Sunday, February 22, 2015

Let It Snow

I am linking up with   Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday   They are both fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun or check out some of the post.

We had our first big snowfall yesterday. I think there is close to 10 inches or more out there.. During a snowstorm I love watching the birds, they seem to go into a feeding frenzy.. At one time I think I had to have a 100 birds on my deck..and the snow was coming down fast and furious..I just do not seem to do well taking snow photos, the birds look ok though. Now, that the birds have been fed, the snow can disappear.  Come on SPRING!  

The Cardinals are one of my favorite birds to watch, their red colors really pop in the snow..I made this mosaic with my lipstick wearing female..Isn't she pretty?

Another female Cardinal and a Pine Siskin.

We've had this table on our deck for years and hardly ever use it, we have other deck chairs we like.  So the table has become a bird feeder table.. I put seed under the table trying to keep the snow from covering up the bird seed right away. The birds seem to love it..lots of Juncos, Mourning Doves and Pine Siskins.

A view of our deck from my dining room window..

My most popular feeder, Mr Squirrel likes it, female Cardinal with the Chickadees and a Pine Siskin..

I think Mr Squirrel looks cute..

By the afternoon I shoveled the deck 3 times and the snow was still coming down..As you can see above the birds were all over the deck and feeders. I am hoping this is the last big snowstorm and spring is on the way, please.. I hope you enjoyed the photos and mosaics..I thank you for visiting and all the wonderful comments..

Just a tease...remembering warmer days from our trip to Key West , Florida..

I use Pic Monkey to create my mosaics, you can use Pic Monkey free or pay for an upgraded version.
I hope you can join in on our fun at  Mosaic Monday and   Our World Tuesday

 Thanks to Judith our  host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  I wish everyone a happy week ahead!


Ailime said...

Good afternoon Eileen, your platform reveals amazing animals! A wonderful setting. Beautiful bird and squirrel! So suits! I loved the picture of Key West! Hugs and good Sunday. Ailime

chica said...

Lindas fotos com a neve que cai e se acumula! Adorei! bjs, chica

21 Wits said...

Hang on dear Mr. Squirrel! I like your Birds on a table! I hope you get some sunshine today too. Can you believe it, our sun came out yesterday and it's here today too!

TexWisGirl said...

you really had a mess o' birds! so glad they found food from you!

Sue said...

Eileen, you have an amazing amount of birds at your feeders!
Love the acrobatic squirrel, though I doubt you (or my hubby!!!) would think it's so cute. They are gluttonous.
(that's spelled wrong, I think!)
Have a good week

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh my goodness! That squirrel is quite the gymnast!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Perfect photos!! I enjoyed the snow yesterday and we had a lot of Cardinals around too--And at one point I counted 7 Blue Jays. They always have friends, don't they? :-)

GreenComotion said...

Hi Eileen,
The squirrel feeding upside down is so funny. I got a good laugh out of it. The Cardinals are my wife's favorite and they are adorable also. Hope your deck thaws soon, if that's what you like :)

Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

Χριστίνα Πεταλωτή said...

How beautiful! This little sir with the reds is my favorite! Enjoy the snow!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful birds, the Squirrel has it upsidedown, brilliant images.

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!!You have a bad Winter as i can see!Poor little birds but so lucky to have you to feed them!!Beautiful images!!Gorgeous pictures!!I like the cute Squirrel and the Cardinals shots!Hope you have a safe and warm week!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen!
The Cardinals are handsome, but the Chickadees are always my favourites.
Here heavy, wet snow was falling thick today, and I was trying to capture the view... no success.
Have a great week ahead!

Phil Slade said...

Good Evening Eileen. Your decking is one huge Nature Reserve whether it snows or not. Good idea to use the table like that.

Once again I'm hoping that the snow relents for you.

Have a great week.

Mari said...

Do they get more hungry when it snows or they're just feeding themselves in advance in fear that there'll be no food due to storm?

They do look beautiful and tge squirrel's really funny.

Cloudia said...

You are sweet to care for our friends.
I like you photos. Have a sweet week.

ALOHA from Honolulu

Nancy J said...

It's a tough day when you have to hang upside down for a feed, they are so lucky to have your "under-table" feeding place, and the other feeders all out there. Lovely mosaics and all others too.

