Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Watery Wednesday.....Great Falls Nat'l Park, Potomac, Md

Another place I like to do some birding is at the Great Falls National Park. The Potomac River is a big part of the parks attraction. On one side of the river is Maryland and the other side is Virgina.

 Great Blue Herons are plentiful, I heard there is a Heron Rookery along the river. The river is fast with a lot of white water and it is amazing to see all the Herons hanging around the river.

 Next to the river is the C&O canal. Here you can ride on the boat that is pulled horses.

My hubby and I just like to walk along the C&O canal trail. If you have been following my blog I think you can tell hubby and I love to walk. I can usualy see some g reat birds along the trail and one of them is my favorite the Green Heron. The trail is popular with people walking, biking, jogging and horseback riding.

Thanks for checking our my blog and my Watery Wednesday post. For more great Watery photos please click on my watery Wednesday link. Thanks to 2sweetnsaxy!


James said...

All excellent pictures, but the soaring bird is really cool.

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

What a MARVELOUS watery series of photographs this week! That second one is especially wonderful ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

The blue heron is awesome, lovely photos.

BLS said...

Nice photos the blue heron in flight is a well captured moment

Ebie said...

I love how you capture the great gush of the water!

Quilt Works said...

I like how you caught a still bird next to the raging river! Nice composition

My watery entry, hope you like it too

~Cheryl said...

Excellent water shots! Herons are such a thrill to see. Thanks for including them!

gengen said...

Al pictures are nice cool one...Happy watery Wednesday.

Marie said...

Lovely watershots from an interesting place.

Regina said...

Fantastic series!

Hilda said...

Love both the violent river and the peaceful canal! It's almost hard to imagine that they share the same water.

Maggie May said...

The Falls pictures are dramatic but the canal ones are so picturesque and these are my favourites!
very good!
Nuts in May

diane b said...

It is fun to see fast flowing rivers, very few of ours cascade. We're all a bit slow down here.(he he ) Love the heron shots.

Gunilla said...

Great photograps. Thanks for sharing them.
The bird is fantastic.
Thanks for visiting me too
Have a great time

Gunilla in Sweden

Lilli & Nevada said...

Great photos i like how you captured the bird

Bestemor Drillo said...

Beautiful ;) Spcially the second pictures ;))

Kirigalpoththa said...

Great pictures!

Love the differnce between rough and calm waters!

EJ said...

Green Heron looks proud, great shots!

Here's to a Watery Wednesday in the Korean side of the world.

Mary said...

What a wonderful place! That water looks so wild, I'm surprised about the herons. There must be some calm shallow spots somewhere that they fish from. We have a horse drawn canal boat here in Indiana, too at Metamora. We visited it last fall and it was such fun to go for a ride. Nice to see that there are others. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Redzlan said...

Wonderful Great Blue Herons in flight over waterfall.

HappyK said...

All great photos. Love the heron.

April said...

Wonderful scenes and photos! I love the one of the Great Blue Heron standing on the rock.

Anonymous said...

The park sounds like a delightful place for taking bird photos and I am sooo jealous! I have never seen a green heron although I've been told they do exist near here. I'll probably have to wait till spring to see one though.

Mona Sweden said...

Beautiful shots. I like the blue heron flying against the stream..

EJ said...

Came back to thank you for taking time to comment on my first WW entry. I am now following your blog.

By the way, I am trying to generate some support for our daughter. We entered her into a Smile Contest, and was wondering if you could please vote for her (just once), the contest runs until October 31st. Your vote would be so much appreciated.

To cast your vote, please go to this link. Please look for Jillian Rylie Cottrill.

Thank you very much!

Dimple said...

Your canal boat shots are neat, I remember learning to sing "The Erie Canal" when I was young. The pine warbler in the next post is beautiful!
Thanks for the visit!

penny said...

Great shots, your a girl after my own heart, Eileen. You love the water and birds as much as I do, but you take better photos of the birds then I.

Inday said...

Nothing can beat nature for its beauty and the peril once its own law is trampled. Beautiful and amazing power of photography!

EcoRover said...

Nice--that's some serious water.

PS: "beautiful" and "Golden Retriever" are totally redundant! ;-)

EG CameraGirl said...

What a gorgeous area to explore!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: I love your flying Great Blue Heron capture and that Green Heron is really neat.

Linnea said...

The rushing water at Great Falls Nat. Park really contrasts nicely with the calm, still waters of the canal. Beautiful shots and great places to walk...

ramblingwoods said...

We are lucky in that we get great blue and green herons visiting the pond during the summer. I just love them. Last summer a pair of green herons came in while a great blue heron was fishing and they proceeded to argue which sounds like a couple of dogs barking at one another. The great blue left and the green stayed. Funniest thing ever...I envy your ability to get out and bird as most of my birding is in my yard... Michelle

Janie said...

Great photos of the herons. I really like your shots of the beautiful, turbulent river, too.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...