Thursday, July 16, 2015

Around the yard

I am linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences
I hope you can join in on the fun and share your fence scenes and pretty skies.

For this week's Good Fence and Skywatch Friday memes I am sharing some scenes with my backyard birds, sky and some fences from my neighborhood.

I can not do a post with out sharing some kind of birds. These are my backyard birds: top row Goldfinches, Carolina Wren, Great Crested Flycatcher. Middle Row is the Eastern Blueburd, Tufted Titmouse and a Blue Jay. Bottom row two Downy Woodpeckers, American Crow, Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

For my skywatch I am sharing some of hubbie's shots he took at our lake. I am still behind sharing images these are from June.

Sunset over the Pretty Reservoir

My mosaic of our neighbors horses, barn and fences.

For Tex's Good Fences I am sharing my Clematis Fence. The blooms looked beautiful this year. I hope you enjoyed my post and images. And as always thank you for visiting and for the nice comments. Have a happy weekend!

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and check for Fences from around the world check out Tex's Good Fences

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences and thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.    I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead..


Sue said...

SO many beautiful photos, Eileen!
I especially love the flycatcher. You captured that soft, muted color on him beautifully!

Crissi said...

Beautiful shots!
Nice day Crissi

Amanda Peters said...

The birds you get are so bright and colourful so nice to see, hubbie's shots of the lake are stunning.. Have a lovely weekend.
Amanda xx

chica said...

Que lindo mosaico.Adorei o reflexo do céu na água e todos os céus! Valeu! bjs, chica e um lindo dia!

Unknown said...

Love all of the pictures, Eileen,
they are so beautiful!

Have a happy day!
Tinna ✐

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Eileen those aregorgeous reflection of the sky in the water and I love all the different birds and flowers aswell as the horses.

Amy said...

Gosh you certainly live in a lovely place, some stunning scenery there :-)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Cloud reflections and clematis - what's not to appreciate?! YAM xx

orvokki said...

Lovely birds, which most of them I cannot see here.
All photos are wonderful. You have nice garden and views.

Latane Barton said...

I love those gorgeous clementis on the fence.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Eileen, great fence shots and I love the sky reflections. The Clematis is gorgeous. Have a happy day.

DeniseinVA said...

Outstanding photos Eileen! I enjoyed every one. Thank you and have a great day :)

Gayle said...

No aviary necessary at your place. They seem content to stick around on their own. They must know your love of birds.

Lea said...

Love the reflections in the lake, and the Clematis fence!
And the birds, too!
Have a beautiful day!

Lynne said...

Wonderful, lovely photos . . .
I loved the reflections and colors in the water . . .

Maggie said...

Such a selection of wonderful images to enjoy this week, Eileen. I always find your bird collages so interesting probably because I don't have much of a clue when it comes to identifying them!
Your husband really caught the sky reflected to beautifully in the water, what a very pretty part of the world you live in.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

so pretty. i guess they call them day lilies ... so lovely. why i love this time of the year, even if it is so hot & humid. & you have to hide out in the shade. love the sunset shots. nice!! ( :

Giga said...

Beautiful birds, and of the views of the lake. :)

TexWisGirl said...

oh, those blooms are gorgeous!!! love the color! great sunset and reflection shots, too (thanks to your hubby). :) i like your mosaic of bird color. we had a pair of great crested flycatchers nest in a bird house i built and put on a fence post next to the driveway this year. :)

Sivinden said...

You live in such beautiful surroundings! Lovely shots:-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love your clematis fence. so beautiful... we have zero birds. yesterday we had one, the resident hawk, we have one squirrel left. he has decimated all the squirrels and birds.. the avocado tree is full of little fruit because the squirrels are gone. but i miss them

Kathy said...

What a nice group of photos you have today. I could identify all the birds except the flycatcher. He immediately caught my eye because of his unfamiliarity. Daylilies right up on the banks of the lake! That's amazing. I have a clematis the same color. Even with all our rains in May and June it has not bloomed yet. Maybe it drowned! I think I'll go out and fertilize it right now!

Anonymous said...

Stunning shots.

Montanagirl said...

Beautiful photos! My favorites are those sky shots!!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

love those sky scapes

Mary Hone said...

Those are all just gorgeous. You get so many different birds.

