Saturday, February 4, 2012

Birdcam shots

Happy weekend! I am linking up with Camera Critters.

I thought I would do a post on my Wingscape Birdcam since a few people were interested and asking about my birdcam. I bought my Wingscape birdcam from Amazon. But I have seen them for sale in various stores that sell wild bird food. The camera uses D size batteries, has a flash and I have an extra Sandisk memory card from my Canon Powershot.

You can also call it a squirrel cam, I have lots of cam shots of the squirrels.

This squirrel is practicing yoga stretches while reaching for some sunflower seeds.

The flash went off during this early morning photo, catching the Pine Warbler and a female cardinal.

Beside the squirrels, I actually do get some bird photos. Here are a couple of Tufted Titmouse and a Goldfinch.

This shot caught the Carolina chickadee close to the camera and the downy woodpecker and my son fooling around with his pickup truck.

It fun to see some of the expressions, like on this cardinal. I do not think it likes sharing with the WT Sparrow.

Some birds look like they are happy to pose for the camera and look right into the camera.

Some birds grab their nut or seeds and look the other way, maybe they do not want their photo taken with their mouths full of food.

 I like this shot of the Titmouse looking at the camera and the Cardinal looking at the Titmouse.

  Right now I have my birdcam held up with the bungee cord on my deck railing and a pergola beam. I set it on auto and adjust how many photos I want it to take at one time.

I hope you enjoyed my birdcam photos and critters. Thanks to Misty Dawn of Camera Critters for hosting this fun meme. Thanks for stopping by to visit my post. I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Linda said...

I love the photos! What great shots you have of the birds...I am so sad that we had to move our feeders because of a rodent problem. They are now farther away from the house, so I don't get to see as much activity. Have a wonderful day!

Sue said...

Ha-I guess some birds are camera shy just like people.
I've wanted one of these since the first time I saw one-they certainly look like a lot of fun.
Have a great weekend!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Oh Eileen, queste foto sono magnifiche !!!
Amo questo scoiattolo in piedi !!!!
Buona domenica e grazie per la condivisione :))

Randy Emmitt said...

This looks like a lot of fun. Great your getting Pine Warblers, we have not had any this season.

EG CameraGirl said...

I like the shots you get with your webcam. Hmmm. I might have to look into getting one some day!

Indrani said...

These are terrific captures with your bird cam. The squirrel's full stretch is a great picture.

TexWisGirl said...

these are great. a nice way to see what's happening out there. love those squirrel stretches!

Phil Slade said...

That web cam seems like a great idea if you are busy elsewhere Eileen, then you get to see things you might othwerwise miss. Lovely colourful winter birds you have right now.

LifeRamblings said...

beautiful critter and birds. love those yoga stretches, how adorable.

Hootin Anni said... have a BIRD CAM?!! Fabulous image shared, but have a BIRD CAM?!! I want one now. rofl

Anonymous said...

The Cardinals are my faves, so I love them, but the others are so cool to watch, too!
The coloring of the 2nd from the bottom is really pretty! I don't know the names of birds, but those varmint squirrels are thieves!!! =)

Is your birdcam connected to the internet where I can visit? Or it is just for taking pics?

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, That shot of the bandit squirrel made me laugh. I just put up my bird feeder and it is kind of far away from the trees. I hope that will discourage such raids. HA! Fat chance! Oh well. Have a fabulously nice Saturday today!

Anonymous said...

Those squirrels can be such camera hogs!

Lisa@ButteryBooks said...

I have never heard of a birdcam before. These pictures are awesome!

Cuby said...

This is such a good idea as there will always be visitors to the feeders when you are not looking. I love these shots, yoga practising squirrel pretty good!

DeniseinVA said...

Very enjoyable Eileen and thank you for giving us the name of your birdcam and where you got it. It's still on my bucket list.

Gillian Olson said...

Thanks, I did wonder about the bird cam. You get some very interesting critter shots too. Those squirrels are such show offs.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow - fabulous captures of birds - that blue jay is lovely! And, of course, what a charming squirrel.

Brian King said...

