I am linking up with Skywatch Friday and Good Fences
I hope you can join in on the fun and share your fence scenes and pretty skies.
For this week's Good Fence and Skywatch Friday memes I am sharing a daytrip hubby and I took to Cecil County Maryland. We did some birding in a local hotspot called Courthouse Point and we visited the C&D Canal Museum.
A view of the pond from the trail, wood duck, Canada Geese, Indigo Bunting and Cowbirds. Courthouse Point is a wildlife management area, hunting is allowed during the regular hunting season. Hikers and birders are allowed each day during the year but only on Sundays during the hunting season, which is September thru the end of January.
A couple of Brown-headed Cowbird with the pretty blue sky for a background.
Above in my mosaic a pretty puffy cloud, the trail, a farm/fence scene off in the distance, Queen Anne's Lace, Dragonfly, Great Egret.
I have found a few quotes about clouds that I like this is one of my favorites by Bob Ross "Clouds are free, they are one of the freest things in nature, they just float around and have a good time".
We had a pretty day and a lovely sky over the C&D Canal and Chesapeake City, Maryland. If you are in the area try out the Chesapeake Inn for some jumbo lump Maryland crab cakes and crab bisque.

Various shots from around the museum, the sky, fences and coneflowers and the C&D Canal.
I like this view of the sky,canal, boat and the fence scene is perfect for Tex's Good Fence's.
Sharing this Jarod Kintz quote "I think the most heavenly food is fluffy white clouds"
For my skywatch the sky over the flag pole.
The US flag on top and the Maryland flag on the bottom right. I think everyone in the USA is proud to fly their flags. I am not sure what the flag is on the bottom left, maybe a local flag.
I hope you enjoyed my post and photos. Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comments.
To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit Skywatch Friday
and check for more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences
I hope you can join in on the fun and share your fence scenes and pretty skies.
For this week's Good Fence and Skywatch Friday memes I am sharing a daytrip hubby and I took to Cecil County Maryland. We did some birding in a local hotspot called Courthouse Point and we visited the C&D Canal Museum.
A view of the pond from the trail, wood duck, Canada Geese, Indigo Bunting and Cowbirds. Courthouse Point is a wildlife management area, hunting is allowed during the regular hunting season. Hikers and birders are allowed each day during the year but only on Sundays during the hunting season, which is September thru the end of January.
A couple of Brown-headed Cowbird with the pretty blue sky for a background.
Above in my mosaic a pretty puffy cloud, the trail, a farm/fence scene off in the distance, Queen Anne's Lace, Dragonfly, Great Egret.
I have found a few quotes about clouds that I like this is one of my favorites by Bob Ross "Clouds are free, they are one of the freest things in nature, they just float around and have a good time".
We had a pretty day and a lovely sky over the C&D Canal and Chesapeake City, Maryland. If you are in the area try out the Chesapeake Inn for some jumbo lump Maryland crab cakes and crab bisque.

Various shots from around the museum, the sky, fences and coneflowers and the C&D Canal.
I like this view of the sky,canal, boat and the fence scene is perfect for Tex's Good Fence's.
Sharing this Jarod Kintz quote "I think the most heavenly food is fluffy white clouds"
For my skywatch the sky over the flag pole.
The US flag on top and the Maryland flag on the bottom right. I think everyone in the USA is proud to fly their flags. I am not sure what the flag is on the bottom left, maybe a local flag.
I hope you enjoyed my post and photos. Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comments.
To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit Skywatch Friday
and check for more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences
Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences and thanks to Sylvia, Yogi and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday. I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead..
Very nice, Eileen
I'm a huge fan of the queen anne's lace. Around here, they show up with that blue chicory and what a gorgeous combo---my favorite for sure!
you certainly picked alovely day to have this outing with your husband.Lovely blue shies, lots to see including birds and fences.
From here in winter, those lovely blue skies with fluffy white clouds having a good time, is very pleasing to see.
Lovely Elieen! Very pretty photos. Have a great day:)
I love the Bob Ross quote...I wonder if I would have know who said it if you had not told. I should have...
There are some of these I would love to see in a bigger version, but will take what you show and be happy.
Have good day, Eileen!
What beauty in every photo, Eileen! The Chesapeake is a wonderful area to explore and I always find blue skies and puffy little clouds add to the enjoyment of a day out!
Have a good one!
The clouds are very pretty and yes they look wonderfully free as well. :)
Absolutely beautiful images...of course over the years I've known you/your blog, I have come to expect this.
