Saturday, October 31, 2020

Saturday's Critters # 359

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

Hello and happy Saturday!
 If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!
I have some yard birds, butterflies and a cute critter seen in my yard often.

1.  I've been seeing a few Dark-eyed Juncos in my yard, it is one of my winter birds. This is the male a slated-colored back and sides with a white belly and a pink bill.

2. On Oct 22nd, I was still seeing a Black-throated Blue Warbler in my yard. It does love the berries on the Devils Walking Stick ( Aralia spinosa). I have seen these birds up until the last week of October this year.


 3. Below is another berry loving bird, the White-throated Sparrow. It is a winter bird in my area. 

4. On Oct 22 and 23rd I was seeing a couple of Monarch Butterflies and a guess at the Clouded Sulphur  Butterfly. I read that a female can have spots along the border and a double central spot.

 5. My cute critter. is the Chipmunk, I hear it chirping from inside my house.  They can sit and chirp loudly nonstop at times, it sounds like a bird fussing.

6.  A not so good photo taken through the window of my favorite Red-breasted Nuthatch at my feeder.  

Thanks to all my visitors and for all the wonderful comments. Stop back to see any replies to your comments. I appreciate everyone who loves critters and has linked up their critter post.

Here is my linky:


Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the host Anni.


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Happy Thursday! 

I am thankful for all the beauty around me, during our Chincoteague getaway we were able to see a few sunrise and sunsets.  I am thankful hubby and I had safe travels and  a great little trip.

 "May every sunrise bring you hope, may every sunset bring your peace!" 

Click on photos for larger viewing. 

1. The first morning and sunrise, a beautiful start to the day!

2.  Assateague Island Lighthouse, closed due to Covid. But we could walk around the outside.

3. The beauty around us, we hike the marsh trail.  We were surprised to see so many yellow flowers  all around us.  A few purple blooms, I m not sure of the id for either flower. 

 " Believe in something beautiful again. "


4.  I watched these kites while waiting to see the sunset.

  Hope makes our life a little brighter, peace brings us all a little nearer. Joy makes our hearts a little lighter.



5. Sunset


6.  A pair of Northern Flicker on the trail in front of us. 


7. Chincoteague Egrets, White Ibis, Tricolored Herons and the ponies way in the distance. 


8. Gulls and Cormorants, just after the sunrise.


9. Sunrise on our last morning, start of a another lovely day and an end to our getaway.

 "The beach, a place of relaxation, rest and tranquility."



 10. Are these swamp flowers? A closeup is on my flower mosaic above. 



11. Atlantic Ocean, I hope to see you again soon.

Thankfully, we are happy and healthy.

Go outside and breathe deeply.  Enjoy every moment. 

Take care and stay safe! 

Live simple and be happy!  😊 Keep smiling!

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday

Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Thank you for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!!  😊


Monday, October 26, 2020

Our World, My World

 Happy Monday,

It is hard to believe it is the last week of October, these days are going by way too fast.  I am sharing some of the fall colors, back yard birds and neighborhood scenes from our walks.  I have a mix of migrant warblers and FOY winter birds arriving, I am lucky to see some great birds in my backyard.


 1. Hermit Thrush on the Devil's Walking stick, eating berries.


2.  A walk on our local fire road, the trees were looking pretty and colorful.  The shorter bushes were turning a pretty yellow color. The bigger trees were lovely oranges and yellows.

3. Scenes from my ride to pick up our carry-out dinner from the local Friendly Farm restaurant.  They have a few ponds, the Canada Geese seem to enjoy hanging out at the pond and their property.


4. My new feeder, I have a mixed blend of sunflowers chips, safflower and peanuts. The birds seem to enjoy the new food.

Birds seen below are the Tufted Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch and a Carolina Chickadee.


5. The view out my kitchen window, the fall colors are looking pretty. We have  a nice view while washing dishes.

6. A week later, the same view out our kitchen window, fall colors are a little more colorful.

7. Our potted plants on the deck are still blooming, the Lantana has lots of blooms as of 10-21-20. 

8. A look at the fire road and the the colorful trees. A pretty day for a walk. 



 9.  One evening we had a pretty sunset, seen from our deck.

10.  I am ending with some more back yard birds seen on 10-19-20, a few new winter birds have arrived. 

Below in the top row: A Northern Mockingbird and a male Blue-throated Blue Warbler. Bottom row is a female Purple Finch with an American Goldfinch mostly hidden, the Red-bellied Woodpecker and my FOY Red-breasted Nutatch.



My world lately is like this mish-mash post and photos from the middle of October.  The fall colors seem to be a hit or miss. Some leaves are not colorful and seem more of a dull rust or brown, more leaves and acorns are on the ground. We voted, we dropped off our ballot in a local drop box. We already had an email stating it was received. Hubby and I are happy and healthy at this time, I hope everyone is doing well too.


What's happening in your corner of the world? Please check out and visit the following memes and links. I hope to see you there.

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!

Thanks for visiting and commenting, have a happy day and a great new week!


