Thursday, February 16, 2012

SWF>>>>>Another Backyard Sunset

I am showing off my skies for Skywatch Friday 

These shots were actually from last month and I never got around to posting them on skywatch. This backyard sunset was one of my favorites. I love the colors of the clouds and the cloud formations.

This shot is a little dark but the White Throat Sparrows usually show up early in the morning and come back in the evening just like my Cardinals. They are sweet looking birds. And one of my favorite winter birds.

I hope you enjoyed my backyard sunset and to see more beautiful skies please visit Skywatch Friday.

Thanks to the hosting group of Sylvia, Sandy and Wren. I hope everyone is having a great week and I wish all a very happy weekend.  Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate the visits.


Anonymous said...

What wonderful pastel skies!

Linda said...

The colors in the sky are simply fabulous! Nature is simply too amazing! Thanks for sharing your view!

Sue said...

Beautiful, Eileen. Wish we'd have some colorful skies. Just dreary gray here............

My name is Riet said...

Wow wow, your skies are beautiful Eileen and the bird is so lovely.

Kerri Farley said...

Oh your skies are amazing!
The little WT Sparrow is abundant around my house ... pretty much all day long. They are sweet little birds ;)

Rohrerbot said...

I love the peachish pink rays across the sky beautiful. There are so many sparrows out there. That should have its own chapter in the birding book. The White Crowned Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Black Throated Sparrow....too many to keep track of but all of them so very cool!

DeniseinVA said...

Your White-throated Sparrow is very sweet Eileen, and I always enjoy your sky photos. Beautiful colors!

grammie g said...

HI eileen....Simply gorgeous sky caught it beautifully!!
Enjoy your birds!!

Ebie said...

I am an early riser, and I could see the light as the sun rises! But one thing good about where you are, you could hear the birds chirping as you start the day, with a wonderful sunrise!

What a nice welcome greeting!

Have a great weekend Eileen!

TexWisGirl said...

love the trees painting on the sky! :)

ONNO said...

Great images on this site. Thanks for sharing.

Dani @ ONNO Organic Clothing

Bob Bushell said...

And they deserve it too, beautiful photos.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

what a beautiful backyard sunset!! it's nice to be able to come back and look at the beauty of it again...long after it has disappeared.

LoVE the little sparrow!!

Karin M. said...

Wow....amazing, such magnificent pictures,
the sky is burning, fantastic play of colors...
Best regards, Karin

Carver said...

Lovely sunset. Beautiful colors you captured.

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful sunset, awesome colors!
Love the sweet, little sparrow.
Have a great weekend.
Greetings Mette

HansHB said...

Lovely shot, beautiful colours!
I wish you a Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

Great reds!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

TonyC said...

Wow!! Great sunset Eileen!! Great sequence of shots. isn't it amazing how quickly sunsets develop, and then they fade away just as quickly.

HansHB said...

The strong colour in the photos are so good! Well done!
Happy Friday to you!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Hi Eileen, looks like many of us had similar skies this week, all so very gorgeous. Have a happy weekend~

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

More beauty from your backyard heaven!

LifeRamblings said...

gorgeous sunset. great sequences of shots.

Sylvia K said...

Fabulous! And the very best way of all to end a day -- any day! Such beautiful colors! Wonderful captures as always, Eileen! And what a sweet little winged friend! Hope you have a great weekend!


Jane Hards Photography said...

We rarely get skies like this so varied in shade and colour. Great series to show the fade of day to night.

Laura said...

gorgeous skies Eileen!

Reader Wil said...

These photos are so beautiful tht they need no words of praise!!
Happy SWF.

Al said...

I love the soft colors in those skies, nice shots.

Carol said...

Gorgeous sunset! And right in your own back yard. Beautiful.

Rajesh said...

Fabulous sunset shots.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, Great sunset pictures ---and that header is awesome.... We have had so much rain and clouds that it's hard to see much of the sunset here now... I love yours!!!!!


Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful sky shots and I I like the little bird.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky, and what a sweet little bird!

Elaine said...

Magnificent colors!!

Becca said...

What fantastic sunset pictures. I love when colors appear like that! I always stop what Im doing to just stare! :)

BlueShell said...

My dear:i came to thank you ...Your words were important to me. I appreciated that. Love,

Maria said...

Dear Eileen, your sunset photos are fabulous! They look like watercolours! I really enjoyed them! Thank you also for your visit on my blog! In Vienna, the ice is slowly melting by now! Have a nice weekend ahead!

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful ! sometimes you don't have to go far to see beautiful sunsets or sunrises ! I have the best once out of my kitchen window !

Indrani said...

The red skies are stunning!

Cuby said...

What a superb sunset I enjoyed watching it develop. So lovely.

Joyful said...

Love your sky photos, Eileen. they are stunning. Your bird photos are so great too. Lovely colours and detail.

Anonymous said...

Lovely sky,Eileen
i love the last shot most.

Nancy said...

Don't you love how the sky changes with each passing minute? Beautiful!

Charlene N. K. said...

You have a great view of the sunset in your backyard. These are spectacular shots!

Cecilia Artista said...

Beautiful skies! Love the colors!

TheChieftess said...

Hi Eileeninmd!!! I almost posted a photo very similar to yours from the same sunset day that I did post!!! The coloring, the silhouetted bush/tree on the side of the photo...We must have been witness to the same sunset across the states!!! Thanks for visiting MammothLakesDP!!!

Reena said...

just beautiful captures!

betchai said...

beautiful set of backyard sunsets, sometimes, all we need to do is step out of our house or look at our window to watch one of the greatest shows in Earth such as this one.

Jerry said...

Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. One of the things I like about blogs is the way it makes the world so much smaller. I can sit in my armchair here in the UK and see the lovely things you've seen so many miles away and almost feel like I'm there!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, How fantastic is that! I love the neon red and orange sky! Great pictures! Have an excellent weekend!

Pat said...

You captured some really beautiful colors in the sky...very nice!

George said...

You've captured a spectacular sunset from your backyard. The last sunset picture is just amazing. Very well done!

Victoria said...

Marvelous skies... so lucky to have such a view right from your back yard. :-)

Maude Lynn said...

Lovely colors!

Anonymous said...

Love the colors in your sunset pictures!

ShySongbird said...

Beautiful sky photos and I love the little White-throated Sparrow, I saw one on another blog yesterday and thought how pretty they are, we don't have them here.

Liz said...

Lovely skies Eileen & the sparrow is a cute one!

Barb said...

Hi Eileen - your backyard offers some drama at sunset! Lovely pinks.

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful sky and a nice litle sparrow. Much better then the word verification. I´m steeling your new badge. :)

Lina Gustina said...

Amazing colors in the sky!
My late visit here :)

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Absolutely delightful captures...

Rosie Gan said...

Wow! Just fabulous, Eileen. Goes to show that we don't have to go far to search for beauty!

Anonymous said...

Amazing colours and shapes in that sky. Lovely pics!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...