Monday, February 13, 2012

Backyard birds

With my backyard birds I am linking up with World Bird Wednesday and Michelle's Nature Notes

This past weekend we had a few inches of snow and when it snows my yardbirds go into a feeding frenzy. I filled the feeders a few times on Saturday. I did get to see a Townsend's Warbler last Friday . The warbler a new lifer for me, has been visiting a  feeder at a private home. The homeowner has been really nice by inviting  birders into his yard and even let me view the feeders from his deck. I was not able to get a clear photo but was very happy to see a new warbler.

Here are a few of the birds visiting my feeders and deck.

In this mosaic, I have the American Goldfinches, a Redbellied Woodpecker, a male Cardinal and a female Cardinal.

This shot of the female Cardinal is one of my favorite. She looks like she has attitude!

The Cardinals have begun the chase, my nesting pair are constantly chasing off other Cardinals that try visiting my feeders and yard. They are very territorial, the male Cardinal is chasing off other males and the female is chasing away her competition.

Above are two cuties, the American Goldfinch and the Tufted Titmouse

The American Crow one of my bigger yardbirds, it is a piggie too.

American Goldfinches enjoying the variety of seeds I put out on my deck railing.

A couple of Tufted Titmouse perched in my Weeping Cherry tree.

To see more beautiful and wonderful birds please visit Springman's World Bird Wednesday  and Michelle's Nature Notes.

Thanks to Springman for hosting World Bird Wednesday and to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes.  I also thank you for stopping by to see my post and birds. I hope everyone is having a great week and Happy Birding!


Jenn Jilks said...

What perfect winter friends!
Well done.
Cheers from Cottage Country!

Brian King said...

Great shots, Eileen! You're right, the female cardinal is beautiful and does appear to have some attitude. :-) Nice variety of birds!

theconstantwalker said...

I love seeing your Cardinals... they are so colourful..
Many thanks for sharing your beautiful images.

Carletta said...

It was the same here this past weekend - feeding frenzy and then some. :)
I see we both picked the cardinals to highlight this week. I love your noting that the female looked like she had attitude - yes she does!
Great series Eileen!
Have a good week!

mick said...

A great series of photos and a beautiful lot of birds visiting your feeder.

AVCr8teur said...

Lovely! It is always a surprise who will come visiting next.

Linda said...

Wonderful photos. Cardinals are my favorite birds.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely bird shots, Eileen. My fave is the cardinal!
Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

holdingmoments said...

The Cardinals are such beautiful birds. Lovely captures of your garden visitors.

magiceye said...

super captures!!

jeanlivingsimple said...

We have many of the same yard birds...but I am surprised that a Crow will be a regular at a feeder. The ones here are way to wary.
Yes...great captures!

Anonymous said...

What pretty visitors!

LadyD Piano said...

What interesting birds; such a delightful variety!Great photos!

Unknown said...

Those are some awesome visitors!

Elaine said...

Nice! You get such a lovely selection of birds at your feeders, and so much more colorful than I'm seeing right now.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I'd have to reach for a guide book for all the birds in this post (maybe not the Cardinal!)

Cheers - Stewart M

Landbohaven said...

Dejlige billeder.
Tak for kigget.

Bob Bushell said...

Who wants ornements to enlighten their garden, when you can have something, like the birds in your blog.

Anonymous said...

Your pics have captured their 'character' not just their appearance. delightful :)

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of your back yard birds eating on a snow day.

Rebecca said...

What a great collection of photos (and birds)! Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful captures of nature's delight.

ShySongbird said...

Such pretty birds! The vivid red of the male Cardinal never ceases to thrill me but I like the female too, Yes attitude is the right word :-) I think that one is my favourite photo on this post.

Your Goldfinches are so different to ours, ours has red on it. Yours reminds me a little of our female Chaffinch.

Anonymous said...

Great Captures! I love to see bird photos!

Corina Likes Photography

Mildred said...

Great captures and wonderful collage of the lovely birds!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Hope you are having a fabulous week****

NatureFootstep said...

you have many birds that is tufted. It looks so gret on them. We don´t have that many. Nice shots.

Evelyn S. said...

How wonderful to be able to record all these bird visitors! I saw a cardinal for the first time in Central Park in 2010. We're going back to NY in April, and I hope that I might see one again. ;-) I do have Asian Collared Doves (they have multiplied in numbers over the past two years) as well as a chickadee or two and some house finches.

EG CameraGirl said...

Your birds always look so happy. Congrats for adding another lifer to your list. I'm such a beginner that adding a new bird to my list is not all that special ... BUT I still get very excited. :))

Unknown said...

Great sequence Eileen!! Boom & gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Phil Slade said...

Your post really cheered me up Eileen with the thought of those Cardilnals and spring on the way. What a great selection of birds in your "yard".

Celeste said...

Beautiful bird shots. You are right, that female Cardinal certainly does look like one fierce lady!!

S. Etole said...

What a colorful variety of birds.

Maude Lynn said...

What a beautiful collection of shots!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Eileen, these birds are so wonderful! Just beautiful.

Kathie Brown said...

Eileen, I think we are all waiting for the return of the spring birds! congrats on seeing the Townsend's! I saw my first one on a mountain in Utah! How nice of it to fly to you!

Leora said...

You do get lots of birds. I wish I could see a goldfinch in my backyard.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Lovely birds! I especially like the beautiful soft non-breeding plumage in those Goldfinches! Have a great day tomorrow!

betchai said...

beautiful images of the birds in your backyard, Eileen, lucky you they always come to visit :) the cardinal looks so awesome despite looking mad, I always love those strong expressive look of birds, makes me think if they are pondering hard where to hunt or what had happened to their hunt :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful captures of your backyard friends.

joo said...

I love them all Eileen:)

Anonymous said...

I appologize, I almost forgot about you!

My Cardinals have started pairing up, but they seem to all get along at the feeders. I have noticed how certain (couples) visit the feeders at the same time, trading off with the other couples.

Maybe their mannerism is because they were all raised together in the same underbrush and grew up together?

Rambling Woods said...

Lovely selection Eileen..I am hearing the songs of spring and the winter flocks have broken up. I wish I had more cardinals, but I only have one pair and a single male and female who I think are siblings...Michelle

Larry said...

Great yard birds Eileen! That female Northern Cardinal is beautiful but my favorite is the Crow. What a great pose of that guy!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

We just don't have back yard feeder birds here in South Florida-- I miss them. If we put out a feeder it is taken over by feral ducks and pigeons, plus Monk Parakeets-- all the seed spilled on the ground in minutes.

Liz said...

What a great series of bird shots Eileen! You are so blessed to have so many visit your yard.
I love the Cardinal. It's so pretty.

aurbie said...

You certainly know your birds. Nice captures.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...