Thursday, December 3, 2020

Happy Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday!

 I am thankful for each day,  days and months are just flying by. It is December already, what happened to November? 

 1.   On this morning, while filling up my bird feeders I watched the sky. The sky started out mostly cloudy with just a hint of blue skies in the distance to pretty blue skies and puffy white clouds within an hour.


2.  One of my squirrel friends was waiting patiently for the bird food to arrive. 



3.  It warmed up some for hubby and I to take a morning walk on the local fire road.  This loop trail is covered with pine needles and pine cones. There are different berry bushes and I am guessing  Vibernum and some native Holly bushes.



4. I could hear various birds in the tree tops and around us, the most common birds here were the Nuthatches.




5.  I am happy to see the Red-breasted Nuthatch return to my feeders every day now.  I am not sure how long they will be here, I will be thankful if they stay all winter. 


6.  Skywatching from my back yard.


 7.  I am thankful for the beautiful blue skies and pretty clouds,   skywatching is one of my simple pleasures. 


 8.  The view out of my dining room window, I have good view of the feeders..The Blue Jays love the peanuts and the little suet balls, on the distant feeder is a Goldfinch and a Carolina Chickadee.

9A Tufted Titmouse on the deck railing and there is another one sitting just above the suet feeder on the right side.

My simple pleasure is bird watching, I enjoy feeding the birds. I am thankful for my regular yard birds and for the winter birds that keep me entertained. The White-throated Sparrows, Dark-eyed Juncos, the Red-breasted Nuthatch and even the Pine Siskins were seen.

I am thankful we continue to stay safe and healthy. 

I hope everyone stays healthy and safe. 

Go outside and breathe deeply.  Enjoy every moment. 

Take care and stay safe! 

Live simple and be happy!  😊 Keep smiling!

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday

Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Thank you for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!!  😊



  1. I would think that you will have Red-breasted Nuthatch all winter. It is a hardy northern species.

    1. Thank you David!
      I hope the RB Nuthatch is here all winter.
      Have a great day!

  2. Thank you for visiting!
    Have a great day!

  3. MARAVILHOSOS céius e todas as demais fotos. A natureza sempre a nos presentear! beijos, lindo dia! chica

  4. Hello Eileen,

    I like to see your grey squirrel. They are much bigger than my local red squirrel. Beautiful photos!
    Enjoy your day, and take care!

    1. Thank you Marit!
      I wish the red squirrels were seen here, they are cute.
      Take care, have a happy day!

  5. I love how many bird species visit your feeder. The pine needle covered trails here are wonderful too. I never thought pine needles fell like they do. The cones are great for making decorations with our grandkids too.

    1. Thank you Marie,
      I have covered the pine cones with peanut butter and birds seeds, they make cute decorations for the trees.
      Take care, have a happy day!

  6. Lovely rambles. We've snow on the ground, again. I have to ramble carefully!
    Great photos!

    1. Thank you Jenn!
      No snow here yet, only some flurries.
      Take care, have a happy day!

  7. ...surround yourself with the beauty of nature.

    1. Thank you Tom!
      Being outside in nature is wonderful!
      Take care, have a happy day!

  8. Your window view is just right to enjoy many birds as they feed through the winter. Take care. Have a good Thursday!

  9. Hello Eileen,
    NIce pictures of the skjies. So nice.
    And what a great picture of that squirrel. Fantastic.

    Greetings and have a nice day,

    1. Thank you for the comment and visit Marco!
      Take care, have a happy day!

  10. You got some lovely sky shots and pretty trail to walk at peace! Nice bird watching
    I hope you do well and taking care as well.

  11. That is a sweet nuthatch, Eileen! When it first gets cold I don't feel like going far for walks.

    1. Thank you RedPat!
      The nuthatches are sweet!
      Take care, have a happy day!

  12. Your photos are beautiful. Looks like you live in a wonderful place! I live in Iowa and had a red-breasted nuthatch for a while this fall. First time.

    1. Thank you for the visit and comment!
      Take care, have a happy day!

  13. Sky watching and bird watching are two of my simple pleasures too :)

  14. I would love to have that view out my dining room window. How awesome is that? All the skies are just gorgeous. Walking home from the dog walk yesterday the sky was bright blue not a cloud in the sky except one small part that look like somebody took a spray can of Cool Whip and sprayed a spot. Did not take a picture have no idea why oh yes I do remember we were freezing to death and all I wanted to do is get back home

    1. Thank you Sandra!
      Sounds like you had pretty sky day!
      Take care, have a happy day!

  15. We have so much in our lives to be thankful for, don't we? It is the little things (simple pleasures are absolutely the best!) that help to make life worthwhile. I'm glad you are both still staying safe :) xx

    1. Thank you for the visit and comment!
      Take care, have a happy day!

  16. The fire walk looks so peaceful. Love the wee fellow on your deck railing , they seem so tame. Down here, we have had starlings trying to maker a nest in the mailbox, so Hugh mad a state of the art box for them, with a backing so it slid over the iron fence. A miracle,, or just plain bird sense, the birds were there checking it out within the hour.Perching on the front verandah, looking to see if anyone else was near, going in and out, and taking in some dry grass. It looks over where Moxy has his sign, and is buried, seems so fitting as one life ended to know others will begin looking down on him.

