Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pine Warbler

I am linking up with World Bird Wednesday     and   Nature Notes

The last couple of winters I have had the pleasure of seeing this beautiful male Pine Warbler at my feeders. It seem to prefer suet and sunflowers chips it also loves Meal Worms.

I have  a few feeders outside my dinning room and kitchen windows. On this feeder I see my Pine Warbler and a White Breasted Nuthatch.

On this shot above you can see the olive colored streaking on his chest and his yellow spectacles.

On this shot, the Pine Warbler is on the suet cake by my window and a male Downy woodpecker is on the other suet feeder.

I enjoy being able to see my yardbirds up close. Hanging the feeders right outside my window is perfect for viewing the birds while inside the house without spooking them.

I hope you enjoyed my birds and thanks for stopping by to see my post. I hope everyone has a great week and Happy Birding.

To see more beautiful birds, photos and nature please visit Springman's World Bird Wednesday and check out Michelle's Nature Notes.

  Thanks to Springman for hosting World Bird Wednesday and thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.


  1. So sweet-and a little bit of "sunshine" on a winter's day!

  2. How blessed you are to have the birds happy to come in so close for you to photograph - very obliging! (the fact that there's something in it for them too probably has something to do with it!). Love that second to last capture - just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I see cardinals and bluejays as far as color in the winter. These lttle yellow beauties must really brighten your days.
    Nice shots Eileen!

  4. I've never seen anyone interested in our suet. They all are into the various varieties of seed we have out for them.

  5. Great visitors Eileen. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  6. Hi Eileen...Oh I like your Pine Warbler ..wish I had him here!!
    Thanks for sharing your birds!!

  7. That's a good idea to have the bird feeders so close. I like the idea of having the birds come to you to be photographed rather than chasing around in the bush for them!

  8. You have beautiful birds coming to your feeders. Isn't it great to see them right outside your window?

  9. What a great view from your window! I haven't tried the suet blocks but that will be soon:)

  10. haha....you are busy like me!! my feeders all hang right outside my home office window and i have a few suction cuped right to the window.

    i bought meal worms once but they were super expensive, like a might need a second job expensive ;))))

  11. Hi Eileen, You have captured the personality of that Pine Warbler quite well in your pictures. Great job! Have a super nice day tomorrow!

  12. Cute little birds. The more I see your feeders, the more determined I am to get hubby to set one up!

  13. Beautiful shots, Eileen. So nice and right outside your window! I enjoyed the birds, so nice to see pretty colors on a winter's day.

  14. That warbler is so pretty! Our winter birds just lack the color (except the turkeys and we were over-run with them today).

  15. Oh, what beautiful birds! I may have to try a window feeder!

  16. That must be wonderful to have hem around!
    I love that third photo!

  17. You definitely want your feeders close to the house in the winter. Ours are on the edge of the deck, but that's mainly to keep most of the mess off of the deck.

  18. If we are lucky, we'll see a Pine Warbler or two over the course of the winter. Thank you for sharing the photos of yours.

  19. Wonderful yellow on that warbler! Your feeders are in a great spot.

  20. This beauty is a little bit like our goldfinches :)I could not find Finnish name at all!
    Greetings from snowy Finland !

  21. Beautiful photos...I love watching the birds, and always enjoy the challenge of capturing them in photos! Thanks. Have a warm Wednesday!

  22. your warbler is a beautiful colour.

  23. What a joy to see these little birds, thanks Eileen.

  24. Ohhhhhhhh---he is just so cute. I have never seen one except in pictures. Love that yellow color...TOO CUTE..

    Thanks for sharing.

  25. Oh beautiful birds! I have a few feeders like yours, but the squirrels dragged them away!

  26. I like that you can see your birds so easily! I need to come up with a similar strategy. :)

  27. The pine warblers are great looking little birds.

  28. The pine warbler is so beautiful!

  29. Your guests seem to enjoy themselves:)

  30. Sweet shots! The Pine Warbler is really gorgeous!

  31. I enjoyed looking at those birds too. Great idea, I will move my bird feeder next to our window !

  32. Great pics! That warbler is such a neon colored yellow. What a cutie. Never seen one before. It's always a joy visiting your blog, Eileen.

  33. how nice to see a warbler in winter. :) Over here they are all gone.

  34. It must be great having a Pine Warbler just outside the window like that Eileen. What lovely close-up views. Pine Warblers have such subtle colouring - all the better to blend into those pine trees I guess.

  35. The Pine Warbler is marvelous, great shots.

  36. Oh how wonderful to have the feeders so up close and personal! These are wonderful captures! The Pine Warbler is a new one for me. I would definitely notice him if he were to visit. The White Breasted Nuthatch and Downy Woodpecker are two of our "regular" diners. ;-)

  37. Great images! The male warbler is such a beautiful bird. You are lucky to have them visiting, Eileen.


  38. Sweet Pine Warblers! It must be almost spring where you are, Eileen. Have a great week!

  39. What a pretty little bird...lovely captures.

  40. Love that little warbler ... I don't have any of them around here.

  41. Wonderful shots, that is such a lovely bird.

  42. Beautiful little guys Eileen -- You are so fortunate to have all those wonderful birding spots close by and then all these lovely feeder birds too. (I'm almost jealous!) Thanks for sharing!!!

  43. I envy our cold winters where you can get birds to feed close to windows.
    Your pine-warbler is a little treat indeed!

  44. Wow, they are beautiful birds. You are lucky to have them in your yards. Great shots.

  45. You have beautiful colored birds in your yard ! I only see some grey sparrows or from time to time a robin, but that's all. I can't put up a feeder because of my 4 cats of course, lol ! and then the temperature is so warm that the plants start to bloom !
    Not normal at all for the season !

  46. Nice catches Eileen. Thats what you get when you put out the good stuff, prime birds! I've got my front yard set up with feeders just so I can take pictures through the sliding glass windows. No brainer there. Great minds think alike!

  47. Pretty little bird. I like the set-up as you won't have window strikes..I have that same recycled suet feeder.....Thank you for linking up to Nature Notes Eileen..

  48. You must be excited to have visitors! I would be watching my window regularly to see if I have new guests. I bought a hummingbird feeder recently and hope to put it up by spring. Do you know if that is the best time since it is a little cold now?

  49. The pine warblers are beautiful. Great shots.

  50. Nice!!! When at my Sickstas in NC..the Pine warblers adored the Bark Butter.

  51. What a little gem! He looks as though he is very pleased with all the tasty goodies you are providing for him :)

  52. It is good to feed the at home and you can see all kind of birds.

    Here is a good blog, she show all the birds, maybe you already know?


    /Maria Berg


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