Thursday, June 7, 2012


To see more pretty skies you can click Skywatch Friday

I have really been enjoying the sunrises on my way to work. And most times I was forgetting to take my camera. I did remember one morning and the sky was beautiful.

 I loved these colors, the pinks, purples and blues are gorgeous.

 I have a few spots where I am able to pull over on the side of the road, otherwise I would be getting the evil eye from the crazy drivers who are in a hurry to go to work.

 I had to throw in the pretty Cedar Waxwing with the blue sky. The Waxwing is another one of my favorite birds.

Another one of my cute yardbirds is the Chipping Sparrow.

 The beautiful moon on the side of one of our pine trees.

I love zooming in on the moon.

I thought I would show hubby's sunset shot taken when out for a walk to the lake with our Goldie Girl.

 I hope you enjoyed my skies and to see more beautiful skies from
around the world please visit Skywatch Friday.
Thanks to Sylvia and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday and thanks for stopping by to see my skies. Have a safe and happy weekend.


Bob Bushell said...

I love the sunsets, and the birds and the moon, they all are the best, great photos.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots. Pretty pink sunrise and golden sunset are beautiful.

Linda said...

Those sunrise shots are so beautiful! And I loved the closeups of the birds...I would love to see a Cedar Waxwing!

Chaparral Earth said...

I love monsoonal season skies in the deserts southwest the best. I'm putting together a collection of photos of towering 40,000 foot Thunderhead at Sunset over the Colorado River and Arizona in general. Incredibly, after the sun sets below the horizon of California's west coast, many of those Thunderheads are so high they can reflect momentarilt the sun's light from another part of the Earth.

Nice sky colours eileen



Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

great idea to have a bird on top of my Christmas tree.

diane b said...

They certainly are colourful skies. It makes one want to be able to fly and cruise through the colours.

rainfield61 said...

We are always surprised by the sky, and can never know how pretty it can be.

Nancy said...

Gorgeous moon, sunrises -- and your hubby's photo is great! Happy Thursday, Eileen! :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You know, sunsets are great but nothing really beats a colorful sunrise.

penny said...

Pastel skies are a lovely way to start your day, Eileen. I love your bird and moon captures as well.

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen.. Striking sunrise with lovely color!!
Nice moon shot too, and the lake is very peaceful looking !!

Anonymous said...

Wow!Lovely moon shot,i never seem to get it right with it.

KB said...

Beautiful sunrise photos! You must be out very early to see them at this time of year. Here, in CO, we don't get spectacular sunrises at this time of year because the day dawns too clear. But, our sunsets are gorgeous due to the thunder clouds gathered over the mountains.

I love your cedar waxwing. I saw one once here. They must be common there?

Hubby's photo is great too!

ShySongbird said...

Lovely, very peaceful photos, the little sparrow is so sweet! I don't envy you going to work before it is light though, I'm not good at early mornings!

I loved those colourful Orioles on the previous post and all the purple flowers on the earlier post are so pretty, wonderful clematis!

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen. I especially love the cedar waxwing shot. We have chipping sparrows in our yard too, so we have something in common.

TexWisGirl said...

loved all of these! the last shot is especially wonderful!

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful skies, and I too love the Cedar Wax Wings.

Amila Kanchana said...

Beautiful birds and scenes,lovely!

Karin M. said...

Fantastic photo series, have you made ​​very good...
a wonderful sky ...
Best regards, Karin

Crafty Green Poet said...

the sunrise is so beautiful! Lovely photos of the birds and moon too!

HappyK said...

I love sunrises. Early morning is my favorite time of day.

Unknown said...
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HansHB said...

Great post for SkyWatch Friday!

DeniseinVA said...

There's something about that light at sunrise, it's magical. That's a great photo of the moon. All super photos. I have only seen the waxing but rarely, it is a beautiful bird. The chipping sparrow shot was very sweet too and I enjoyed your husband's sunset shot. Have a great weekend Eileen.

Diane AZ said...

Gorgeous pictures, every one! The Waxwing and Chipping Sparrow look very sweet. :)

Sylvia K said...

What a gorgeous way to begin a day -- any day! Beautiful captures, Eileen, as always! I love your moon shots and the lovely birds! Always a delight! Hope you have a great weekend!


Modesto Viegas said...

Great sunrises colors!!!

Karen said...

A terrific series. Love that moon!

Carol said...

Oh, this is a gorgeous sunrise...wonderful to see on the way to work. Your large moon shot is awesome!

Saun said...

Gorgeous skies

Jen Sanford said...

I must say my favorite is the zoomed-in moon shot! Great collection of photos.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Whether it's sunrise or sunset photos, I love them all... WOW!!! Great birdie pictures also. Love the little Chipping Sparrows.

SquirrelQueen said...

Your skies have been amazing this past week, I love the pretty pinks in the sunrise. The Cedar Waxwing against the blue sky is beautiful. And I love that golden sunset.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such a fiery sky! Love the bird shots too.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I don't know what's wrong but everytime I post a comment, it goes to a whole lot of codes hehehe.

Love the fiery sky shots!

Martha Z said...

Those are beautiful skies and I like your moon shot as well.

Lina Gustina said...

Love the colorful sky, the zoomed moon and the peaceful lake.
Happy Friday :)

AVCr8teur said...

From sunrise to sunset, you've captured it all. It looks like the morning sky is on fire and then cooling to a beautiful blue sky day.

Carole M. said...

glad you remembered your camera; lovely sky indeed you captured Eileen. Also the birds; we share the love of birds too

magiceye said...

marvelous captures!

Mridula said...

The close up of the moon is amazing.

Tiago Braga said...

Fantastic phtos, so full of live and colors. The one with the purpel colors looks amazing, and the moon?! WOW, fantastic

Big Hug

Kim, USA said...

Such an awesome shots!


Vores have said...

Beautiful "celestial" images you show. Wishing you a good weekend. Hanne Bente /

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, What a lovely series of sky photographs! I too like the Cedar Waxwings. I saw them here last Fall in a large flock. Pretty and alert birds. Have a fantastic coming weekend and a nice day today!

forgetmenot said...

Beautiful skies. I love the moon shot--my camera won't do that (darn). You do get some terrific shots of birds--always fun to see what you have captured. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

Indrani said...

Beautiful sky watch series. You got a good variety.

Mridula said...

Lovely pictures, the sunrise, the birds and that close of the moon!

betchai said...

oh, these are gorgeous pictures of sky Eileen, and wonderful bird photos too.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Your husband's sunset shot is awesome!! Nice post, and happy weekend.

Kateri said...

Love all of these, but got to admit am a bit partial to the cedar waxwing. We don't seem to have those where I live right now and I miss them.

Debbie said...

gorgeous shots of the beginning and end of your day!!

love the birdies all well, catching them in trees always makes for a pretty photo!!

Martha said...

All your pictures are fabulous! I don't often see the rising or setting sun the way our building is situated, I have to go out of our community to really see either! I'm hoping this summer Tara and I can take some early morning adventures into nature!

Anonymous said...

Such lovely sky shots!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...