    1. Thank you Jean!
      It is nice watching the birds birding the nest.
      Take care, have a happy day!

  17. Beautiful series of sky shots, Eileen. I have not seen any red-breasted nuthatches yet - just all white-breasted as usual. I will have to keep my eyes open. I bet that fire road smells like Christmas when you walk on it. It looks like it is covered in pine needles! :)

    1. Thanks for the comment!
      Yes, the pine scent is wonderful.
      Take care, have a happy day!

  18. All those friends stop by your yard to grab a bite and say hello. How nice and special that must be.
    Have a great day, Eileen.

  19. Yes, I also thought November went fast
    now it's soon christmas
    beautiful pictures

  20. You don’t have any snow. Did you get snow recently and have it melt? We got almost a foot of the wet, heavy stuff. It is still on the ground, albeit a smaller depth because of melting.

    1. Thanks Linda! No snow here, we only had some flurries!
      Take care, have a happy day!

  21. I love your travels but I also love that you can make do with you have right at and nearby your house.

    1. Thank you Yogi!
      Yes, we have nature right outside our doors!
      Take care, have a happy day!

  22. hI do the same thing when I'm at the river each morning. The changes in the sky are AMAZING! ...:)JP

  23. Hi Eileen!
    I like very much the little squirrel. Squirrels are so cute! Beautiful series of sky photos!
    Wishing you all the best!

    1. Thank you Ella!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  24. Hi Eileen, I love the view out of your living room window! :-) And I love the way you can get out and enjoy nature so easily. Truly something to be thankful for. Neat post! Take care, my friend, and stay safe.

    1. Thank you John!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  25. Doesn't it look like someone dripped white paint all over the pinecone. Such a pretty photo.

    1. Thank you Dee!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  26. So much to be thankful for.
    What a lovely post Eileen.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  27. Beautiful images. I like walking on pine needles, a nice soft walk.

    1. Thank you Karen!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  28. Your sky photos are so rich with color!! And love the wee bird at the feeder...I don't think we have them this far south.

    1. Thank you Anni!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  29. You had A Nice day for a walk and to check out the feeders...I can hear the red breasted nuthatch yakking out in the woods nearby and then one may zoom in for a seed or two. I also hope they stay around. Happy weekend.

    1. Thank you Sondra!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  30. Lots of bird watchers would like to go with you.

    1. Thank you Red!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  31. I love the red berries in the woods! They really catch your eye! And you have so many nice feeders. We just put out an extra finch feeder....lots of birds right now! Hugs!

    1. Thank you Diane!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  32. How nice to sky watch and to be able to walk close to home, too. So pretty. That squirrel sure was ready for you to refill those bird feeders. Too funny. Hope you have a good evening.

    1. Thank you Ellen!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  33. Gorgeous shots as always Eileen. Many things to feast the eyes upon. Have a wonderful weekend. xx

    1. Thank you Penny!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  34. Beautiful pics, Lovely squirrel :)
    Greetings. Stay Safe.

    1. Thank you for the comment!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  35. Hello Eileen,
    the Nuthatch shot is simply awesome.
    You have a lot of fantastic friends around your home.
    Enjoy your time.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you for the comment!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  36. Being outside is always a simple pleasure isn't it? Stay safe there.

    1. Thank you Amy!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  37. Changes of cloud shapes are limitless. I sometimes set a chair in the garden and look up clouds in the sky. Happy weekend to you.

    1. Thanks for visiting and for the comment!
      It is a pleasure to watch the clouds go by!
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  38. It's always nice to visit your blog, Eileen!
    I admire your pictures of birds and squirrel!

  39. the skies have been so beautiful lately, we are lucky to still be seeing some blue!! i see all of the birds that you see, except for the pine skins. i saw my first nuthatch the other day, but only captured a picture from behind!! we are lucky to see so many beautiful birds, my old deck rails are gone and the new rails have not yet been installed. the birds miss them and so do i.

    it good you are still able to get your walks in, the weather has been pretty good!! thanks for all your visits and kind words, it is good to hear that others are struggling with content for their blogs!! well, not good...just similar!!

    it's raining already and i am trying to get bird pictures for tomorrow. i'm not having much luck!! stay well and stay safe!!

    1. Thanks Debbie! I appreciate your visits and comments. My yard birds do keep me entertained. I has been raining here all day, very dreary. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  40. I love days that go from cloudy to blue instead of the other way around! So thoroughly enjoying your walk views and birds, Eileen. Hope all is well, Take care.

    1. Thank you Jeanie!
      Take care, be safe!
      Have a happy weekend!

  41. I love the fire road through the pine tree woods.

    1. Thank you for the comment!
      Happy weekend to you!

  42. How fortunate you are to have lovely friends living around you, Eileen. It's like in a fairy tale book accompanied by adorable animals ...

    1. Thanks for the visit and comment!
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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