Saturday, February 18, 2012

Great Backyard Bird Count


This long President's Day weekend is the Great Backyard Bird Count. It is easy to participate, all you have to do take fifteen minutes of your time and count your backyard birds or anywhere you want to do your counting. I usually always do my backyard birds.  Here is a link to Cornell's website and  more information and where you enter your count Great Backyard Bird Count

Anyone can do it from beginner bird watchers to experts and if you like to take photos of your birds you can enter the photos in the contest. It is a fun project do with your children and have them involved in a Citizen Science Project.

This is also my Camera Critters entry I posted a few Canada Geese. I stopped to watch these Geese and to look for some ducks while taking the back road to my sisters house in Pennsylvania. I can see some good birds taking the back roads that wind thru some farmland and countryside. The Canada Geese were seen at the Cordorus State Park in southern York county.

If I were to do a GBBC count at Cordorus, using this photo above would help me count the Geese.

Not the best photo, but I like the action shot of the hawk taking off from the telephone pole. I see a lot of Hawks perched on poles along the roads. I believe with the signs of a belly band this is a Red Tailed Hawk maybe a juvenile. Please correct me if I am wrong.

If you love critters like I do, please visit by Misty Dawn's Camera Critters You will see lots of cute and wonderful critters.  Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting and thanks for stopping by to see my critters. Have a Happy President's Day weekend and Happy Birding.


eileeninmd said...

Hi everyone, Happy Presidents Weekend! I am not sure if anyone else is bothered by this new word verification process. But it is really driving my eyes batty. I made my comments so I can approve them before they are entered without the verification process. It is so much easier on the eyes. I wish more bloggers would do the same. I do appreciate all the comments and the visits. Have a great weekend.

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful shots, love the hawk.
We had our annual bird counting a couple of weeks ago.
I'm so happy the number of birds at the feedingplace has increased.
Wish you a beautiful weekend.
Greetings, Mette

Sue said...

Eileen-I so agree--that new word verification is awful. WHY did they feel the need to make it so difficult????

Icy BC said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen, and as for the word verification, it's very bothering to me too, especially on those blogs that have already turned on the "APPROVAL" function.

Have a great long weekend!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

On your mark, get set, fly. you captured the bird at the right time. Though it is a bit blur.

I like lots of birds together. But my little camera isn't very good. May be I should treat myself with a zoom camera.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

yes, like you, I am frustrated by the verification. I am too old to squint. I too, took off my verification.

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Great photos. When we lived in York, Codorus State Park was one of our favorite destinations.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Eileen. Thank you for the heads up on GBBC. This sounds like something I would like to do, since I have the time. Your hawk looks like he is doing a swan dive!

Have a great weekend. :)

Bob Bushell said...

I'm a person who can't stand the word verification, it is a pain in the bottom, to put nicely. Everybody who uses it should consider those who find it unfriendly. I now ask them to stop it.
Back to your blog, it is beautiful photos.

Hootin Anni said...

Would you look at all those birds?! Fabulous. And the Canadian Geese, I've always loved. I especially like how they protect their species...very domineering [which is good], but I guess all geese are that way. Anyway, the hawk on take off is magnificent. And I know what you mean about id'ing hawks, they're so similar in color, etc. It's the tails mostly that identify 'em for me.


Hope you're having a great weekend so far. [thanks for the visit and kind words today!!]

Hootin Anni said...

ps...I just read your OWN comment at top. I too am petitioning this word verification!! I have made a button to protest that you can add to your sidebar if you're inclined. Let's get the word out to other bloggers....there is moderating comments...I can't understand why anyone would want to use anything else. But, that's me.

Diane Writes said...

Wow! Everything is so breath taking Eileen.

Carletta said...

Thanks for the reminder about the count. We're expecting snow so I know my feeders will be full today. :)
I love Canada Geese. We used to have some on a couple of neighbors ponds but one neighbor didn't like them and has scared most away.
I love that hawk pic - I think this is his high dive move. :)
Have a great weekend Eileen!
Oh, the verification thing - hands down the most awful thing Blogger has ever done.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great pics, we are missing the bird count this week.

You know I quit the verification process over a year ago and haven't had any spam at all since then.

Snap said...

I hate the new verification, too and wish bloggers would remove it. There are ways to approve comments without it. Now to the good part!!! Backyard bird count in the rain here ... UGH. Love your shots of the geese and the hawk. well done!

wildcatwoods said...

I don't like the new word verification but if I don't use it I get overloaded with spam! I end up spending all my time deleting spam and once lost my blog for two weeks due to Google finding it "suspicious of spam" It stays for me.

Great shots and thanks for reminding all of the bird count.

Carolina Mts

Phil Slade said...

I make that 12 and a half Canada Geese in the second picture Eileen. and hey you still have snow - soon be gone. Have a good weekend.

TexWisGirl said...

i love that lift-off shot! :)

thanks for helping spread the anti-word verification message!!!

Karin M. said...

Very nice shots, the last photo is a masterpiece ..
Best regards, Karin

Anonymous said...

