Monday, October 12, 2009

Bird Photography Weekly # 59

Male Eastern bluebird.....That's My world follows this post

I have been lucky to have a pair of Eastern bluebirds nesting in my yard. They are one of my favorite birds. It seems to be a more common bird now thanks to all the birdhouses that are provided for them.

I am new to the Weekly Bird photography and feel a little out of place being an amateur photographer. But I just love the birds and enjoy all of your pictures.


Anonymous said...

Yes, you ARE lucky! I hear someone a few towns over from me had a nesting pair but I never saw them. This is such a neat photo!

Bob Kaufman said...

This is a very nice picture of teh bluebird, Eileen!

Anonymous said...

Lovely bird picture!

Joe Todd said...

Great photo and really like your header mosaic

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Beautiful shot, Eileen. I'm not a birder but I reckon the folks who take part in Bird Photography Weekly are lucky to have you on board!

Guy D said...

What an absolutely beautiful bird, you captured it perfectly.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

EG CameraGirl said...

Red, white and blue! It must be an American bluebird. ;-)

Annie Jeffries said...

He is just breathtaking. If I were a lady bird I would swoon. The colors are so gorgeous. I've never seen colors in nature like this on a bird.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: Wonderful capture of the Bluebird.

Paz said...

Oh, what a beautiful-looking bird!


SandyCarlson said...

These are new to me. I love the coloring!

ninja said...

It's a great shot. No where near out of place.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

What a great photo and with pics like that you should fit right in with the bird photography group!

Larry Jordan said...

Welcome to Bird Photography Weekly Eileen! Great shot of the Eastern Bluebird!

I am a Bluebird fancier myself and, if memory serves, the Western Bluebird was my first BPW post. I monitor three bluebird trails in California and the breeding season is my favorite time of year. Watching the birds court, choose their home, build their nest and raise their young is so rewarding.

Redzlan said...

Nice sharp, clean perched and clear bokeh. Your PowerShot SX10 sure can catch birds.

Kelly said...

You're so lucky to have nesting bluebirds in your yard, and you have a gorgeous shot of a bluebird here! You shouldn't feel out of place at all. I'm amateur too...and I found the best thing about birders and bird photographers is they are so nice and helpful and just love birds!!

Dawn Fine said...

Thats a beauty Eileen! Nice that you are providing homes for these lovely birds.

Unknown said...

Lucky, indeed. It is so sweet. I'm glad you came by for RT, so that I was able to discover this blog. I'm on my way to the other blog, now!

Nice to meet you, Eileen :-)

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Nice photo. Never seen a bluebird before. The branch matches his plumage.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments.
Melbourne Daily Photo

chrome3d said...

The birds colours match so nicely with the branch.

diane b said...

What beautiful colours. It looks like a pastel pwder puff. How lucky to have it in your yard. I'm starting to enjoy photographing birds so thanks for the link. I took some shots of a Figbird eating berries in my garden.

Nicole said...

Welcome to BPW :)

I'm "only" an Amateur in both fields myself. But hey, as long as it's fun ;)

That's a beautiful bird and a lovely shot to go along with it.
I don't think, I've seen a Bluebird yet, so thanks, for showing me one :)!

Anonymous said...

He's very handsome. It is wonderful to see them around more these days.

penny said...

Hi Eileen,
Oh how lucky you are to have them in your yard, I am jealous :) I have never even seen one but maybe some day I will.
Fantastic photo, thanks!
Pam :)

NatureFootsteps Birds said...

hi, found your other blog, maybe I join in this challenge also. A nice little bird you have there. Don´t think they live here in sweden.

P-TER said...

You have beautiful pictures ! ! !

ProdigalWife said...

Lovely photo--we get a lot of cardinals and the occasional Oriole, but haven't seen this one, so pretty! We like watching birds too, through the kitchen window.

Mary said...

I enjoy the Bluebirds I see almost every day on campus where I work and occasionally at home.

That's a beautiful shot, Eileen.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Marvelously colorful capture ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Rural Writer said...

Bluebirds are one of my favorites also! I love their cheery appearance. They're just a pretty bird. Nice pictures.

ramblingwoods said...

You mentioned feeling a little funny about being an amateur photographer. I think your photos are wonderful especially coupled with your knowledge of birds...Michelle

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...