Thursday, July 30, 2015

Cape May NJ

I am linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences
I hope you can join in on the fun and share your fence scenes and pretty skies.

For this week's Good Fence and Skywatch Friday memes I am sharing an overnight visit to Cape May/Atlantic City, New Jersey earlier in July. It was a pretty day to visit Cape May and the beach, I think I even got a little sunburnt.

A mosaic of the Cape May wildlife: Top Row is the Purple Martin house, Halloween Pennant Dragonfly, Carolina Wren. Second Row : Black Crowned Night Heron, Muskrat, Bunny, Third Row: Least Tern, Oystercatcher, Black Skimmers. Bottom Row: Blue Grosbeak, Mute Swan, possibly Forster's Terns.

For my Skywatch shot, the Cape May lighthouse and the Purple Martin birdhouse.

You have to look closely for this fence, just a white string tied to the area closed sign. This is to protect the birds nesting on the beach and dunes.

Another sky shot,  hubby and I sat on our beach chairs watching the waves. A few dolphins swimming by and the planes with their advertisements.

The Least Terns recognizable with the white spot on their foreheads. LOL, do birds even have foreheads? My birds posts are just for fun and I hope the serious birders do not find my post on the birds, their birdie parts and or how I type their names unacceptable. I guess they are skipping the part, that I admit I am blogging just for fun, I am an amateur photographer and I must admit sometimes I might miss a spelling error or put a dash on a bird's name when it does not belong.

Which leads me to bird slang, are you a birder or a birdwatcher? Maybe you are a twitcher or a dude.  Definition of a Dude: a low-keyed birdwatching hobbyist with a lack of devotion or enthusiasm.  A dude, really? Why bother birdwatching if you are not enthused with the birds? I love all the birds and wildlife, my favorite thing to do is go out and look for any species of wildlife. Maybe I am not understanding the definition of a Dude, could I be a dude-woman? I found this link with bird slang check it out Bird slang

A fence scene and a happy couple walking down the trail to the beach. This shot works for both Tex's Good Fences and for my Skywatch Friday shot. I hope you enjoyed our Cape May visit.

I hope you enjoyed my post and photos. Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comments.
To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and check for more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences and thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.    I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead..


chica said...

Quantas fotos lindas,Eileen! bjs praianos,chica

Noushka said...

A great area and lovely landscapes, Eileen!
They are doing the right thing to protect the nesting sites, I hope everyone respects it... It is not always the case in my region :(
You really have fabulous dragonflies with very colourful wings, such wings here are very few!
Keep well enjoy your day :)

Roan said...

Loved my visit to Cape May. Hubby was a lifeguard there when he was a young man. The last shot is awesome.

Rose said...

I do enjoy your photos..and really like the last shot. But looking at the one of the Carolina wren in that collage...I swear I can almost hear it! That is a wonderful shot of it....they are my favorite bird, if a person can have a favorite.

EG CameraGirl said...

What a great place to be on a warm summer day with a breeze coming off the water.

Mascha said...

Wish I were there! Thanks for the photo-walk.
Greetings from Germany

Debbie said...

awwww cape may, one of my very most favorite places to visit. I am a birder for fun also, completely out of love and far from an expert!! Awesome captures Eileen, looks like a fun day!!

Cranberry Morning said...

What a beautiful place to walk! I love your water photos and birds on the shore. With I could teleport. :-)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh I particularly love the lighthouse/birdhouse juxtaposition! YAM xx

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely set of photo's Eileen, I think that Bunny is cute too ...

Have a happy day

All the best Jan

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
wonderful photos of this great area by the sea. Fantastic photos of the birds and the airplane.
Best regards, Synnöve

TexWisGirl said...

'serious' birders that would take offense at your bird posts should take a deep breath and step away from the computer screen. :) you're sharing joy and life and beauty - as it should be.

love the forehead shot. and the pretty waves and boardwalk, too. i'm a bird lover. :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

we love Cape May. such a gorgeous area. love it there. i love the fence shot & probably have been to that location because we have several shots that very similar. i need to get back there one day. love it!! ( :

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Nice mosaic photo! I enjoyed your white spot bird on their forehead birds photo. Thanks for sharing.

magnoliasntea said...

What lovely photos, Eileen! I especially like the birds, purple martin house and the pic with the hide-and-seek fence. ;)
Have a lovely weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

I love your latest series of photos Eileen. All very pretty. The terns are such interesting birds.

