Friday, June 29, 2012

Local Critters

I love weekends and Camera Critters and Scenic Sunday

I am posting early since I will be a little busy on Saturday. For this weeks critter post I have a bird seen locally at the Hemlock Gorge. A local place hubby and I like to hike around. The bird is the Louisiana Waterthrush.

They nest in woodlands close to fast moving streams. The stream is actually the Gunpowder River which is at the top of our reservoir.

Not the best photo, I had to zoom in and it is cropped which make it even more fuzzy. But you can see the supercilium. I call it the eyebrow. They have pink legs and the stripes on its breast.

The Waterthrush's bill is large which enables it to take larger prey like crayfish, frogs and fish.

Goldie Girl loves the river too, she is pleading PLEASE do not leave yet. She wants to play more in the water.

I like how the hemlock trees across the river are growing out of the the boulders.

I believe this is the Eastern Phoebe it was another one of the birds I saw near the river.

 It is a nice trail with pretty wildflowers growing on the river bank. Not sure what it is called, it reminds me of the tall phlox?

We passed by many of these tiger lilies along the trail. 

I hope you enjoyed my birds and critter post and the pretty scenery. To see more cute and wonderful critters please visit Misty Dawn's  Camera Critters  and the Holleys's Scenic Sunday.  Thanks to both of the host and thank you for stopping by and for your comments. I wish everyone a safe and HAPPY weekend.


TexWisGirl said...

g.g. is so sweet! i LOVE the greenery and light in that first photo. glad you used it for your header view, too!

Kay said...

Those are beautiful photos. You live in a very pretty area.

rainfield61 said...


Such a beautiful header.

My mouth is as round as this: O

AVCr8teur said...

What a beautiful place! I can almost hear the water flowing. I see why all the critters and Goldie Girl love it so.

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful place, it looks cool and very peaceful. GG seems to definately be a water dog, very cute too.

Rohrerbot said...

Most excellent hike:) Love the pictures...especially the birds:) And the puppy is cute as well. I'd love to do a hike like that one right now:) Have fun tomorrow!

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

What a life! I'm happy for you :)

Friend of HK said...

It is a lovely place. I like the expression on the dog's face--please don't go.

Sue said...

I always think of birds as seed or bug eaters. Neat to see one that "fishes".
I'm with everyone else-that header shot is gorgeous!

LindyLouMac said...

Lovely birds and scenery, a cooling scene as it is already 37C here and still before midday!

Linda said...

What a beautiful place to hike! I can understand why you love it! Nice catch of that elusive bird!

Stewart M said...

That’s a nice looking bird.

The word that springs to mind about this whole post is "green"!

Splendid looking place.

Stewart M - Australia

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Looks like a fantastic place to hike and shoot photos. Love Goldie.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful place! It looks like a great place to try and cool off.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That looks like a great place for a little outing with one's camera.

Al said...

What beautiful photos, everything is so green! Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the birds and the blossoms, but I must confess, Goldie Girl's face just melts my sweet she is.

I'm a bit CRABBY today

Jen Sanford said...

Very nice, I never realized that waterthrushes actually hung out along the water like dippers. So cool. Great little phoebe shot too, and Goldie Girl is adorable!

Pia said...

I really like this tour, I can hear the water and smell the fresh air.....
your dog is so cute!

Karen said...

What a lovely spot. Great pics and the lily is marvellous!

Vores have said...

Incredibly beautiful pictures you show of animals and nature - love to see and show both. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Wishing you a good weekend :) Hanne Bente

Tiago Braga said...

fantastic photos, spcealy the orange flower, looks like the sun! and lovely dog, so cute!

Lina Gustina said...

Goldie looks so sweet!
Enjoying your other shots too.

Bettey said...

This is so pretty! A great getaway ;) thank you for the Facebook like!

Phil Slade said...

Yet another great place for you to go Eileen. You did well to find the waterthrush, a bit skulking I know, and even better to get a picture of it. They look like a small Redwing, but unrelated I now. Hey we can get a thousand or more Curlew in the winter. enjoy the reat of the weekend Eileen - it's Saturday evening here in the UK.

Cecilia Artista said...

Great shots! It looks like a wonderful day out there!

Your golden retriever is so cute! I also want to have a golden. Before I had two wonderful leonberger dogs. How I miss them. But I hope I can have a golden soon!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful series.

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful photos of nature! The birds are so awesome to see.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Your photos delight. They're gorgeous.
Nature, greenery, birds, flowers are captivating.
Your blog is very beautiful and interesting.

i beati said...

Looks cool Sandy

Kristin_Texas said...

Goldie looks so sweet!

Those pink flowers are pretty, too. Nice capture!


Maude Lynn said...

These are all gorgeous, but Goldie Girl stole the show!

Martha Z said...

That's a beautiful place for a walk. The Eastern Phoebe reminds me of our black phoebe here in the west. I like the water thrush.

Carole M. said...

what an amazingly beautiful place to visit. I would say yes a phlox, and amaing to see those liliums growing int he wild! Would it be people-trash or native? Lovely bird enjoying the water too --

Self Sagacity said...

Gorgeous area! I thought it looked a lot like Yosemite.

Bengts fotoblogg said...

Beautiful shots, very lovely dog.

Barbara Selkirk said...

Eileen - what fabulous pictures - such a gorgeous area you live near... and what fun to take Goldie Girl with you. She's obviously having so much fun.

This is a lovely post - thanks for sharing your walk, and thanks to for stopping by my blog yesterday - it's great to be back among my friends around the world who have such fabulous blogs - you among them. Enjoy your weekend and happy holiday to you and the US for July 4!

Eden said...

Beautiful photos and a lovely place.
Have a great Sunday!

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the photos of the Louisiana water thrush and I am now wondering if I have actually seen it myself and mistaken it for something else. I need to pay better attention!!

Yhe wildflowers certainly are gorgeous this time of year, aren't they? I can see Goldie Girls enjoys her walks with you.

Indrani said...

Great critter captures. So well taken.

Debbie said...

You've been busy while I've been sleeping!! Really great critters and awesome new header!!! It!s really special!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Love the picture of the Phoebe! Beautiful. Goldie looks happy and seems to have enjoyed herself. Have a super nice coming week. I am now back to blogging after my two week break.

Elaine said...

What a beautiful place! I especially like that first shot. I'd like to be there and just sit a spell and soak it all in.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous captures Eileen!

SquirrelQueen said...

I agree with Goldie Girl, the water looks so inviting. I see why you like to hike around this gorgeous area.

eden said...

Beautiful critters but your dog is the cutest.. Great shots.

SandyCarlson said...

Your photos of the bird near the water are astounding. Thank you.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'm with Goldie! Who wouldn't want to hang around a little longer at that wonderful stream. (I admired it on your header shot -- glad I scrolled down and learned more about it.)

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

yeah, Goldie's got it right...let's stay and romp through the water some ALL day!

love all your pictures eileen...the birds, the flowers...and that last looks so water running between and over the rocks...aaaaaah. nice!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely area to hike and photograph. Your dog is adorable!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...