Oh and the quote about the clouds....perfect.
What a great place to spend the day, as always you have made some fascinating mosaics with your clever captures, love the dragonfly in particular.
Your world looks so sunny, Eileen. We're in mid-winter here in the Southern Hemisphere and I am freezing! Have a great day. Jo
You sure had a beautiful day for your trip. We've had so much rain this year, really enjoyed seeing those blue skies.
Good Morning Eileen, Lovely mosaics and that sky is stunning. Great fence shots too. Chain links always remind me of home back in Michigan. Lovely scenes and a nice day trip. Have a happy day and weekend ahead. cm
Hi Eileen, Although I am originally from California, my ancestors were Maryland Colonists. I grew up with a father who loved crab cakes! So I also do. How about that? I like all of your photographs on today's post. Have a really great day!
Great photos!
Love the Bob Ross quote about clouds. Do you remember what he said about water? It is the laziest thing there is - just flows downhill all the time!
Have a wonderful day!
such beautiful skies showing off the day. :)
I especially love your photos of the dragonfly and Great Egret Eileen.
Hi Eileen, Neat photos and your mosaic inspires me to try one of those myself. Nice link up for SkyWatch and Good Fences! Have a fine weekend!
I love those flags! Enjoy your day sweet friend! Hugs!
Beautiful images in nature.
I really enjoyed the photos and your cloud quotes!
Have a great day,Eileen!
my favorite is the dragonfly ... i always wonder what it means when they are around you? i continue to see them year after year. yesterday i saw 2 Japanese beetles. i have not seen those in years. as a kid they were every where. ( :
Interesting birds, but can also admire a cloud in the blue sky. Greetings.
Hari OM
More wondrous delights! YAM xx
Wonderful pictures.
You have your own corner of heaven right there.
Very nice fences. Have friends who live in this State.
A perfect day for some really great shots. xo
Such a lovely batch of photos.
yep...you always grab me with clouds (and critters)
I always enjoy all your photos. : )
Love the cloud quote----I may have to borrow it. Your images are always interesting and excellent. Thanks
Awesome images! I transparent dragon fly is beautiful! Great sky captures.
very nice area and different critters :) It is great to have a clear sky when birding.
Such lovely scenery! Enjoyed all your photos.
I like the red roof shot in the moaasic and you had the perfect sky for photos and sheer enjoyment. i love to go out when the sky is like this, it makes me happy no matter what it is above.
I love that shot of the dragonfly! So pretty!
pretty summer day - love all your photos!
Hello Eileen!!!
Wow!!What a lovely place to visit!!!
Wonderful views beautiful birds and fences!
Great shots indeed!!Thank you for sharing!!
Have a happy day!
Clouds make such interesting and colourful subjects, when white, grey or stormy. and I can always see some real shapes. Your Great Egret, beautiful.
honey these are marvelous [as usual]
"Clouds are free, they are one of the freest things in nature, they just float around and have a good time". Bob Ross
Lovely shots, you have captured so many beautiful things.
Those are my favorite type of summer skies. The ones with pretty fluffy white clouds and blue sky. - Nice shots of the birds. I like the geese and the Egret. - Some great fences there as well. I like the quote about the clouds.
Oh I love crab. I think would love living in Cheaspeake Bay in the summer. Not sure this Texan could manage the winter. LOL. Your shots are lovely as always. Thanks for sharing and for coming by. XXOO
Very nice mosaics. The sky looks grea!
Terrific mosaics as always, Eileen, and such beautiful skies! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! I do so enjoy your mosaics!! Beautiful!!
floating around and have a good time - that sounds great :-)
happy weekend !!
Nice mosaics!
Those snowberry clearwing moths are almost always after purple flowers. But I got a pic of one in W.V. on Queen Anne's Lace.
I think I need to float around where those jumbo lump crab cakes are - now that I've googled it :)
Coneflowers, dragonflies, egrets, and beautiful blue skies! Lovely!
What a gorgeous dragonfly!
Very nice ! I love the skies !
Beautiful spot and lots of birds.
Wonderful sky shot with rich blue and white clouds! Delightful for SWF!
Happy Weekend coming to you,
artmusedog and carol
Beautiful photos! Love the Great Egret!
I would like to be a cloud and just float around and have a good time!
Foi um passeio maravilhoso!
Gostei das fotos do mosaico , do céu com nuvens!
é sempre bom vir aqui
Lovely shots Eileen, I am glad you had a great day.
I like that quote on clouds. I agree.
