Sunday, June 17, 2012

Edwin B Forsythe NWR

Wow, I was not sure if I was going to be able to use this blog again. I had so much trouble going on with warnings. I must say I run virus protection scans daily and my computer was clean , even blogger could not find a reason why it happened. Luckily and thanks to someone at blogger they have my blog up and running again. I decided to delete a lot of my links and I am no longer accepting  links on my comments, so please avoid leaving a link in your comment.

I am linking up with Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday

This week hubby and I took short trip to the Jersey shore, we stopped at the Edwin Forsythe NWR which is just across the bay from Atlantic City. It is a great place for birding for me and hubby has his fun playing poker.

Above I am showing the Glossy Ibis, one of the many threatened Diamondback Terrapins, adult Osprey, gulls and a skimmer and bottom right is an Osprey with chicks.

 The Diamondback Terrapin is laying eggs right next to the wildlife drive. I hope the babies survive. The Diamondback Terrapin is threatened and starting to make a come back. They are the state reptile of Maryland.

Cute osprey chick is spreading its wings, it could be the first one to leave the nest.

You can visit the wildlife refuge at different times of the year and see different species of birds. Spring and summer are a good time for the shorebirds and to see the babies and chicks. This was the first time for me to see so many Osprey chicks on the nest. Some chicks seem bigger on the various nest but they are a very cool sight to see.

 Above top left are a few Black Skimmers, larger top right is a Black Crowned Night heron, middle is a Black Skimmer in flight and skimming. Bottom row is a Clapper Rail, I believe a Caspian tern and another Black Skimmer.

 The Black Skimmers are cool looking birds with their beak looking like a carrot dipped in black.

One of my favorite shorebirds is the Black Skimmer. We had fun watching the Black Skimmer flying low over the water and just barely touching the water with its beak. As they fly low over the with their beaks open till they feel their prey and their beaks snap shut. It is an amazing sight.

Another beautiful bird at the refuge is the Great Egret, we also saw some of the Snowy Egrets. I hope you enjoyed my post and believe me I am happy to be able to make a post.

To see more wonderful mosaics and photos please visit Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday.

Thanks to Mary of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday. I hope everyone has a HAPPY week ahead and Happy Birding.


Linda said...

Beautiful photos! I always enjoy your photos and identifications! Glad you are up and running again...

TexWisGirl said...

hooray for triumph! :)

love the skimmer! such cool looking birds! lots of great wildlife here.

Rohrerbot said...

Glad everything turned out alright. So it was the thinks in the comments area? A good pointer. Thanks for the advice. And I love your shots of the Night Heron:)

magiceye said...

Beautiful captures!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, Glad Blogger was so prompt in fixing your problem ---or LACK of a problem... I don't accept links either --never have... That's usually where trouble originates I think.

Beautiful photos --whether on FB or Blogger---I love them all !!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you got everything fixed. You always find such a great variety of birds when you go out and about on your little excursions.

Jen Sanford said...

So many great birds in this post! I would love to see skimmers and Clapper Rails!! And love the Osprey chicks of course, so cute.

Ingmarie We said...

Very find photos and mosaics of the birds. We had two grey herons near our house, by they are gone now. Some houses were built and I think the herons didn't feel safe any longer. Have a fine week.

Carol said...

Glad everything is good again with your blog! Your shots are fabulous, looks like a great day.

Nancy said...

How exciting to see the Osprey and the chicks on the nest! Thanks for identifying all the birds. I have never seen a skimmer but you are right, they are cool.

Bob Bushell said...

I am very pleased that blogger has made something work, thanks blogger. Your pictures are beautiful.

rainfield61 said...

It is nice to be able to visit you again, and to see all these beautiful critters.

Reena said...

Love seeing all the birds .. getting my bird fix after Istanbul. The skimmers tend to be my faves watching them skim the water while in flight! Looks like it was a delightful day!

Julie G. said...

Eileen, so glad to hear your blog is up and running again. I did try to view your blog recently and kept getting a warning.

Edwin B Forsythe NWR looks like a glorious place to view wildlife. Your photographs and mosaics are wonderful! Love the little Osprey chicks and Clapper Rail (I have never seen one before). My fingers are crossed for the Diamondback Terrapin babies to survive.

Terrific post!

Kim, USA said...
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DeniseinVA said...

I'm happy you got rid of that problem Eileen. It's very frustrating when you have absolutely no control whatsoever. This happened to me about four years ago.

Your photos are fantastic. I would love to go there one day and see all those wonderful birds.

Irene said...

Fantastic shots. You're doing a great job finding all those different birds. And most of all, I'm happy that you share!

Wish you a great week!


Unknown said...

Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

Glad you got everything fixed!! Love all the wonderful birds that you find and I'm so happy that you share them with us, Eileen!! Beautiful captures and mosaics as always! Hope you have a great week!


Fun60 said...

Those osprey chicks are just beautiful to watch. Thanks for sharing.

ellen b. said...

You got some wonderful shots of these birds, Eileen. I love spotting and taking photos of birds. I'm long overdue on visiting a refuge. Have a great week!

Latane Barton said...

Such nice pictures. I love the mosaics.

Carver said...

What a great place for bird and turtle watching. Wonderful shots.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a wonderful variety of birds! And there's nothing sweeter than baby birds! We saw 2 blue herons building a nest at the park yesterday! We'll have to keep an eye on them!

Anonymous said...

Only impressed by the wonderful environment you live in !

Please have a good Tuesday.

Valerie said...

A delightful collage Eileen and what a blessing to see the Osprey chick/s. Thanks for sharing and visiting my blog.

My Little Home and Garden said...

It was great to be able to see the young osprey. The Black Skimmer was new to me; love that colourful beak.

CameraCruise said...

Great series of beautiful shots.
I've never seen the Black Skimmers before.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wonderful photos --I LOVE that your black skimmer photo looks like mine, because now I really KNOW that the bird was OK when we saw it! Since we're on a roadtrip, I haven't checked my fav sites for several days, so didn't realize you were having blogger problems. Seems like it happens to everybody sometime (whichever host you use). Glad all is well now.

betchai said...

oh wow, never saw osprey with chicks, so many wild birds in your area, would love to see them too.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful captures of birds.

Carole M. said...

glad you're back with blogging Eileen! Love the collage and osprey. You and your hubby get to visit great places to photograph

NatureStop said...

Glad that all worked out fine.Great mosaics of birds you viewed and thanks for sharing.Have a great day!


Reader Wil said...

I certainly enjoyed seeing your blog. I first admired the birds of Arija's blog and now yours!
Have a great week.
Wil, ABC Wednesday Team

Mary Howell Cromer said...

You and your husby are so blessed to be able to visit such wonderful places and you got some wonderful Osprey images, yeah!!!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

LOVE the osprey picture...with her head feathers flipped up...blowing in the breeze?!!

the skimmer with that red tipped beak!! wow...great shots!!

i'd rather be wandering around than playing poker. oh yeah, i don't even know how to play poker!!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful photos from this different and special birds. Beautiful photos.

Icy BC said...

You do get to see so many different critters, Eileen, and I thank you for sharing your wonderful photos of them!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...