Thursday, February 2, 2012

SWF>>>Backyard sunset

My favorite time of the week,  I am linking up with Skywatch Friday.   HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

These are some sunset captures from my backyard one day this week. The sky and clouds turned a pretty orangy color. I stood on my deck taking photos of the sky and watching the Turkey and Black Vultures make their way back to my woods to roost for the night.

 My birdcam picked up my last two visitors for the night. The White Throated Sparrow and the female Cardinal. These are usually the first birds  in the morning and the last birds seen in the evening.

To see more gorgeous skies from around the world check out Skywatch Friday.  Thanks to the hosting group of Sylvia, Sandy and Wren.  I also thank you for stopping by to see my skies.  I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend. 


Anonymous said...

Ah - what wonderfully coloured skies. Have a great weekend!

Linda said...

What a beautiful sky! One of my favorite things to do is set up the tripod and release cable and snap away at sunrises and sunsets! These were great...have a wonderful day!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful skies and always love the bird photos. That outside camera you have, I really would love to get one some day. It's on my bucket list.

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful photos of the sunset, love the colors.
Have a great day :O)

Irene said...

Gorgeous sky, Eileen. Beautiful pastels ... here it's been all grey for the last two weeks. Now I'm longing to see the sun!

Have a nice day .... greeting Irene

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...Lovely colors in the sunset and with the touch of a couple fly by adds a nice touch!!
Yes the Cardinals are truely a early bird and a late day bird ...if you going to take photos you got to plan on those times ..unless you have a birdcam ; }

TexWisGirl said...

lovely calm setting sun!

Debbie said...

the skies are beautiful but for me the lil ones steal the show!!

my cardinals always come just as it's getting dark also!!

John said...

What beautiful skies! How lucky you are to get garden visitors such such as the Cardinal and the White-throated Sparrow! I am green with envy!

Maude Lynn said...

I just love the color in that third shot!

Rohrerbot said...

Lovely captures. I like your birdcam:) I need one:)

ShySongbird said...

Hi Eileen :-) thank you so much for visiting my blog.

Your sunset photos are lovely and of course I particularly enjoyed seeing the photo with the birds. I have looked through some of your older posts too and you do have some lovely birds there some of which are new to me but some which I have seen on other blogs from your part of the world.

It was also lovely to meet your beautiful Goldie Girl... I adore dogs :-)

Chris said...

Well done on the last visitors and beautiful sky pictures once again!

forgetmenot said...

Soft, subtle, and beautiful skies. Love the shots of the birds at night. So, you just go to bed and check out in the morning what "came round" at night? What a deal! Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

Karin M. said...

... these are very nice shots, a fantastic play of colors on the sky.
Greeting Karin

Sylvia K said...

Such lovely, soft skies and such a peaceful way to end a day! I always love the bare trees silhouetted against the skies! Wonderful captures for the day, Eileen, as always! Hope you have a great weekend!


HansHB said...

Awesome photos, - lovely sky!
I wish you a Happy Friday!

Kay L. Davies said...

That third photo is amazing, with the two birds silhouetted against that incredible color.
And I love the idea of a bird cam. What a great idea.

Joyful said...

Dramatic skies. I love the bird photos too.

Kathie Brown said...

You certainly had some gorgeous skies there tonight! Love the tangerine color!

Unknown said...

Beautiful skies!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Indrani said...

Whoa! The glow is fantastic.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Happy SWF... beautiful shots!!

Jan said...

Glorious sky photos, with the added bonus of the birds visiting you.

Karen said...

Lovely peach coloured skies!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

My word you have beautiful skies. And a bird cam, I am totally jealous of your bird cam.

Valerie said...

Gorgeous captures Eileen - like the idea of your birdcam! Thanks for sharing, visiting and commenting on my blog, and happy SWF.

Regina said...

Such lovely skies!

Have a great weekend.

rainfield61 said...

Let's call it a day.

Ebie said...

How lovely to see the peachy colors! The creamy pastels are spread out high above!

What a sight to see the birds hovering in the sky!

betchai said...

what gorgeous sunset and sky pictures right from your own backyard.

Lew said...

Gorgeous skies! We saw your Monday sunset while driving back from IKEA - one of the best sunsets this year.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love that third shot Eileen, gorgeous!

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful skies, love the one with the golden tones. How does your bird cam work?

Unknown said...

I love all those various colours!
My Fav is the orange one with the two birds!

Bob Bushell said...

I love your cloudy sunsets and the birdcam, great photos.

eden said...

What a beautiful sunset! the sparrow and the cardinal are so cute. You are so lucky to have those beautiful birds in your backyard.

LeenaH said...

Thank you for your warm orange colours, they warmed me here in our freezing country in this moment:)
Happy weekend to you, Eileen!

Dan Huber said...

Lovely capture of the sunset Eileen, love them.

Suburban Girl said...

You had pretty skies for sure.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Nice shots, especially I like the third.

Regards and best wishes

magiceye said...

lovely captures all!

Karine said...

Great photos of the sunset, it looks like the sky is blushing in a few of them!

Cecilia Artista said...

Lovely pictures!
I like the little bird too!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love both the pink hued sky and the early bird visitors to your feeders! A bird cam must be fun to have, Eileen. Have a lovely weekend!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What lovely skies Eileen. Happy weekend!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Great shots. We want a bird cam too. Your shots are great.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Ingrid said...

I am in love with your squirrel pictures ! they are sooooo cute !!

Betty Manousos said...

the most beautiful sunset i've ever seen!

gorgeous shots, it's really hard to pick a favourite.

Linnea said...

That's a very soft, gentle looking sky...nice way to end the day! Love that birdcam of yours! Thanks for checking out my skies. Enjoy!

Marvin said...

Winter has some of the most beautiful sky colors. You did a great job of capturing a few of them.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

oh i LOVE that night time bird cam shot!! i am really aching to get one! :)

beautiful skies too!!

Icy BC said...

Gorgeous sky shots, and so none intrusive with wires, like mine :-)

I love your birdcam shots too.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...