Giga said...

Lots of pretty hungry birds from you was. Clever squirrel also benefited from feeding. Regards.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Mr Squirrel is definitely living up to his moniker of sneaky sneak. No snow yet here, but this time I don't see how we can avoid it- we are right in the bullseye. Have a wonderful Sunday, and I hope your weather improves soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have been to about 20 blogs today and have not laughed out loud one time until I came to the collage with the squirrel hanging on his smorgasbord.. and the sweet Ms Cardinal sitting on top of it made me smile really big. that squirrel is a clown

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos , our back yards look the same with all the birdies and critters lol I love the hustle and bustle of them all . I can tell when there is to be a storm with snow or a thunderstorm in the summers as the birds go into a feeding frenzy just before , nature will tell us whats' what if we just learn to look and listen to it all and that I do ! I use Pic monkey to . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

This N That said...

Wonderful pictures Eileen..You're just a little South of us ..We only had a couple of inches..We've been very lucky this winter..We've had the cold but our snow has been a little at a time..Thanks for the tease..Beautiful picture.

Brian King said...

Beautiful snow shots! The tree rat looks very determined if not in a bit of a precarious spot!

Unknown said...

Can't see snow anymore :)
I prefer the last one, that's just gorgeous!
Have a fine Sunday

Michelle said...

Though they are a bit pesky, I love seeing that squirrel! We had quite a few birds as well! Stay warm and safe!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Eileen, you have me convinced that the birds that I think are females finches are siskins! Viewing this on my iPad I enlarge them and even showed the Pres...thank you for the great pix...:)JP

Poppy said...

Hi Eileen,

I know you must be tired of all the snow this winter, but those cardinals look so striking against the fluffy white stuff! That squirrel is such an acrobat, and the chickadees are busy munching away. Your deck, it seems, was the perfect venue for the meeting of the winged ones!

Have a wonderful week; stay warm!


Ela said...

How lovely ! All your birds are so beautiful ! Fantastic shots !
Greetings :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great range of species and some impressive numbers. My feeders have seen spotty activity this winter. At times we have a pretty constant parade of birds and then there seem to be hardly any for a few days.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Oh Eileen, you must FB message me as to where you got that adorable little ball feeder. I love that. The snow critters are all so sweet and the big ship is magnificent beauty. Happy week~

forgetmenot said...

I wouldn't mind being in Key West !!! Love all your shots of the cardinals and squirrels--they are all nice captures. Keep warm and have a nice Sunday! Mickie :)

Stephanie said...

The female Cardinal is quite pretty. Love the images today and that scenic shot of the boat on the water looks so inviting.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Squirrels are my favorite creatures.
Cardinals too, but do not exist in my country.
Greetings from Polish.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I wish my husband had left our table on the deck but he always puts it in the teahouse for winter. It too would make a fabulous huge feeder and it's glass so will wash off.
Winter would be boring without the birds to watch and feed, wouldn't it?
Did looking at the photo from Key West bring on a warm and fuzzy feeling? LOL You know how it is, once home, the fun and sun of Florida becomes a distant memory.
Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Eileen.

HappyK said...

Nice to see all the birds and the snow. : )
Great shots.

The Yum List said...

Oh... so those birds are cardinals. I knew the name but couldn't match them with a picture. Squirrel - too cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, That squirrel photo made my afternoon! What a good thing you have the birdie buffet going on. Have a happy coming week! By the way, it was 77 degrees here today.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Love your bird shots, Eileen. It's so good to know many are well fed during these harsh winter months. I love the ball feeder!

Sonja said...

That table certainly serves as a wonderful bird spot, and I'm sure they all look forward to see you refill it!

Revrunner said...

We've had a brief respite today before plunging back into the sub-freezing range.

Maude Lynn said...

That picture of the squirrel is hilarious! Hang on, fella!

Our photos said...

Wonderful series !

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

I love the cardinals and the squirrel on the feeder gave me a chuckle. Wonderful captures.

Jackie @ travelnwrite said...

I love that squirrel. You made me homesick for my little 'Squirrely' that I've been feeding this year!

Linda W. said...

Love your pics of the birds in the snow! Wish you could send some that winter weather back west to our mountains.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I bet the birds, and the squirrels, appreciate your kindness in providing food! All of these are wonderful, but I just have a love for squirrels. I love how he's clinging to the feeder! :-)

J said...

