Sunday, January 13, 2013

More from around the yard

I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday.

These are some shots from around my yard showing what it looks like after some snow in January.  Today was a bust weather wise, all we saw was a foggy damp day. So much for today being sunny and 60 which was predicted for today.

In my mosaic, I have the Mourning Doves and a Cardinal, Holly Bush, Chickadee and Titmouse, more Mourning Doves, American Goldfinches and a couple of Pine Siskins.

We had to have a large pine tree cut down that was growing right next to our house and we saved some of these large pieces or stumps to use for bird baths or in this case I spread some sunflower seed on top for the birds or critters to eat.

At times my yard can be filled with Mourning Doves, they seem a little shy around me. In the photo above the weeping cherry tree is a favorite spot for all the birds to land before going to the birdfeeders. It is cool, some of my yardbirds let me stand out on the deck right next to them.

The tangled monster behind the birdhouse is a trumpet vine we have climbing up the side of our deck on a trellis. We did not cut it down in the fall because the birds use it to perch and hide in. I like to have lots of spots for the birds to go to for protection and my monster seems to work well. Above you can find a Chickadee on top of the birdhouse and behind is a Titmouse perch on the monster.

Above is my tree stump, some holly berries and my purple coneflower seed head. I have seen the Goldfinches on the seed head multiple times. It was well worth letting the flowers go to seed.

Around in the backyard is another tree stump with a bird bath sitting on it, but it was covered with snow on this day. On this side of the backyard we have some rhododendron bushes, butterfly bushes, a dogwood tree, an azalea bush in front our shed. I think hubby cuts back the butterfly bushes in the early spring and they grow back each year.

Above I caught a cute Red-breasted Nuthatch behind the Mourning Dove.

In the winter, the only color I see are the holly berries on our holly bushes. I hope you enjoyed the walk around my yard and my birds. 

To see more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to Mary of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy .  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post.  I wish everyone a happy week!


  1. Love the Holly, great picture of the Morning Dove. I like your Trumpet Vine shelter. I bet it is pretty with the flowers in bloom!

    We were 53 yesterday near Grand Rapids, Michigan, about an hour away it made 60. Crazy weather climate change, indeed!

  2. i like all the shrubbery, trees, vines, etc. you provide for the birds for cover and landing spots. the goldfinches on your ball sunflower feeder just make me smile. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. The trumpet vine is wonderful...very helpful to the birds...neither of which I saw until you pointed them out to me. I read that and thought..."Really?" Yes, really! ☺ Beautiful holly berries for winter color. I know what you mean about the promised warmth. Who cares if it's foggy. Same story here today.

  5. Thanks for the tour around your yard. I always enjoy seeing it and your bird photos. I love the holly.

  6. You really love these beautiful birds :)

    Lovely :)) have a great week:))

  7. I can see why the birds like to visit your yard! It's inviting for humans too.

  8. What an inviting spot. We have had doves here and they don't usually come to our woods.

    Carolina Mts

  9. The holly is so beautiful! I enjoyed seeing the birds and plants in your yard today, Eileen.

  10. You've made your yard a most welcome place for the birds - no wonder you have so many of them. Lovely photos, once again.

  11. Beautiful birds. Your yard is a heaven for these birds.

  12. I think it's great that you keep little areas for the birds to hide in. The previous owner of our house left some ugly bushes that I was ready to tear out, but then I started noticing different birds using it for shelter. Sigh. So I guess they'll stay. You got some wonderful snaps of so many birds!

  13. It sure is pretty with the dusting of snow. The weather has been so unusual even here in Florida! A lot warmer than normal! We never see that many doves at one time. Wonderful photos!

  14. Beautiful yard and enjoyable critters.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Great captures!

    Have a wonderful new week.


  15. The holly bush is beautiful with its red berries and snow flakes. The birds are all pretty but I love the Mourning doves all sitting in the weeping tree. I did back yard birds today quite a lot different to yours.

  16. It's Christmas again, or that's what it looks like. A beautiful scene Eileen.

  17. nice pictures - I'd like to have a bit of snow in the garden for a few days each year.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  18. what lovely photos, i love the way the cardinal is so bright and visible even through all the branches

  19. Hallo Eileen!I love the holly berries !!Great collage and photos!!Beautiful birds. Your yard is a heaven for these birds!Have a lovely week!

  20. It is so hard to imagine snow as it is eighty degrees here in sunny Florida. I need to get out in my garden today and spruce up....I love your photos. Thank you so much for stopping by my place and saying hello.

  21. Dearest Eileen,
    Oh, I enjoyed the walk around your yard with winter scene♡♡♡ Beautiful holly berries and lovely Mourning Dove and other birds♬♬♬
    I wonder your pine tree was similar kind of ours. Two big one (trimmed by professional) in our small garden died weevil damage, which made us so sad(^^;)

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  22. lovely...and such a wonderful birds..wish I had a big enough yard....i got a nice view from my apartment and lots of trees, but sadly bot many variety of birds!!

