Thursday, June 28, 2012

Skywatch and my backyard birds

I am linking my skies up with Skywatch Friday and Green-day-2
Running out the door to go to work I remembered my camera on this morning. I captured a few shots I liked of the the sunrise.

The sun looked like a huge red ball when I zoomed in close.

Later and back at home I saw a pretty blue sky and a great view of the moon.

One of my pretty female Cardinals.

One of my pretty Chipping Sparrows.

Our skies have been mostly clear but on this evening we had a few clouds that lit up with color during the sunset.

To see more beautiful skies from around the world please visit Skywatch Friday. Thanks to the hosts: Sylvia and Sandy. If you are seeing green please visit Green-day-2  Thanks to the host Fiona. Thanks, also for stopping by to see my skywatch and post. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


Sue said...

Lucky you had your camera--that pic of the sun is colorful.

Linda said...

I always enjoy your photos - but that sunrise is magnificent! SO glad you caught it! Have a great day!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

The sunset is wonderful and also the Moon shot. The Cardinal is stunning !

Nature Rambles said...

Such a beautiful sunrise! I also like the shot of the moon and the birds! Gorgeous shot of the cardinal!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Simply breathtaking!!! Amazing!!! Have a wonderful day!! Cathy

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky captures and beyond precious bird faces you have here, Eileen.

Thomas Lee said...

Wow!Nice closeup shot of the sun.

DeniseinVA said...

Brilliant series of photos Eileen. Just gorgeous!

Leora said...

Wow, look at that sun. It doesn't look real. But your cardinal - gorgeous. The sparrow shot has a wonderful composition - blurry green back, scattered bits underneath.

Anni said...

Your sky images, the sun AND the moon are stupendous Eileen!! As are your bird photos, but as you know, I'm kinda partial to birds. :o)

Jen Sanford said...

Oh my god that sunrise is amazing!!! You always have the best sky/cloud shots!

TexWisGirl said...

the pink is fabulous!

Chris said...

Wow the colors on this sun are awesome! The two first pictures are splendid Eileen! I love the blue moon too, very peaceful shots. Got nice pictures!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Wow Eileen,
those photos are wonderful
absolutely beautiful.

You could have them made into postcards they are so pretty.

I am so impressed. Gorgeous.

Happy weekend.

Fiona x

Rohrerbot said...

What an incredible way to wake up in the morning!!! That happens over here sometimes. I'll get up and it's the moon that usually makes me head home and grab the camera:) Beautiful pink hues!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous photos, Eileen... VERY hot here (94 right now and getting more and more humid)... YUK... Hope you aren't as hot there...


Laura said...

beautiful as always Eileen!

Steffi said...

Wow...such beautiful and stunning photos for SWF,Eileen!Have a nice weekend!

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous skies and dramatic sunrise and a beautiful moon as well! I always love your wonderful birds! Superb captures, Eileen, as always! Wishing you a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Stunning sunrise!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

Beautiful Cardinal, love those sunsets!

Photo Cache said...

you have a way with that camera. you always capture interesting and beautiful things.

My sky is here

HappyK said...

WOW that sun is amazing!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Awe-inspiring skies Eileen....I'm so glad you got your camera. Love the birds as well,.of course.

Gillian Olson said...

Amazing pictures of sun and sunrise, could be a painting. Love your birds too.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Eileen!
This was a gorgeous sunrise! You get the best close ups of birds of anyone I know. Have a good weekend!

Carver said...

The sunrise is stunning and great shot of the moon and sunset too. Always love your bird shots.

Kusum said...

Beautiful sunset photographs!

RobertN said...

Beautiful post! Greetings from Brasov!

Martha Z said...

I like that female cardinal, I think they are just as handsome as the males.
Saw my first chipping sparrow (at least to identify) in Yellowstone this trip. I probably saw them before I began to be so fanatical about identifying every bird I see.

Unknown said...

wow, the sunrise shots are absolutely beautiful! i suddenly miss the sunrise.:p

Lina Gustina said...

Don't forget to always bring your camera, Eileen. I'm ready here to admire your shots :)

Indrani said...

Your pictures are always so beautiful. Great shots.

Vores have said...

Great pictures you show. Wishing you a good weekend :) Hanne Bente

Liz said...

Fantastic shots! Happy sky watching.

My Sky.

Cloudy said...

Wundervolle Fotos, diese Farbe, diese Klarheit, echt klasse!

Lieben Gruß

Anonymous said...

Wow - those shots of the sun are just magical!

Yiota said...

Stunning skyscapes! Which reminds me: why haven't I taken a picture of the sky for so long? hmm

CameraCruise said...

Wow, stunning shots of the sunrise, love them.
Wish you a wonderful weekend.

LindyLouMac said...

Oh my all the photos are gorgeous, but that first one, as the page opened in front of me is so beautiful.

E. said...

flawless perfection!

Ellie said...

Wow what amazing shots - that sun look huge. :))

Linda said...

Gorgeous sunrise photos. Love to see your feathered friends too. I'm visiting from Green Day.

Little Dotty Bird said...

What a breathtaking sunrise! and the birdlife around you are stunning, I'll have to try and get some pics of the birds around here (Cornwall, UK). The skies here have been a lot less cloud and cloud..
(visiting from green day):)

My Little Home and Garden said...

Those are such beautiful nature shots, Eileen.

Eileen said...

Wow what beautiful photographs.

.... visiting from Fiona's Green Day.

Black Jack's Carol said...

The colours in your skies and those of your birds seemed to be coordinated. Very beautiful and most enjoyable post!

Joyful said...

Thank you for your visit to my blog and your kind words.

You have some stunning photos today. Simply stunning. Have a wonderful Friday :-)

George said...

I really like your sunrise photos, and your portraits of the birds are wonderful. I tried to get a picture of the moon last evening, but they weren't as good as your photo.

CathyC said...

lovely photos - I love the pretty cardinals ;-)
thanks for leaving a comment on my Skywatch Friday post.

Anne said...

Eileen, I'm stopping by from Fiona's Green Day. These pictures are just amazing. Wow, loved the red sun. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Lew said...

Super shot of the rising sun!

AVCr8teur said...

What an amazing sun and moon! Seeing a sun like that I think it's going to be a scorcher.

Laloofah said...

Absolutely beautiful photos! I'm jealous of your gorgeous moon shot, I can NEVER get good moon photos, try as I might. I love your bird friends, too. And your Gunpowder River photo looks so peaceful and inviting.

I hope your skies remained as lovely and tranquil last night as they appear in these photos, and that you and your animal friends and favorite scenic spots are all safe and sound. Stay cool, and I hope that relief from the heat and storms comes very soon!

Anonymous said...

What stunning skies and sweet feathered-friends.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wonderful photography. I think my favorite shot is the one of the moon.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Absolutely stunning captures.

Elaine said...

Wonderful series of shots! Those first couple look a bit surreal. Glad you remembered your camera!

Half Acre Wilderness said...

What beautiful photo's! I'm new to your blog and new to the blog world. I will be back to visit again soon. Thank you for sharing.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

WOW! those sun shots are amazing!! and then the moon! and then the cardinal close-up....i love them all. but those big red sun shots are mesmerizing!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...