I take the backroads every chance I get because of the sights I encounter. Nice photos.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful action pic of the hawk!

And I certainly hope people will turn off the new word verification!!

Carol said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen! I love the hawk, great action shot, very cool! Great shots of the geese, very pretty there. Not a fan of the new word thing either. I don't use it, any spam gets through I delete it.

LifeRamblings said...

thanks for sharing your beautiful critters Eileen. lovely shots. you're right about the word verification. very frustrating and it's driving me crazy.

Anonymous said...

WoW! Eileen, there's so many & they're oh so beautiful! =)

Maude Lynn said...

That shot of the hawk is amazing!

Kay said...

I really love the third photos. Kind of an action shot. Good job.

Dianne said...

the hawk shot is wonderful

and I adore geese

thank you for being word verification free!! it's getting more and more annoying

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots of the geese. So many of them.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, Thanks for spreading the Anti-Word-Verification message...

Love that last picture of the hawk taking off.. Awesome.

Glad you don't have to count the Canada geese... ha


Betty Manousos said...

gorgeous photos eileen, i especially like the geese.
your header is awesome as well.
skies on fire!

the new format of word verification is really awful! thanks for spreading the word.

Jo said...

Love the action shot of the Hawk. And yes, I agree - the new word verification is very frustrating. I've deactivated mine and mailed my brother to tell him about his. Thanks for your continuous visits and kind comments on my blog. I still have a slow internet and struggling to visit blogs as much as I like. Have a great weekend. Jo (PS I hope you don't mind: I've copied your "word verficition free" icon for my blog?)

Jo said...

Love the action shot of the Hawk. And yes, I agree - the new word verification is very frustrating. I've deactivated mine and mailed my brother to tell him about his. Thanks for your continuous visits and kind comments on my blog. I still have a slow internet and struggling to visit blogs as much as I like. Have a great weekend. Jo (PS I hope you don't mind: I've copied your "word verficition free" icon for my blog?)

Unknown said...

Thank God Your robot verification free!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots of the Canada Geese. The hawk does look like he'e diving off the top of the pole.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful photos of all the birds Eileen, and yes I am very bothered by the word verification and have put a similar sign on my blog. My eyes just can't handle it and I am tired of redoing the process as I invariably get it wrong the first time round.

DeniseinVA said...

p.s. meant to say I loved the hawk taking off from the pole.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I love that shot of the hawk! I am no expert but I think you are likely right. Have a wonderful day tomorrow, and thanks for mentioning the bird count.

Al said...

Very pretty photos. But since I'm working much of the weekend I won't be able to count any birds.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We don't have much of a backyard here in Florida (for birds) of these years I hope I remember the count on time to make plans to be at one of our wilder areas! You on the other hand definitely don't need to go anywhere to see wonderful birds.

thank you for being word verification free. The new blogger verification is just terrible (even with my new eyes).

Gillian Olson said...

Great post, and glad you are word verification free.

Kathy said...

I love the "group" shot! Good for you for removing word verification! I hope everyone does it.

Rohrerbot said...

That is a great shot of the hawk. I know it's a bit blurry but it doesn't matter. The bird taking off is really nice. I had a new bird in my patch today and I almost peed in my pants!!! I've been feeding the birds for about .....oh I don't know.....6 months!....and today I find a new bird. The sound was different outside and it was really exciting to hear a new bird's voice. I added a bird bath last weekend and so I think I'm in for a new group of birds visiting:)

Anonymous said...

I, too, see a lot of hawks on posts or in trees along the road. I never have the camera on the ready, though, to capture a photograph.

Jidhu Jose said...

second one was superb
My Camera-Critters

Nancy said...

I see these hawks flying off the poles quite often, but have never gotten a shot. Great capture, Eileen. :)

jabblog said...

I love the shot of the hawk taking off - what a great capture:-)

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of the birds. I keep meaning to participate in the bird count but always forget it.

Linda said...

Loved the hawk taking off! And, if my blog has word verification turned on, I don't know about it. I hope not - since I thought I had it turned off. Let me know, okay? Have a great day!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Nice shots.

Regards and best wishes

threesidesofcrazy said...

Great shots - adore the last one!

aurbie said...

Love the photos. We are looking for some snow this evening, but I won't hold my breath.

Love your banner. Fantastic colors.

Word Verification? I have been around so long the spammers have found me. It discourages comments, but I have found some great friends via email link on blog. I complain when I go to leave a link on a blog and see that darned WV, so I know of what you speak.

Stay warm!

Saun said...

That's a lot of birds and I like the hawk photo.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely captures, Eileen.

PS: And I ams o glad yo don't have the word verification business on your blog

eden said...

Beautiful photos of the birds and my favourite is the last one.

Costin Comba said...

That is beautiful. The hawk is amazing. Have a nice week. Greetings from Romania.

Kathie Brown said...

Good job! You are right about the red-tailed hawk, though I do not know if it is a juvenile or not. You can count birds anywhere you want to. The GBBC is what turned me into an obsessive lister and a better birder!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...