  23. Pretty, pretty photos Eileen. Loved the collage especially. Have a great week!

  24. I enjoy your photos from around your yard. The birds and the holly berries are beautiful.

  25. A lovely post Eileen, I do enjoy seeing your garden, it really is a haven for wildlife. I love that you leave the tree stumps as bird baths or food tables, a great idea! The photo of all the doves and the solitary little male Cardinal was very striking. Love the Holly berries too, the birds have eaten all the berries on mine...but that's fine by me, we have snow here too so any help the birds can get is good :-)

  26. What a wonderful garden you have, and so many birds in it! I am very envious that you guys have the red cardinal over there - I think they are the most stunning bird and I would dearly love to see one in my dreary UK garden - but that will never happen - so for now a big thank you for sharing yours with me!

  27. What a wonderful garden you must have and the birds do love it too.Great photo's Eileen

  28. You have the perfect yard for the birds. Enjoy their visits.

  29. It's always fun to see how others have set up their bird feeders, baths and gardens for wildlife. Looks like your yards are quite popular with the birds. I love the image with the bright red cardinal sitting amongst the sea of doves. Very pretty holly bush! It must be especially nice to see color over the winter months. Wonderful post, as always!

  30. Your birds are so lovely. Cardinals get me everytime I see them:) I can never stop taking pics of them! Hope you're having a good week and thanks for sharing your birds and fun:)

  31. Your yard (or park as you could be perfectly justified in calling it) is still absolutely beautiful in Winter and I love how you've made it so bird-friendly. Love the one picture of all those birds with the one pop of a red one!

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. I can surely understand why you are so popular with the birds, Eileen!! You do provide such great places for them! I love it!!A perfect little park for the feathered guys! Great captures for the day! Hope you have a lovely week!

  34. yes, I enjoyed it. It is a great place to live.

  35. Your yard with the snow all over it looks beautiful. I like all the bushes for the birds to rest and hide in.

  36. We have been having some very mild weather here too. The doves like to sit in any patch of sun they can find in the yard. Valerie

  37. Now that's a LOT Of doves all in one spot!

  38. Beautiful photography of your amazing yard ~ looks like a bird sanctuary ~ lovely ~

    (A Creative Harbor)

  39. Nice winter captures. Love the way the cardinal pops!

  40. I've loved the walk around your yard Eileen .... that stunning Cardinal and the holly tree with the snow sitting prettily upon its leaves .... Just delightful.

    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  41. All great photos but the one that caught my eye was the red cardinal among the mourning doves.

  42. Terrific shots! You have a great yard for attracting birds.

  43. Wonderful mosaics and also individual shots. I always enjoy seeing your nature shots and nice to see the snowy ones.

  44. I enjoy nature watching thru your lens. Keep up the good work.

  45. Eileen, you have created a wonderful safe haven for the little birds. I love the idea of the stump birdbath.

  46. If you hadn't pointed out the wee bird in the tangle of vine, I would have missed it. Your back yard is an interesting place!

  47. I really enjoyed the walk around your yard! So nice that you leave some places for the birds to perch and hide. We recently got our property logged and have seen sooooo many birds out here this winter with all the branches everywhere!

  48. Such pretty shots. Love the red cardinal among those doves!

  49. I would have missed that nuthatch if you hadn't called attention to it. No snow around here but it sure is cold for California of late.

  50. I love your pictures Eileen! I am following you and I hope you will do the same :)

  51. Great photos from your garden. Love the one with the bird. Great fellow:)

  52. Great image series shows you - thank you for showing these beautiful images / collages. Wish you a good day :) Hanne Bente

  53. Beautiful post Eileen... I love the mourning dove tree ;-) We, time to time have snow over here too, but it is constantly melting the next day because then it rains :-(

  54. Beautiful photos, I like those great mosaic of nature.

  55. You have captured beauty of the winter Eileen! Nice :)

  56. your yard looks truly inviting. thanks for sharing your beautiful world.

  57. My garden vocabulary is getting better, thanks to your post. I especially love the last three shots.

  58. Such a beautiful captures, Eileen!
    Love your world...;))
    Have a nice week and warm greetings Anna

  59. Love the way that red cardinal stands out amongst the doves.

  60. Your 'monster' provides a great perch for your feathered visitors. I like what you've done with the tree stumps in your yard.

  61. WoW eileen, you really do have a happy yard, lots of beauties keeping you company!!

    i am soooo happy you saved a piece of that tree. a birdhouse would also look amazing sitting right on top!!

    so many people have done that here with the trees that were damaged by sandy!!

  62. Hi Eileen, Beautiful birds and outstanding pictures! It is an icy rainy day here in TN. No snow. I would have preferred snow. Have a great day!

  63. Thanks for sharing your world. Your yard is awesome and you captured little cute shy critters so well.
    Have a wonderful week.

  64. Eileen, ir is all very pretty and yes, I know what you mean about those weather predictions...We should all take a lesson in watching the wildlife, and what they do before weather changes...they always know;')

  65. I certainly did enjoy the walk around your yard, seeing the snow, and good to make use of the tree stump (will it not regenerate?) To remove large trees here property owners are bound to get council permission first. Does it happen that way for you too I wonder?

  66. I like this little amount of snow only. not too much nor too little.

  67. All your pictures are beautiful.
    Looking at them, I like winter.
    I send greetings.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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