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Saturday's Critters #358

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

Hello and happy Saturday!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

I always enjoy seeing the Chincoteague wild ponies, even a distant view is nice. We saw so many birds during our recent Chincoteague visit, in early October. I will share some of my favorites, photos were taken mostly from the car or our walks on the trails. 
Click on photos for larger viewing.
 1.  A view from the beach road, two Great Egret close by and the larger flock of White Ibis and Egrets seen further in the distance.

2. Below are some of Chincoteague's wild ponies.

3. We saw the Bald Eagle on the ground twice while driving the wildlife drive, both times it took off and flew somewhere. An empty nest is nearby. 


4. Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge has wooded trails, I was looking for the Brown-headed Nuthatch. I could hear them but every time I tried for a photo they moved. I did catch the Red-breasted Nuthatch and the White-breasted Nuthatch. 


5.  The American Oystercatchers were seen on the bayside of the island.  You can't miss seeing that red-orange bill.

 6. We saw the Belted Kingfishers numerous times in different parts of the refuge.

 7.  Some times the flock of White Ibis and Egrets would fly from one side of the road to the other side.  Not sure why, something upset them?

8. The White Ibis have red legs and bill. A juvenile below has brown back and wings, it will turn white gradually.

9.  A few Tricolored Herons, they so looked funny running around in circles. I think they were trying to catch food.

10. Below is the taller Great Egret with the smaller Snowy Egret.

11.  Another shot of a wild pony, can you find the Canada Goose in the photo?

 I hope you enjoyed my post. Thanks to all my visitors and for all the wonderful comments. Stop back to see any replies to your comments. I appreciate everyone who loves critters and has linked up their critter post.

Sorry, I am flipping back and forth with my linky tools.  I hope this one is working, if it is not working please leave your link in your comment and I will fix or adjust accordingly.
Here is the linky:


Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the host Anni.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Happy Thursday,   

 Missing our traveling, the urge to go somewhere was strong. We had been talking about Chincoteague Island Virginia, the weather was perfect so off we go.  We wore our mask and kept our distance, it was easy take the necessary health precautions.   I have lots more photos from our Chincoteague Island Virginia getaway. We saw a beautiful sunset, the wild ponies, lots of birds and the beautiful beach.  At 3pm they open the wildlife drive, hubby and I had great bird sightings, pretty views of fall colors and the marsh land. 

1. I am guessing at the bird id below, a juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron. It has the dark beak and little white spots on the coverts.


It's a beautiful day,

don't let it get away! A song from U2, is stuck in my head. It's a beautiful day! 


2. Hubby and I both love spending time outdoors with nature.  We rarely visit cities, I am thankful for green spaces, parks and beaches.


Below various ducks, Great Egret and the Belted Kingfisher.

3. I like watching the birds lift off the ground, fly around only to land in the same spot.  Below were various gulls, cormorants and terns.

4.  Me and my shadow have some long legs, the day was almost over and we were heading to a spot to watch the sunset.



5. A Great Blue Heron has it's own fishing spot.


6. Sunset at Tom's Cove in Assateague Island National Seashore, thankful for a beautiful day and  lovely sunset.

7.  A beautiful sky and sunset. 

8.  Tom's Cove sunset, there is a water tower to the left side.

I am thankful for beautiful weather and skies and gorgeous sunsets.

I am thankful for everything nature related.

Take care and stay safe! 

Live simple and be happy!  😊 Keep smiling!

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Thank you for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!!  😊

Monday, October 19, 2020

Our World, My World

Happy Monday,  

In early October hubby and I were able to getaway to Chincoteague Island  Virginia.  We were still wearing our mask and keeping our distance and trying to stay safe and healthy.  A great deal of time we were either in our car or enjoying the outdoors.   We enjoyed the change of scenery with walks on the beach, seeing the wild ponies, lots of shore birds, fresh air and the sounds of the ocean. 

 1. Photos below of our walk on the beach, near Tom's Cove, there was a huge flock of terns mixed with gulls, cormorants and the Sanderlings were seen on the beach. 


2. Me and my shadow, walking on the beach at Chincoteague.


3.  The Chincoteague ponies were a distance away, some were seen in the corral. The wild ponies were being rounded up for a fall health check up. 


4. Some ponies were already in the corral, waiting for their health check up. 


5. Snowy Egrets, DC Cormorants, Great Egrets and White Ibis were plentiful, seen all around the Chincoteague NWR.



6. Lots of Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Tricolored Herons and White Ibis.

 7.  Social distancing at the Chincoteague Island beach, also known as Assateaugue Island National Seashore. 

I'll have more to share on our visit to Chincoteague Island and the National Wildlife Refuge and National Seashore.

We are still hanging in there, happy and healthy.   I hope everyone is safe, happy and healthy. 

What's happening in your corner of the world? Please check out and visit the following memes and links. I hope to see you there.

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!

Thanks for visiting and commenting, have a happy day and a great new week!




Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Believe you can and you're halfway there." Glenn Hwy, on the road to Gl...