Nancy Chan said...

I love all the lovely pictures. Great collection.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

What's up, Tiger Lilies?

Lovely collection of pictures, Eileen.

bj said...

As always, you have given us wonderful things to look at.
Love everything you are showing here today. :)

Michelle said...

Beautiful photos and I really like the shots of the lake!

LV said...

Great variety of goodie., Well presented.

Salt Lick Shop said...

Love them all but the very first shot where they are all munching away like it was a feast is my fav!
And oh the clematis. I am trying to grow some, one on each side of an arbor and sadly, so far they are not taking. I think I have too much shade by them.

Irma said...

Beautiful shots Eileen.
The collages I beautiful, and also think the sunset is amazing.
Best regards, Irma

Linda W. said...

Those lake shots are gorgeous!

Jean | said...

Eileen, all lovely, but I always especially like your sky photos!

Jo said...

Eileen, I love the birds, the reflections and the fences. Have a great day. Jo

photodoug said...

Nice collection of birds and fences. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful clematis blooms! I love seeing your backyard birds,too. The reflections of the sky in the lake photos are lovely.

21 Wits said...

Goodness your backyard birds are wonderful, and every fence especially the last with blossoms too, just beautiful. Your lake is very lovely too, what a nice place to be! Enjoy your day Eileen!

Noushka said...

Your hubby is very talented at taking sky pics!
I love the first one with the sky's reflection in the water.
And your Clematis photos are sooo beautiful!
Congratulations Eileen, enjoy your day :)

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Boa tarde, as belas fotos revelam a enorme beleza da natureza, foi um excelente momento fotográfico.

Cloudia said...

Hubby's shots have a dreamy quality. I bet you fixed them up a bit. Another lovely rewarding post, Eileen. You are one of the best


Debbie said...

so many wonderful things to look at today!! hubby's lake shots are really amazing....and those clematis blooms, they are surprisingly my favorites ;)

Rose said...

I love the clematis shots, and love the reflective lake shots...specially the last couple. And I so want that wren!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

The sky reflections on the lake are gorgeous. Lovely flowers, too. Have a great day Eileen!

Patrycja (photoopassion) said...

Very very beautiful !!!! :)
I say you hello from Dublin !

Nancy J said...

Beautiful reflections, and a lovely mosaic collection.

Ela said...

Gorgeous shots !!!! I love your clematis shots !!!

Christine said...

Stunning pictures of creation! I so enjoyed visiting and viewing your photos!
Have a great day!

Sylvia K said...

Terrific captures as always, Eileen, and I do love the colorful skies and reflections on the water! Awesome!! And, thanks as always, for sharing the beauty with us!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Love your sunsets!!!
Visiting from Skywatch Friday, Hilde

Jane Hards Photography said...

Beautiful mirror image reflection

carol l mckenna said...

Magnificent sky shot for SWF!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Darcie (My Modern Country) said...

These photos are beautiful! LOVE the Clematis Fence!

EG CameraGirl said...

Gorgeous photos, Eileen!! The clematis fence is fabulous!

Our photos said...

Wow, that's a nice series ! I love the reflections in the 2nd photo !

sonia a. mascaro said...

Love all of the pictures, Eileen!
The photos of the lake taken by your husband are really beautiful too!
Love the mosaic of your neighbors horses, barn, fences and flowers!

Thanks for your visit and nice comment! :)

Stephanie said...

Beautiful shots!

Barb said...

You are so lucky to have so many birds visiting, Eileen! Your Clematis is gorgeous. I used to grow them in Denver - they won't bloom at high altitude in Breckenridge.

amo sin blogg said...

Beautiful photos, all of them.

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Neat post! I love the pictures with reflections!

Bruce said...

Love those purple flowers...great colors!

Ida said...

Lots of beauty here today. - I always enjoy your birds. The hummingbird is especially neat to me since I rarely see them around where I live.
Very pretty sky shots, My favorite was the first one with the clouds reflected in the river.
Neat shots of the horse, barn and fence.
Also your Clematis Fence shots were so lovely.

Photo Cache said...

I enjoy seeing the birds so please keep on posting them.

Also, I have never seen a clematis with this many petals. How neat.

Paula said...

