Sunday, June 10, 2012

A walk along the Potomac River

I am linking  up with   Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday

Please ignore all the capital letters in my post. It does not show up this way in my draft and I can not figure out how to correct the problem.

 Hubby and I have our favorite spots along the Potomac River and the C&O Canal trail to walk. On this day we stopped in a couple different areas along the Potomac. One of our favorite trails is the river trail at the Great Falls National Park. The trail follows along the river and then cuts back up to the C&O canal trail to make a loop. My header shows a small section of the Potomac River from the river loop trail.

For birding the river trail is great, we can see all kinds of birds, there is a Great Blue Heron rookery and there is also a nesting colony of Double-crested Cormorants. Above I have the nest of some DC Cormorants,  a Prothonotary Warbler, some pretty irises, a  Great Egret and a Black Crowned Night Heron.


 The river loop trail and the edges of the canal were great places to see some wildflowers.

The Prothonotary Warbler is one of the breeding birds that can be seen along the C&O Canal. These birds nest in cavities or use boxes that are along the water edge. The males have a bright yellow head, green back ,a gray rump and a yellow breast and belly. Not the greatest picture but I was happy to see the Prothonotary Warbler.


 Besides the lovely wild irises and roses we saw different species of birds, turtles, cool looking lizards, I am guessing a black rat snake and a family of geese. 

In the 19th and 20th century the C&O canal provided jobs and oportunities for people throughout the Potomac River Valley, from the tidal basin in Washington DC to Western Maryland. The canal trail is 184.5 miles long. Hubby and I have hiked various parts of this trail. The C&O Historical Park consists of 19,236 acres from Washington Dc to Cumberland, Maryland. It 22years to build the canal using 35,000 workers. Most of the workforce were immigrants from Ireland and Western Europe.

 This Geese family is enjoying the walk along the C&O canal with hubby and I.

I hope you enjoyed my post, I always appreciate your visit and comments. To see more wonderful mosaics and photos check out Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday!


Thanks to Mary of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy.  

I hope everyone has a lovely week ahead. 


TexWisGirl said...

those goslings are getting pretty big! love the wild roses. and the serenity in your header photo is lovely!

Linda said...

Have you checked the font that is being used? Sometimes I have to change it back to default, or Times New Roman...blogger does some strange things these days!

Loved the journey along the canal and the history lesson! Great photos!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You see a nice variety of wildlife on your walks. We had a treat...a juvenile Ibis was in our backyard yesterday!

Snap said...

I'm sure glad you and hubby like to walk along the C&O Canal Trail! Lovely!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

I just love that photo of the turtles Eileen. What a wonderful walk this must have been!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

As always your pictures are grand. Love the picture of the turtles!!! Have a grand week! Cathy

PAT said...

What an amazing place to visit. Beautiful photos!

Vee said...

I enjoyed seeing all the wildflowers, birds, and even the scarier things...that black snake! Is it a goal of yours to hike the entire 180 something miles of this canal someday?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You all live in the greatest area --where you have so many great walking and hiking areas. That is AWESOME... We love hiking but have to drive awhile in order to get to some good ones.....

Love all of your pictures of 'your world'....

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I've walked along the C&O Canal in the Georgetown, Washigton DC area. It is beautiful! I wish I could walk more of the trail one day to see all you have, Eileen.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Eileen, it's always such a joy to see what magnificent creatures you come across this week. The pictures of the flowers are lovely also. Thanks for sharing your adventures.

The French Hutch said...

Hi Eileen, You've captured Mother Nature at her best with the wildflowers, and the wildlife. I see why you and your husband love this beautiful place along the river. Lovely photographs. Love the geese family.

The French Hutch

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Thanks for taking us along with you and hubby on your walk along the trail Eileen. So much to see between wildlife and plants. I'm sure the geese enjoyed your company.

Saun said...

Thanks for taking us along love the goslings.Have a great week!

Debbie said...

those cute little goslings aren't as cute anymore!!

lot's of beautiful sightings, the wild flowers are so pretty!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

love the irises, love the 3 tortoises.

The wheel lock or clamp here as is known. The windsurf vehicle looks like one of it's kind. The owner clamped it himself. He says the gear are very expensive.

Here in NZ, the "clamper" has the second hated job after the meter reader.

Chaparral Earth said...

You can imagine some of the privilages early American explorers had when venturing out into untouched virgin territory. What a clean healthy pristine environment they were able to experience, only to give it away to those who would exploit it's raw materials and other natural resources.

Ingmarie We said...

Such a lovely walk. Also very nice photos of the dark iris.

Bob Bushell said...

I am a lizard man, they turn me on. You certainly have a nack of finding things, like, on a canal.

Jill Harrison said...

