to see so many birds at the same time! But I love your egrets, both in the last picture and in the header!
Greetings Pia in Sweden

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful photos from these birds in there natural background. So lovely !

Montanagirl said...

Wow, so many in a pile! They are very neat birds.

joo said...

Hi, Eileen,
It's been a while since my last visit - sorry! As usually love your photos. They make me miss sea:)
Happy Wednesday!

Icy BC said...

I love your bird photos and great info on the American Avocet!

Ingmarie We said...

Great birdphotos as usual! Interesting information about the birds too. Thank you!

Rambling Woods said...

I love the header Eileen! I have never seen these birds and was happy to learn about them and the words 'wildlife refuge' always make me smile..Michelle

LindyLouMac said...

Love the first shot of the matched pair!

Adam Jones said...

Fantastic shots of the American Avocets with the Egrets. Really nice to see.

Gillian Olson said...

These are great, especially like that first one with the pair in unison.

EG CameraGirl said...

WOW! They sure do like each other's company!

Celeste said...

Avocets - one of my favourite bird species, I think they are so elegant. Thanks for sharing :)

Neil said...

Just to be able to see one Avocet would be great beautiful photos.

Crafty Green Poet said...

avocets are such beautiful elegant birds...

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

CUTE!! i love how they look...with that racing stripe down their sides!

happy friday!!

Brian King said...

These are fantastic! I absolutely love your first photo! That's just beautiful!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Love those avocets,Eileen! I get a kick out of that contrarian sunflower!

Anonymous said...

Ηuѕsain al-Κhaωahіr,
33, arriveԁ at the Dеtrоit airρort on Satuгday frοm Saudi Arаbia travel with Рrеssurе Cοoκerѕ to cook lamb.
Caption: Ιndіan shοрκeeрers fгοm Varаnаѕi Trаdегѕ
Assοciation hοld candles during an Αll
Religіοn Pеaсe mаrch
fоr those killed іn the Boston Мarаthоn finish
line Ϻondаy kіlling at least three people and іnjured more
than 140. One of the thrеe ԁеviceѕ
used in the Βostοn bombing rеmaineԁ in hοѕpitals, many ωith grievоuѕ injuries.
You cаn still get ontο a bus or a trаіn with your
presѕure cookеr without evеryone сleаring thе cоmpаrtment.

Сhесk out mу blog; Noi ap suat

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...