Your bird feeding station is so much like our own. Cardinals are a favorite of mine too. And today I was admiring a squirrel hanging totally upside down from a branch that held one feeder. He was snacking away that way for quite awhile. What talent!

Debbie said...

You really do have the perfect spot Eileen......lovin' those captures of the mrs.!!

Susan said...

The squirrel is so cute! It's obvious you have a lot of feathered friends too :)

Lea said...

The squirrel made me laugh!
We have flocks of pine siskens, too. When they drop down from the trees to the feed on the ground, it looks like it is raining birds!
No snow here yet this winter, but we have freezing rain again tonight.

Stacy said...

Your back deck is gorgeous! I wish we had cardinals out west but I am happy to settle for house finch red. All of those birds are lucky to have a retreat during the winter weather. I was hoping to do a 'Stranger in the Woods' snowman for the kids this winter but we didn't get any snow and now I hope it doesn't snow because my garden is growing like crazy. I hope you have a great day.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Eileen, you have an amazing lot of birds to your feeders in your garden. Got some great shot but that last shot is stunning.

Maggie said...

Such wonderful images of the birds and squirrels enjoying the bountiful feast.
Please ask Madame Cardinal what the name of that shade of lipstick is, I've been searching for that colour for ages!
Have a great week.

Irma said...

Beautiful collages, Eileen
The Cardinals are very nice, but the hanging squirrel is sublime.
Have a good new week.
Best regards, Irma

Crafty Green Poet said...

that's a lot of snow. Your cardinals are beautiful and your squirrel is so sweet!

DeniseinVA said...

Those birds really appreciated theTLC in the snowy weather. Great photos Eileen! Love the sunset.

Juni said...

Oi Eileen, amo suas postagens!
São imagens tão lindas, os cardeais ficam maravilhosos na neve!
... E novamente os esquilos vêm nos presentear com sua presença!!! E que presença, estava absurdamente fofo pendurado no comedouro! heheheh
Beijos, boa semana!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Great collection of cardinals, Eileen. Yes, she is very pretty!

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

That is a lot of snow especially for you guys Eileen. That is similar to the storms we get...and another today. But yours will surely melt quickly and all those wonderful critters will be dancing up a storm.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; OMG, I LOVE all of your birds and squirrels in the snow scene☃
And your phrase 'my lipstick wearing female' made me smile♪ Yes, they ARE beautiful in the snow, aren't they♡♡♡

I hope you started a wonderful new week.
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Sylvia said...

You take beautiful photo's, Eileen. I love the Cardinals. Thanks for visiting with me and leaving a sweet comment.

Cranberry Morning said...

The cardinal is my favorite. You better be careful where you say Let it Snow. Lol Have a great Monday, Eileen.

Mary Hone said...

Those cardinals are great. And I love the squirrel.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous shots of the snow! Love that upside-down squirrel.

George said...

I'm glad you 'only' got snow and not ice. I would gladly trade our two inches of ice for 10 inches of snow -- and I don't even like snow! I'm glad you kept the birds well-fed during the storm.

Black Jack's Carol said...

Delightful photos, Eileen. Love the flashes of colour in the Cardinals and the happy well-fed Siskins and other birds, but that little upside down squirrel is sure a winner! Oh, and the sunset as well, with the silhouette of the boat against the sky. Beautiful post! Happy Monday to you!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Lovely mosaic. All that life just fills the heart, doesn't it?

Rajesh said...

Wow! so many cute birds all in one place.

A Colorful World said...

Fantastic snow photos of these cold little critters! Beautiful shots, but they all look so COLD! Hope you all get a break soon, and no more snow! Love the sailboat shot at the end too.

Denise at Forest Manor said...

Wow, Eileen, you had a major bird convention on your deck. :-D I always enjoy your bird pics; you do a much better job than I could. I especially love the cardinals! The males get the most attention of course, but I think the females are very pretty too.

I confess I have no love for the squirrels. Acrobats that they are, they always make a nuisance of themselves at our feeders. Oh well, I know they have to eat, too. Thanks for sharing -- your pictures and mosaics are beautiful! Have a wonderful week.



Adam Jones said...