Thanks Eileen. River walks are so wonderful - so much to see. You are in summer there and we are in winter. It has been raining and blowing a gale all day, and the power has only just come back on after been off all day.
Thanks for sharing some of your corner of the world. said...

Morning Eileen, love the header photo. How I would love the walk, and to see the turtles. Love Jackie in Surrey, UK.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - great set of pictures. I always think seeing a snake is a bit of a highlight!

Stewart M

BernieH said...

What a great spot. The Irises were fabulous and those turtles and geese were great sights. Not too keen on the snake however.

rainfield61 said...

A happy geese family goes sight seeing in the weekend.

jeanlivingsimple said...

You captured some pretty sights on that neat trail.
Wishing you a great week Eileen!

Kerri Farley said...

Looks like a GREAT place to visit! Beautiful pics!

My Little Home and Garden said...

You find some really beautiful places to go hiking, Eileen. I like how you appreciate, and can identify, the wildlife you see on those excursions. The header photo shows a wonderful location! Enjoy your day.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

happy monday eileen!
love the walk...and ALL your sightings. shades of purple being my favorite color...the Irises are beautiful...and of course the turtles, snake & lizard are my favorites! :) i'm pretty sure the lizard is a 'broad headed skink'! :)

Unknown said...

Your photography is amazing and there are some beautiful critters shown I have never seen.

Lynn Wood said...

Beautiful shots! What an amazing variety of wildlife, you have really captured the peacefulness here...

Kim, USA said...
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podso said...

It looks so peaceful and relaxing! Great photos and moaics to enjoy this morning!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for sharing your walk with us. Enjoyed seeing all the wildlife and pretty flowers.
Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.

Amila Kanchana said...

Very obvious why those places are your favorite! great post!

Karin M. said...

There must be a wonderful landscape. I love walking on water, there is so much to look....a great photo series .... soooo beautiful nature...
Love greetings, Karin

Carol said...

What a great walk! Beautiful photos!

Fun60 said...

What a wonderful place to go walking. You take some amazing photos of the wildlife that it makes me feel that I'm there with you -thank-you

EG CameraGirl said...

I would very much enjoy walking that trail. I have never seen a Prothonotary warbler but I do know they breed in some places around Ontario. Good for you for getting a photo of it. Warblers rarely stay still.

LifeRamblings said...

such a beautiful walk. glad you had an enjoyable moment.

Dan said...

Found my way here by way of 'Our World Tuesday'.

A serene setting for a stroll and chance opportunities for gorgeous captures too.

Anonymous said...

H Eileen, Herons, Egrets, and Turtles, oh my! Beautiful set of pictures. The first view of the river with the frame of the trees is very nice. I also love the purple Iris. Have a wonderful Tuesday tomorrow!

SquirrelQueen said...

This looks like a great trail with all the flowers and wildlife. Mama goose and her little ones seem to be enjoying your company. The Prothonotary Warbler is very handsome, I have never seen one before.

Sylvia K said...

Marvelous captures of such a peaceful, beautiful place, Eileen! What a wonderful walk you've taken us on! I love all the birds/ducks/turtles! Your header is fantastic! Hope you have a great week!


Nancy said...

You saw a lot of nature in that walk! Your photos are lovely. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

What fabulously lush scenery! Lovely flowers and birds.

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for the wonderful walk, Eileen. The plants you see, the wildlife, it is all so very beautiful. Your header is also great. Thanks for your kind comment. The story I posted, happened 20 years ago. We have all changed now.We are all reasonably happy now, though I miss my husband of course.

Reader Wil said...

Thanks Eileen for the wonderful walk. I enjoy seeing your wildlife and I believe that you know a lot about birds. The Canada geese are also familiar here too. Thanks for your kind comment.

Unknown said...

Beautiful views along this river, like the purple irises! And so much to see: the turtles and ducks are so cute!

Unknown said...

oh wow, that's a huge snake! i love the turtle trio and bird photos. what a marvelous series!

diane b said...

So much wild life to see on this walk. Thanks for taking me with you but I don't like snakes.

NatureStop said...

Eileen, I love your Header!!!Wow!!what a walk..I really envy you...infact i envy a lot of bloggers:)Thanks fro sharing.Have a great day!!!


Indrani said...

Wonderful sight of the mama goose and goslings. So are the other sights. You are quick to capture these.

eden said...

Beautiful photos as always. Love all of them.

Dianne said...

the geese family and the turtles make me smile

CameraCruise said...

Beautiful photos from a wonderful place.
Thanks for the walk.
Love the photo in your header.

Phil Slade said...

Don't worry about the capitals Eileen, your entertaining walk is as good as ever.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Thank you for taking us along Eileen, it was delightful~

NatureFootstep said...

such a nice place. Always a lot to see and study. And photograph. :) Thanks for sharing it.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...