Thursday, February 9, 2012

SWF>>>Backyard & the reservoir

Happy Weekend!!!

For my Skywatch Friday  I have some sunset shots from my backyard and some pic's from our walk to the lake.

I like the sky reflecting in the shot above, you can see the white clouds in the water. When we walked closer to the lakeshore we spooked off a few Common Mergansers. They flew to the far side of the lake and much too far for a photo. When I scanned the lake with my binocs I noticed there were pairs and groups of Common Mergansers all over the lake. I like seeing the usual Canada Geese at the lake but the mergansers were a treat.

The photo above is not from my lake but, I wanted to show the Common Merganser.

I did not catch them in this photo, but the Turkey and Black vultures always make their way back to my woods to roost for the night. Sometimes, there are as many as fifty flying toward my yard. What a sight!

Above are a  few of the sunset photos taken from my backyard on Sunday. I love how the sun turned the edges of the clouds a pinkish color. The clouds reminded me of charcoal burning in a grill during a summer cookout.

I'll end my post with a pretty Mourning Dove shot from my birdcam. Looks like she is enjoying a feast.

I am wishing you all a great weekend and Happy Birding. Thanks to the host of Skywatch Friday  : Sylvia, Sandy and Wren. Also, thank you for stopping by to see my skies and post.


giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Eileen :)
mi piacciono molto queste tue foto con gli uccelli che aspettano di mangiare o di ripararsi dal freddo !
Magniche espressioni gli sguardi degli uccelli :))
Buona giornata.

Linda said...

The photos of the sky are beautiful! And I love the dove...such a pretty shot of her! Have a wonderful day!

Sue said...

Love the crazy hairdo's on those Mergansers!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Eileen, your sunset is beautiful. The Mergansers look pretty cool with their mohawks! :)

Rohrerbot said...

Thank you! You do the same. I am meeting up with people this weekend to go and do some birding. It should be fun. Those ducks are really funny looking:) The weekend is almost here:)

Penelope Notes said...

The pretty little dove must have thought it had stumbled on a peanut buffet when it landed on that ledge. :)

Faye said...

How beautiful--especially the sunset. I also take photos of the sky from my back deck regularly--the colors can be amazing.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful reservoir makes brilliant photos.

Anonymous said...

Such peaceful and lovely skies!

Dan Huber said...

Lovely scenes and colors Eileen, very nice series

Reader Wil said...

The dove is lovely! Your other photos are brilliant too. I love the sunset photos and those of the water birds.
Have a great weekend Eileen!

Regina said...

Wonderful and amazing Eileen.

Happy SWF.

Julie G. said...

Such beautiful scenes in your area. Lovely photographs, Eileen! I like your cloud description. I recently spied some Common Mergansers swimming in Lake Michigan. Their silly mohawks make me smile. The final dove photo is quite sweet. Wonderful post!

Caroline Gill said...

Thank you, Eileen, for visiting my blog. Your skies are wonderful ... what a beautiful area you live in. Love those mergansers, a bird I have only seen out on the Inner Hebrides off Scotland.

Kay said...

Beautiful photos this morning. I love looking at photos from my friends. Love to see the areas they live.


TexWisGirl said...

a great mix of scenery and birds. love the dove at the end. :) what a buffet!

Lew said...

Beautiful skies you have! The reflections are especially nive.

Dawn Fine said...

Beautiful scenes..I Love the webcam photos. I must get one! I have been saying this for a long time now.

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful series!
Have a great day.

AVCr8teur said...

That almost looks like fire in the skies. And, is that a bad hair day on some of the Common Merganser's? LOL!

Debbie said...

gorgeous sky shots and i LOVE the ducks with the spikey, wind blown hair!!

and your morning dove, what a poser, too cute for words!!

Dhemz said...

lovely photos!

Unknown said...

Wow, it looks like spring!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

Lovely, peaceful skies and I, too, love the wind-ruffled ducks! Wonderful captures for the day, Eileen!! Happy SWF! Enjoy your weekend!


Tina´s PicStory said...

wonderful pics! :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Love the array of colours with those flashes of warmth in the golds and yellow peeking through.

Phil Slade said...

50 vultures must be a fantastic sight Eileen. Interesting how in the US and UK those sawbills are called different - here we call them Goosander and you call them Common Merganser. We also have a smaller Red-breasted Merganser - confusing isn't it?

Joyful said...

The lake looks so nice and peaceful. Happy weekend to you, Eileen.

Carol said...

Beautiful sunset the clouds outlined in pink...those ducks are fun to see!

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful skies Eileen. LOve your header looks like the sky is burning. Love the little ducks.

Photo Cache said...

what a gorgeous spot for walking and bird watching.

My sky is here

HansHB said...

