Monday, October 5, 2009

That's My World... birding and the Antietam Battlefield

Sometimes hubby and I take what I call daytrips, they are usually to parks where I can bird and we both can walk and enjoy the scenery. I think this would make a good post for That's my world. It involves two things visiting the park and birding.

This is a great place for birding the place is just full of fields. I think I saw 20 or more Eastern Bluebirds in one group. Too bad they wouldn't all stay still for a group picture. Probably the most Bluebirds I've ever seen together. Other birds seen were the Carolina Wren, Downy Woodpeckers, and a group of Cedar Waxwings, various Hawks and some vultures.

 The scenery and the history of the place made it a interesting trip. Some of the park you can drive thru and some we took our walk. I learned a lot from our visit. The Antietam Battle was the first battle druing the Civil War fought in the north... in Maryland. What I think is just awful is that it was the bloodiest single day battle in American history.. with about 23,000 casualties. I will always believe in PEACE. 23,000 men lost is just unbelievable to me.

This bridge is named after one of the Maj. General Ambrose Burnside. I love the style of the bridge and the stone work is wonderful.

 I hope I have not  bored everyone with my post on the Antietam Battle.  For more great photos from around the world please click on my link for That's My World.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my entry. Also thanks to Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy and Louise.


Sylvia K said...

What an interesting post about a very historical and lovely place! Your photos are terrific! I really enjoyed seeing the battlefield up close, Eileen!

Have a great week!


Barb said...

Hi Eileen,
I really enjoyed this trip to Antietam. The tree in the first picture fascinates me with its unusual shape. It appears very bucolic in the park. The shape of the bridge is wonderful. Thanks for the tour.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: What a neat story about a tragic time in American history. Thanks for the neat bird photos. How can history of life be boring?

Martha Z said...

A beautiful place with a sad history. One of the most moving places I have ever visited was the gettysburg battlefield.
I will never understand whey people want to kill.

Carver said...

I thought this was a very interesting post and I love your photographs.

Erin said...

that bridge is beautiful. i passed near this site recently and it is on my list of weekend to-dos. thank you for sharing your lovely trip and birding activities. enjoyed the post.

Snap said...

No way this could be boring! Lovely post, loved the birds, loved the history. Perfect!

SandyCarlson said...

My heart has a hard time going there but must.

Ebie said...

The tree on the first photo has a very interesting shape. Great post and historical facts. Giggles! It is funny when you said that you can;t get them for a group photo.

Thanks for sharing.

squirrel said...

I enjoyed your blog today. I've been meaning to get over that way for some time now.

diane b said...

It is always interesting to read about other peoples world and history. As you like birds you may be interested in my last post it is all about the birds of prey that I saw in the Northern Terrietoy:

Adventure Before Dementia

chrome3d said...

A fine place to visit and feel the history. Yes, PEACE is the thing to believe in and that´s what we remember from these places.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

the trip with you to antietam was a great learning experiernce. I hope we get to see it in person someday,meanwhile your descriptions were the next best thing. It is overwhelmingly sad to think about that history, but we have to remember it. Thank you for sharing

The bird pictures were great as alwalys. I can't imagine that many bluebirds at once.

Bradley Hsi said...

It is such a beautiful place but with such a bloody history. Now all is peaceful and hope it will last forever.

magiceye said...

interesting post

penny said...

The views you captured of the park are incredible. I love the wandering fields and all the beautiful birds. The parks history is a good reminder of the horrors of war.

Sharon said...

What a wonderful place to walk & observe nature!

Esther Garvi said...

It's really hard to imagine so many people dying, and for what?
The birds are lovely! Everytime I ride out in the bush these days I think of birding. There are so many birds to enjoy out there!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I loved your daytrip. We take them also, we call them road trips.

I've been thinking about birding. It would be a great complement to my geocaching hobby. I find myself in the woods or fields a lot and see lots of birds and it would be great to know what they are.

betty-NZ said...

Those are some lovely views that you share with us. Thanks!

J said...

It's hard to reconcile the peaceful and beautiful autumn landscape with the carnage that happened...

Anonymous said...

Glad to see such beauty and many birds in a place with such a sad history. May peace prevail there forever more!

Janie said...

Very interesting. That many casualties in one day is just shocking. And by contrast, the location is beautiful.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Thanks for sharing these lovely views around you and providing a bit of history about the area as well.
Hugs and blessings,

Gaelyn said...

What a great day trip, education and birding at the same time in a beautiful setting. Nice that it's been preserved in memory of the dead.

Danton said...

I like your world with that wide expanse to gaze and appreciate as maybe the birds flutter about.

Thanks for sharing and always appreciate your visit.

Arija said...

So nice to really enjoy a day out together and there was a lot to enjoy.

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

Nice that you can visit the same place and appreciate different thing - for you the birds, for your husband perhaps the fresh air and the history. Interesting tree shape in the first photo. Tragic loss of life.

Larry said...

I once read a book about the Civil War. t was such a horrible war. Cousin against cousin-brother against brother.There was more american killed in that war than all the others combined.-Glad you had a nice outing.-Always great to see lots of bluebirds.

Tammie Lee said...

It looks and sounds as though you had a wonderful trip! Thank you for sharing.

EG CameraGirl said...

I enjoyed the seeing the battlefield but believe wars are such a waste. There has to be a better way to resolve disputes.

Redzlan said...

Battle aside, I love that bird pic.
There is something in the beak.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Beautiful place for bird watching. Sceneries are great!

I love the third picture..Good shot!

Joe Todd said...

Enjoyed your SkyWatch but noticed your Antietam post. My wife and I were there this past spring. What a great place. I'll bet there were not many birds around during the battle

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm so glad I can feed the birds again. The Bear Watch prohibited it, but they are happy with the berries in the forest again.
Lovely shots.

Kathie Brown said...

What a tragic story! Having a son who is a soldier it makes me sad! Each one of those men had a mother. I'm sure they cried an ocean of tears! Beautiful photography, that bridge looks like it came out of Old England!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...