That's really cool! How fun! It takes nice shots. I kinda like "SquirrelCam" myself. :-)

Karin M. said...

So many birds are guest in the bird house,
nice photos....
Greeting Karin

Bob Bushell said...

Oh, I love the Tufted Titmouse, thanks Eileen for showing them.

Carletta said...

Great shots!
Always love your bird captures but that little pesky squirrel steals the show. I just love them and their antics!
Thanks for dropping by Eileen, hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

Debbie said...

well this sure would save me a lot of time and perhaps i could get some work done!!

great shots!!

btw, i did not buy an orchid, i should have!! i went to the garden center just to see some color we have to go back tomorrow ;)))

Maude Lynn said...

Great shots! I think I need a bird cam.

Anonymous said...

superb photos! i like them all (except for the squirrels .. little thieves!!)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Eileen,
Love the shots. I can see that you are having so much fun with your birdcam. Thanks for letting us enjoy in a bit of the fun!

rainfield61 said...

The critters run wild when we are not around.

SquirrelQueen said...

The Blue Jay looks like he knows the camera is there and wants to show his best side. Love your captures of the squirrel.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Lovely shots.

Regards and best wishes

Willard said...

Those cameras are interesting. I assume they are the same as trail-cameras. I use them quite a bit, and they give one a good idea of what is in an area or in this case what is coming to the feeder.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - what a great set of pictures. I'm getting organised to do the 'bird feeder' thing this winter - so I hope to get some shots.

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You must be very fast to take the squirrel photos.

I was talking to a friend from Papaua New Guinea. he says the local people are not even worried, they are not educated, and don't blame anyone.

diane b said...

That must be fun to see what you might have missed.The sqirrell is a hoot.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful captures as always Eileen!

caite said...

wow, I need one of those cameras!!
love the cardinals.

Al said...

Cool shots, I didn't realize they sold specific birdcams like this.

Cheryl said...

That squirrel is hilarious. Jays are show-offs for any lens. My favorite is the how crisply that cam caught the female cardinal. I swear they're never ever still.

Betty Manousos said...

the squirrel is a hoot.

what superb shots, eileen!

witty commentary, too. your post did put a smile on my face.
thank you!

Anonymous said...

You have captured some great pictures with your bird cam. Boy can that squirrel stretch!

Elaine said...

You definitely catch more of the action with your birdcam. I love the squirrel stretches!

Cherry said...

your birdcam is cool! great shots!

AVCr8teur said...

Your birdcam is absolutely awesome. I didn't know there was such a thing. The pictures of the squirrel is priceless! I wished there is one that works in the dark because there is/are skunks coming into our yard at night. :(

eden said...

I love your critters. Great shots.

Jen Sanford said...

Ha I love these! I set up a camera once to see what my dogs do while I'm at work (sleep mostly!) but never for the birds... Maybe in the spring when I actually get some good ones I'll try...

Caroline Gill said...

I am particularly envious of your Titmouse and Cardinals...

Oh, and I love those squirrels and their antics!

We have quite a bit of snow here today. Greetings from Suffolk, UK.

Rohrerbot said...

Thank you for sharing that info!!! I want to get one for my window. Love your shots. What a lovely variety of brids you have flying around. That squirrel is like an acrobat:)

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

oh!! terrific cam shots!! seeing all those unsuspecting little faces....SO CUTE!!

we've talked about getting one...especially one that can get those night time shots of the critters that slink around after dark!!

Celeste said...

I was lucky enough to be given a Birdcam for Christmas, you have prodded me into wanting to make the time to set mine up now! What fun shots :)

ShySongbird said...

So lovely to see all your birdie visitors and the stretchy squirrel :-)

I love.the colourful little Pine Warbler!

Laura said...

this squirrel has a whole lot of personality...I LOVE that first he/she knows he/she is being photographed!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those are amazing! If I can put feeders up when we get back to Oregon I'm going to find out about that bird cam.

That cardinal does look a bit perturbed with things.

Thanks for sharing these.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

What a great series of photos, Eileen!

betchai said...

oh, I am so enjoying these pictures you are sharing Eileen, so wonderful to be seeing them.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...