Lots of pretty pictures here especially like the lake pictures.

Al said...

Very nice - I love those lake shots as it's not something I see very often.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, Eileen, you've outdone yourself with these sky shots! Very beautiful!!

HappyK said...

Lots of beautiful photos. Love the sunset and the first picture of the lake.

GreenComotion said...

I love the Clematis fence, Eileen and the Contrails reflection in the lake.
You get a nice collection birds in your yard - happy for you! Nice snaps!!
Have a Wonderful Day, Eileen!
Peace :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Your birds, flowers, horses and reflection photographs are wonderful. You have such a range of things you photograph well.

Jim said...

Great shots.

Mascha said...

So many wonderful birds in your yard!
My cat would be thrilled also ;-)
And so beautiful clematis, wow! I have so many nice plants, but with clematis have not luck, sigh...
Have a great weekend

The Yum List said...

I enjoyed the reflection of the clouds on the water.

Anonymous said...

That Clematis is a knockout! I'm the same when it comes to posting birds. Lovely shots from your husband, too.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Beautiful birds - I love the little wren - so sweet. Wow! on the lake shots - so very pretty with the sunset on the lake! I wish I could grow clematis - yours are really stunning, Eileen!

Uppal said...

Your photographs are always so gorgeous! Should i tell you that the orange flowers on the left side of one of ypur clicks are the same as mine in my home town Patiala.

Indrani said...

The sky shots are great, I like the spread of colors. Great collages too.

NatureFootstep said...

fences are nice but I do love your images for Skywatch this week. Amazing sunsets and scenery. :)

s.c said...

Great birdshot as always. Like them.

Tom said...

Lots of lovely sights. Tom The Backroads Traveller

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful photos Eileen. I love the horses and fences as well as the lake and sky reflections, and the clematis blooms are gorgeous. Have a great weekend.

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

The sunset shots are wonderful.

Hootin Anni said...

Gorgeous sky images and wonderful cloud reflections today Eileen.

Ingrid said...

You have lots of birds around your yard ! That's not like me, I see a lonely sparrow from time to time, probably due to my four cats ! Your skies are beautiful !

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! The clematis flowers are very beautiful. Your bird photos are very cool. I enjoyed your husband's photos very much too. Thanks for sharing.

Bob Bushell said...

The river is beautiful, I love it Eileen.

don said...

A wonderful collection of birds and attractive scenic views. Very well done.

magiceye said...

Simply marvelous!!

trav4adventures said...

Beautiful birds, flowers, and skies! We are heading into August, which means that all of my remaining flowers will die. This happens every year, but then I replant in September or October. :-)
Cheryl Ann

This N That said...

Love the little wren..They are just too cute...Te lake is gorgeous...Your Clematis is wonderful..I always get a dead thread through them so I haven't planted any lately...Enjoy your weekend..

A Colorful World said...

Amazing reflections of a beautiful sky! Gorgeous views, the flowers, birds and all!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The birds are wonderful as always of course! But I am really enchanted by the clematis growing along your fence and by the orange daylilies at your lake side; they are wonderful!

Crafty Green Poet said...

beautiful photos. The sky reflections are lovely.

Maude Lynn said...

Beautiful selection of shots, Eileen!

Ana Freire said...

Remarkable images!

Ana Freire said...

I forgot to tell you, if you like to visit us, we are on we would love so...
All the best!

Ailime said...

Eileen, it's always a pleasure to see your magnificent photos and these places so far. A way to also travel with you! Thank you! Hugs and good weekend. Ailime

Lowcarb team member said...

Eileen, these are such lovely photo's and I love the mosaics.

Have a lovely weekend

All the best Jan

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos guys ! WOW ! you get lots of interesting birds to . Thanks for sharing , have a good weekend !

Brian King said...

Wow, those are gorgeous reflections!

Black Jack's Carol said...

What a varied assortment of gorgeous backyard birds, Eileen. You live in an area that is truly rich! I loved your hubbie's sunset photos as well, and your neighbour's foal and horse would have me visiting regularly if I lived in your neck of the woods. Hope to see you tomorrow with a few critters. Until then, sleep well :)

thomas said...

A scenic sunset captured.

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Eileen these reflection of the sky in the lake should be framed and entered into contests...fabulous!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...