Sunday, October 18, 2009

A yellow bird for Mellow Yellow Monday..

This is the Pine Warbler and is one of my winter time visitors. The male is a gorgeous yellow. I hope you enjoy my Pine Warbler and for more Mellow Yellow photos please click on my link.


MYM said...

Oh my gosh! That's a beauty! Great capture.

bobbie said...

That is a gorgeous little warbler!

Richard said...

Great picture. That's one bird still to find its' way to my list.

Maria's Space said...

what an adorable little bird

Anonymous said...

Lovely winter guest! Have the winter birds already arrived?

Annie Jeffries said...

What a sweet beauty. I've never seen a Pine Warbler before.

Nukke said...

So beautiful and so different from Scandinavian birds !!!!!
We do have one like that but it is grey :(

Carolyn Ford said...

What a beautiful little yellow bird! I would love this little guy to visit me, here, in southern California. I can't stop looking at him!

lisa@gardenofmany said...

What a pretty little bird, Is that a Finch?

Coffeedoff said...

What a lovely photo of a beautiful bird. Great shot!

Angie said...


Graffiti said...

what a lovely creature!

Dan Huber said...

very nice photo of a cutie


Marice said...

such a nice capture!

u may view mine if u have time

diane b said...

He is so bright, he looks like he has been spray painted. great shot.

Nicole said...

Sweet goodness! Lovely shot of an even lovelier bird!
Lucky you :)!

Chubskulit Rose said...

What a beautiful bird!

Here's my mellow yellow little chef.

ninja said...

What a beautiful creature! Seems almost unreal.

Carol said...

Great capture of a beauty! How lucky to have such a winter visitor! Carol

NatureFootsetp Birds said...

sure that bird has a lot of yellow on it. Don´t think we have it here.

Ms. Journ said...

I really enjoy your entry. Very nice i really love birds.. Kindly check out my entry here.

Chie Wilks said...

ohh that's a cute bird...looks like it si painted

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: That bird has just beautiful colors, really neat.

EG CameraGirl said...

How interesting that they are so brightly coloured this time of year.

Jenn Jilks said...

Very nice shots. Yes, the bungie works - although they worry it once Nov. freezing rain arrives. Then by Dec. the raccoons go to sleep and I get a break!

Thanks for visiting My Muskoka.

Redzlan said...

Beautiful visitor!

Linnea said...

What a sweet looking bird. I wonder what the female looks like - not as brilliant?! Great capture!

shaker said...

So cute !
Thanks for your comment and happy MYM !

mousey said...

wow! great photo.

Martha said...

Beautifully yellow!

Perry said...

Awesome set of bird photos you have here! I wish I had the access you have. Excellent work!!

Carly said...

such a cute little bird! Love the shot!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Pretty pretty pretty yellow birdie.

Mary said...

What a beautiful warbler! So bright and yellow.

Inday said...

How cutie!

EcoRover said...

Thanks for sharing your bird pics (the snowy egret, WOW!). You certainly live in a beautiful place.

SquirrelQueen said...

He is beautiful, what a fantastic photo. Sorry, I'm running a little behind on my visits.

P-TER said...

Wild water ant the birds
r-are a good combination!
Great pictures!

Martha said...

What a beautiful MYM shot! :-)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...