Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just Bluejays

For this weeks  World Bird Wednesday    and  Nature Notes   I have my backyard Bluejays

The Bluejays in my yard are like rowdy teenagers. They fly into my yard all loud, scaring all the little birds away. 

Recently, I was out on my deck and I thought I heard a hawk nearby I looked up and it was a bluejay doing a great hawk imitation.

 The patterns on the jays feathers are beautiful.

They gobble up peanuts and seed  like there is no tomorrow, again kind of like teenagers. I have watched one jay pick up at least 7-8 shelled peanuts before flying away.

To see more wonderful and beautiful birds please visit Springman's World Bird Wednesday  and to see some wonderful nature post please visit Michelle's Nature Notes.

Thanks to Springman for hosting World Bird Wednesday and to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes. I also thank you for stopping by to see my birds and post. I hope the rest of your week is great. Happy Birding!


TexWisGirl said...

we take them for granted since they are so common here, but they are GORGEOUS birds. :)

Brian King said...

Gorgeous photos, Eileen! They go very nicely with your blog colors! :-)

theconstantwalker said...

Just Bluejays you say?...
Wonderful images of a beautiful little bird I will probably never see in the wid..

Bob Bushell said...

They are the Bluejays, can't beat 'em.

Unknown said...

They are beautiful and fun at the sametime. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Carletta said...

Wow Eileen, these are wonderful captures!
The rowdy ones in my yard will hardly hold still for photos. You got some lovely images!!!

Dan Huber said...

great captures Eileen, they really are like teens.

Linda said...

I haven't figured out how you get these beautiful photos! I can't get them to hold still long enough! Love the noisy, greedy jays though!

NatureFootstep said...

I like them. They are charming. :)

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful blue jays!!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the Bluejays, with their noisy calls and large appetites! I had no idea they could imitate other birds, how special was that!

rainfield61 said...

They gobble in such a way knowing 2012 12 21st is coming...?

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I think Bluejays are beautiful too! The crest on their head and color and design of their feathers are very pretty. You shared some great photos for us to enjoy!

Marina said...

Beautiful photos. Those birds have wonderful colorful "clothes"

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Ha ha -- a perfect description of jay's behavior Eileen! We used to have scrub jays in our yard at our Oregon house and they terrorized the little birds and even one of our kitties. (No fears about that cat catching birds, it was too dumb!)

trav4adventures said...

Oh, I LOVE jays and scrub jays! They are so intriguing!

Anonymous said...

These are great photos of the Jays! I've always enjoyed seeing them.

AVCr8teur said...

They must like your food and telling their friends about it!

betchai said...

oh, so love your birding pictures always, and the blue jay's eyes are so captivating.

Elaine said...

Beautiful photos of the Bluejays! We only see the Gray Jay here, and while their antics and greediness are much the same as their blue cousin, they are not as pretty.

Stewart M said...

They really are a great bird to have in your back yard!

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I have really learned to love Blue Jays so much in past couple of years. Great images Eileen!

??? said...

They are such lovely birds, despite their manners. Jay are the same everywhere I think. The ones we have (Eurasian Jays) will gather up so many acorns that their crop is stuffed and then add two or three in their beak.

Indrani said...

Lovely captures. Beautiful tail of blue jay.

Altax said...

Lovely pictures of the bird and awesome photography.

Lesson Plans

holdingmoments said...

I love to see your Blujays Eileen. Such beautiful birds.

caite said...

I have never looked at them that close up before but their feathers are lovely, aren't they.

Carver said...

You got some great shots. I've always enjoyed watching bluejays.

Wolfsrosebud said...

I know they're nasty birds... but they are so pretty... maybe they just need a hug

Joe Todd said...

Bluejays do have an "attitude" LOL

Naturegirl said...

Eileen: I love the blue Jays and miss seeing them since we arrived in Arizona. There are other birds here to enjoy however there is something about the Jays I love..teen appetite and all!
BTW thank you for leaving comforting words on my post about Kea's passing.As my wee 3 year old grandson said "she's an angel now sitting on that big white fluffy cloud watching over us" out of mouths of babes words of comfort.
Have a great week.

MyMaracas said...

Great jay shots. They are indeed both beautiful and rowdy. Mine like to shovel seeds off the bird feeder until they find a peanut. I'm considering putting up a peanut feeder just to bait them away from the rest.

Phil Slade said...

I'd never thought about Blue Jays being like teenagers but I guess your right, Eileen - a bit badly behaved, very noisy and more than a bit hungry most of the time. Great pictures, a perfect match to your background colour.

holdingmoments said...

I love your Bluejays. One of my favourite birds from your part of the world.

Kelly said...

...Blue Jays really are like rowdy teens--haha--great description. I love watching these birds nab peanuts at my house. They are relentless at the peanut feeder!

EG CameraGirl said...

Blue jays are cheeky but pretty birds! :)

joo said...

They are simply awesome!

Cynthia M. said...

Eileen - what great images of those blue jays! I love taking the time to stop and study our more 'common' birds - it's the perfect opportunity to really observe avian behavior since they're often so plentiful and accustom to people.

Love your blog - glad to find you!

Leora said...

What a beautiful selection of blue jay views! Such gorgeous birds. I get so excited when I see one.

Libby said...

Thanks for visiting my site earlier! These are GREAT shots. I love the one from the back. I have seen lots of blue jays but I've never gotten a good look at the backs of the feathers like that! Spectacular!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Fantastic pictures of those rowdy beautiful Eastern Blue Jays! Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

Jerry said...

I'd love to see these great birds, looks like they have heaps of attitude!

Nancy said...

More beautiful bird photos. Eileen, you continue to amaze me.

Springman said...

Great photos of this amazing bird. I haven't seen all that many around lately. Enough of that, I'm on my way for peanuts!

Rambling Woods said...

You can't look at a jay without smiling..that throat pouch comes in so handy when there are peanuts... Great post for Nature Notes... Thank you for linking up Eileen.. Have a great week..Michelle

SquirrelQueen said...

They are beautiful birds. Even though they can be noisy and obnoxious sometimes I love to watch them.

Gillian Olson said...

They are beautiful birds, the feather pattern on the wings is simply amazing.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos of the blue jays, such color and expression, absolutely stunning.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Wonderful shots of these beautiful birds. We don't have them in Australia, so always nice to see photos of them.

Cherry said...

i wish to see one of them in person. very BLUEtiful!

Nature Rambles said...

How I love those patterns! So lovely!

Linda said...

Lovely bluejay photos. They visit our garden on a regular basis ... must be the peanuts that attract them.

Kathie Brown said...

You know, I love blue jays! Nice collage of photos!

seema gupta said...



Celeste said...

Stunning images! No wonder the Jay announces his presence so loudly, he is proud of those beautiful iridescent colours.

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous captures of the blue jays.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...