Beautiful birds, critters, and clouds! Oh that poem is beautiful too, just perfect. Queen Anne's Lace is one of my favorites since childhood too! Every time I see it my childhood memories of playing outside come rolling in. I love it! I miss those old stomping grounds and fields we played in.
Oh wow, such gorgeous photography! I especially love the dragonfly and purple coneflowers. Fun to see where others like to visit. :)
Cute little Wood Duck..Even your Cowbirds look good..I hope you have been enjoying the weather these last few days...
A beautiful shot of the dragonfly!
A very pretty place, and lots of wildlife. And yes, you're right about loving to fly our flags here in the USA, much more than I ever remember in England or Holland. Have a great weekend.
Just gorgeous shots, especially the clouds then. :)
Great images, Eileen!
Love them all! But...
I'm in love by that little duck... on the second image... ;-D
What can I do?...
Beautiful pictures.....and great weather!
Eileen, These are gorgeous photos. I am amazed especially at the dragonfly pic. Wishing you a nice Friday and weekend.
Beautiful day to be out and about with your hubby. Photos are fantastic!
Very fine images, Eileen, fantastic skies!
Wonderful blue skies and some lovely birds.
Really lovely views and wonderful birds.
WOW, what a great series of pictures Eileen! :)
Love all the sky pictures with the pretty clouds
and the quotes you found about them also :))
Yeah, must be great beeing a cloud ;)
Have a beautiful day!
Tinna ✐
Wonderful shots of what must have been a nice and pleasant day.
Your sky looks a lot like mine with those friendly, fluffy clouds.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.
Looks like a lovely place for a walk. So many great photos too, but especially the dragonfly, such beautiful wings!
Just lovely selection of photo's Eileen and I especially like the Bob Ross quote ...
Have a great Friday and a Happy Weekend
All the best Jan
What a great shot of the dragonfly. Amazing creatures.
Beautiful scenery and skies. I just picked a bouquet of Queen Anne's Lace out at my mom's yesterday :)
I love your nice bright scenes. I have never been anywhere close to the Chesapeake Bay area but I have it on my bucket list.
such beautiful skies eileen!!! and of course the mosaics are filled with lots of great images. the egret is awesome!!
i photographed the sky yesterday because the clouds were just too beautiful to not!!!
have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!
These are all so good! Excellent combinations of different frames.
So much to love in one of your posts . . .
Today . . .
Clouds, birds, fences, Queen Anne Lace, more white birds . . .
Love your day trips that I can enjoy too!
Thanks Eileen . . .
Beautiful pictures ! I know that Americans hang out their flag at any occasion. In Brussels people don't even have a flag, and it's not the use either. Some people do it but only on National Day.
A wonderful spot and beautiful skies. Have a great weekend Eileen.
Lovely mosaics!!
Wonderful sky pitures :)
Here is a new girl, the old
one got burnt on fb :))
Have a happy day!
Beautiful post and you got variety of photos from your day trip. I like the work of collage... fascinating blue skies with fluffy white clouds.
Very nice pictures.
Happy weekend.
At my place it`s raining. I long for sunny summer.
That Bob Ross quote about clouds is really true - wish I'd thought of it Eileen. More of your Lovely and colourful mosaics of course and I just love your own blue skies and those fluffy white clouds.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Love, love, love your wonderful photos, and I also love the Chesapeake area! Beautiful!
Love the Queen Anne's Lace and beautiful sky!
Beautiful day in the woods! Love the birds. And the skies. Those quotes are good -- they explain in a few wonderful words our fascination with clouds -- especially those fluffy white floaty ones!
A beautiful day for a photography outing.
Fabulous mosaics!
Dearest Eileen; First of all, SO sorry for my recent absence. Finally, I could get back visiting friends:-) Oh My, Beautiful images of birds, fences and clouds♡♡♡ I Especially LOVED the quote which gave me the new way to enjoy viewing them (haha, I'll try!)
The perfect shot second from the last is fantastic, Dear friend♪
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*
A really pretty part of the country, and great sky shots! Enjoy your weekend.
I loved the farm/fence scene, the fluffy clouds and fun quotes, the gorgeous blue skies, the mosaic varieties of wildlife and idyllic scenery, and that close-up of the Egret. A post filled with beauty, Eileen. Now, if we could just end hunting and devote 7 days a week to birders :)
You must be in bliss, now that you are retired!!!!
Looks like you have been getting around Eileen this summer! Beautiful skies!!
What a beautiful place and lovely images! I just love that dragonfly.
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