Lovely skyphotos!
I wish you a Happy Friday!

barbara l. hale said...

Love those mergansers with their wild feathers.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

thank you as always for sharing your amazing backyard.

Al said...

Very pretty shots and intriguing skies.

Emzkie said...

beautiful shots! mine is up here

rainfield61 said...

Birding is addictive.

Hope you have a nice one this coming weekend.

Quiet Paths said...

What a delightful series of photos. I loved the lake shots but the dove was great.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wonderful sights. I also love the pinkish edged clouds. Love the closeup of the dove from the bird cam.

Gillian Olson said...

Pretty sky pictures and that Dove looks very happy to belly up to that buffet.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful. Love the colors of the sky.

Nancy said...

I would not want to see fifty vulture flying toward me! You are a brave woman.

Hildred said...

What a lovely place to live, - beautiful photos. Love the Dove.

Chubskulit Rose said...

The mergansers are quite exotic.

My skywatch, have a nice weekend.

betchai said...

what a beautiful walk you have right next to your home, in your backyard, the lake looks so peaceful and inviting, and the sky gorgeous.

Ebie said...

I love your lake, my sight stretched far out to infinity! I love the reflections of the clouds, muted yet lovely!

DeniseinVA said...

Hi Eileen, I can now see the comment button and am glad to say how much I have enjoyed today's photographs. Have a great weekend.

SquirrelQueen said...

You have some really beautiful skies Eileen. I really like your second shot with the shadow from that little bush and the sky and trees reflecting on the water.

I love to see mergansers, maybe it's their 'hair styles' that appeal to me so much.

diane b said...

Great sunset and yes they look like burning coals. I love the ducks with the punk hair style.

Anonymous said...

Birds and skys - lovely..

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Nice shots.

Regards and best wishes

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

I like your second photo by the lake, very inviting.

BlueShell said...

Oh, my...these are great photos...well done! Superb!
You are an artist!

Liz said...

What beautiful skies Eileen! A lovely series of shots and I love those Common Mergansers - great mohawks on their heads :)

siga said...

People often say, that only the sky is a limit, but I think it can be much further ;)
Oh, the feast is so rich!!! Yummy!

NatureFootstep said...

I love that lake and the reflections in it. And of course, the mergansers.

The tree on my shot is a birch. We have a lot of them and I love them all.

Anonymous said...

nice reflections at the reservoir.

Icy BC said...

Your sky watch photos are spectacular, and the dove looks very full indeed.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful different skies ! and I love the little "punk" ducks !

Jo said...

Beautiful Eileen. I've been trying to comment on your blog posts for ages, hope this one uploads. Have a great weekend and thanks for always visiting my blog. Jo

Jo said...

Beautiful Eileen. I've been trying to comment on your blog posts for ages, hope this one uploads. Have a great weekend and thanks for always visiting my blog. Jo

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous photos, Eileen. I love seeing that beautiful Mourning Dove enjoying some dinner (or is it breakfast)....

Love your sky pictures also especially the ones with the pink edges.... Wow!!!

magiceye said...

all such beautiful captures!

Karine said...

What a beautiful collection of Skywatch photos! It's so strange to me to see a lake that isn't frozen this time of year though lol

Sivinden said...

Wonderful skies and very peaceful.

Costin Comba said...

Beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing with us. Have a nice week-en Greetings from Romania.

LadyD Piano said...

Lovely sky, water and bird photos. Mergansers are wonderful to see, thank you. New follower!

Mildred said...

Wonderful series! Love the gorgeous skies!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a fabulous weekend****

Elaine said...

Beautiful lake shots and a gorgeous sunset!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Beautiful series of photos. Love the water shots and the mergansers.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Brian King said...

Beautiful clouds shots, Eileen! Love the colors that are mingled in! I like your dove photo, too. It almost looks like a statue.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - the lake looks a great place to be able to explore.

Heath issues here are better - but not fixed yet!

Very nice sunset colour as well.

Stewart M - Australia

cocomino said...

How beautiful. I like all photo. :)

Mridula said...

Lovely skies.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Eileen, these are great and fun to view the scenes that others view in their daily walk. Have a great weekend!

Betty Manousos said...

gorgeous shots and views!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Great pics, especially the ones of the beautiful sky !

eden said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen! Love the sunset and the Mourning dove.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The male ducks have the handsome hairdo, and the girls are plain Janes?

Halcyon said...

Pretty skies! And I like the birds too!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful captures! Love the last one!

Raine said...

Beautiful shots. :D The backyard shots where very nice to, feels some gentle drama going on with the sky. The mourning pigeon pix wrapped the post very nice. :D Thanks for visiting my blog.

Linnea said...

Your backyard really is in the midst of beauty and nature! Thanks for stopping by and have a fun week.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I want to take a vacation in your backyard!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...