I always love to see your Cardinals, but the squirrel shot wins it for me. Superb!

mick said...

Wow! So many birds all feeding together. I especially like the photo of the Cardinal and Pine Siskin on the same feeder. The birds would all be very hungry if you didn't provide food for them!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, a lot of birds indeed and I do love the squirrels!! The squirrels here are SO enjoying our amazingly warm winter! You can almost hear them singing as they grab peanuts and dance away!! I have to admit that I don't envy you your COLD!!! But it is beautiful and so are your captures, as always!! Take care, stay warm and have a good week!!

theconstantwalker said...

You have some wonderful wildlife... I have the same squirrel problems but tolerate them as we all need to eat.
xx Andrew

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i think it's so funny how the birds and other critters get used to the weather. here in north central FL, when the temp drops...and stays...lower than 50...they go into hiding!! but YOUR birds! wow!! so many!!
i love the cardinals too. great shots, as always...i think my favorite is the squirrel!! he just really makes me smile!!

Willow said...

Super Winter shots Eileen ~ and I loved that tease!!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the sailboat shot. that is awesome!! love it.

the squirrel steals the show. & the snow as well. ( :

i saw some new blogs on your profile. going to check them out now. have a great week, Eileen.

Marie-Anne said...

So many beautiful birds on your deck, Eileen!
And Mr.Squirrel is so cute!!
I also use PicMonkey for my collages, it's great!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

No wonder you long for spring with all your surrounds gray, brown or snow. The birds must be a very welcome addition, especially those with some extra colours.

Penelope Notes said...

I think the word is out in the bird world that your patio is a fine place to dine when the weather is cold.

Carver said...

Wonderful winter shots of the birds and I love your shot from Key West. I've enjoyed visiting there several times.

Lew said...

Delightful winter scene with the birds and squirrels! Our squirrels have not learned to climb the metal bird feeder poles.

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic fur persons and wintry shots!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

maryaustria said...

A great series! Love to see all the birds and that cute squirrel!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

If the birds get enough food they can tolerate the cold and the snow much better than we do. These are all wonderful bird pictures and, of course the ornery little squirrel dominating the feeder. I think you actually have more birds at this point than I do and many of mine are a huge flock of starlings that end up chasing off some of my smaller birds ... sadly, but I can't control what nature does. I use Pic Monkey for editing sometime, but have never used it to make a collage ... perhaps I should try that. Wonderful post as always, Eileen.

Andrea @ From The Sol

Al said...

Pretty birds. Our snowiest months are still to come - March and April!

Pat said...

Wow! They all got the message that the party was at your house!

bj said...

You are really a good friend to a LOT of birds...:)
I love cardinals, favorite..and your lipstick wearing lady is just adorable..:)

Indrani said...

Your garden is a wonderful treasure house for the birds in terms of food. :)
Your squirrel capture is 'the best'!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Hello .. Very nice pictures .. Lovely birds and squirrel .. Regards.

Bethany Carson said...

Mr. Squirrel is cute! Love your photos of the cardinals--and the sunset is beautiful! You keep those birds well fed!

alicesg said...

Nature is stunning and amazing. Squirrel is really cute looking.

ann said...

Coming to you by way of Mosaic Monday. Wouldn't I love to see cardinals on my patio; alas, we do not have them here in Colorado. I have to travel to my brother's ranch in Texas to see them. We are having a round of snow, as well. It will be warmer today with more snow on the way. I always enjoy seeing your wonderful photos.

Jill said...

What beautiful critters! My husband threw some old hickory nuts on the porch once and we were visited by many squirrels and a very brave deer!

Noushka said...

WOW, you have so many birdies around!
And a squirrel to top is all!
I saw a red one not very far from my feeder, I can only cross fingers and hope he will come in front of my camera! But the days are sooo dull and wet... :(
Hugs from France :)

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Glorious photos - the sunset is wonderful but I love the birds and snow just as much - They always make the winter better.

Helma said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh .... I'm jealous of your pictures of this beautiful cardinals but also on your eekhoorn.Wat a fun and beautiful pictures this. I really sit enjoy these beautiful photos. Compliments:-)

NatureFootstep said...

what a wonderful use of the deck. :) But...I can´t help but feeling a bit sorry for Mr Squirrel :)

Saturday's Critters # 589

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...