Blogoratti said...

What lovely photos indeed. Greetings!

LV said...

What a nice area to enjoy so much. I finally saw the white fence on the sign. You found some great sights for both memes.

Mary Hone said...

I would love to sit on that beach and watch birds and dolphins. And I would vote birds have foreheads. LOL

Debby Ray said...

Really great photos...I love the beach but haven't made it there yet this year. I really like that last shot of the walkway in the sand with the fence. Have a great Thursday!

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
What a great post!!
Lovely sceans and wonderful pictures of the birds the lighthouse,my favorite!,and the sea shore!The bunny is so cute!!Thank you sharing!
Have a happy weekend!Hugs!

Sue said...

Geez, Eileen--sounds like your retirement is really tough--ha ha!
Nice photos!!

Sue Seibert said...

All the photos are great, but the Cape May Light is my favorite!

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
Very nice pictures.
Wonderful birds and nice to get a look along that coast. A beautiful area of nature.

Many greetings,

Jill Kristin Ø.Remme said...

I could not comment on your other blog. I had to be a teammember so i did not understand what to do:))

Take care Eileen:))

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous photos, Eileen! I would love to be there.

Ida said...

Great post. - Somehow I don't think that tiny white string fence would keep much out but hopefully people head the warning signs.
I like those Terns and thought the "Dude" thing about watching birds was weird, I agree why watch birds if you aren't all that interested in doing so. Absolutely LOVED your last beach fence shot.

FAB said...

Thank you Eileen, this post and your lovely images brought back happy memories of my visit to Cape May.

I'm a Birder turned Wildlife Watcher so more than happy to view anything that you post.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

i love the simplicity of that 5th shot

Anonymous said...

What a delightful place.

Christine said...

More wonderful birds! I am learning so much from my visits to your blog Eileen!
And a lovely fence photo too!
Have a great weekend!

RedPat said...

That looks like a wonderful area! My great aunts lived on Brigantine but I don't think I ever made it to Cape May when visiting them.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Eileen, I always enjoy your photos and the areas you visit. Beautiful sky views and the fence with the couple walking off in the distance is special.
Thanks for sharing. Have a great

Ailime said...

Hi Eileen, I love all the pictures! Excellent participation with pictures of fences. The last is beautiful! Hugs.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I just had a patient who had been to Cape May this summer -- She talked about how beautiful it was, and your photos certainly show that, how wonderful to have so much to enjoy and the ocean too!

--And I have to grin and agree with you about being a "Dude." --Maybe you're a Dudette? ;-)

ak_ut said...

a beautiful sky shot!
happy weekend for you, too :-)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Loved the last shots especially as the fence leads our eyes on to the beach.

Sylvia K said...

Such a beautiful place, lovely skies and terrific captures as always, Eileen!! Thanks as always for sharing the beauty and the fun! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

carol l mckenna said...

Love the sky and ocean shot ~ very hard to see the fence ~ Great shots too of the shore birds ~ Delightful place!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

barbara l. hale said...

I really enjoyed your post. Beautiful pics as usual. I guess I'm a low-key twitcher dude as far as the birding is concerned. I'll go out of my way (or used to when I wasn't so old -- lol) to see a bird, but I won't devote my life to it. I love birds though and respect them. I don't care what one calls their foreheads.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Delightful soft skies. Especially love the perspective of the lighthouse and birdhouse. Interesting series of photos.

Ileana said...

Great landscapes! I would love to be there. :) Wonderful photos of the birds!

ellen b said...

A sandy trail with a fence like that is my idea of a great walk to a wonderful destination!

Carola Bartz said...

The oyster catchers on the East Coast look more like the ones in Germany. Here on the West Coast they are completely black with that orange-red bill. Quite striking both ways.

Patrycja (photoopassion) said...

Unsual !!! :)

Little Wandering Wren said...

Hi Dude-woman extraordinaire!! Although no-one could say you have a lack of devotion or enthusiasm....Of course birds have foreheads, says the little Wren! lol
Wren x

This N That said...

We used to spend summers in Cape May. I got married in Cape May. I have been to the top of that lighthouse more than once . Thanks for the pictures. They brought back lots of memories. I love the bit about the birdie parts.... Too funny. Compared to me you are a professional birder and your pictures are wonderful. Have a good weekend. Stay cool

Photo Cache said...

Quite partial to the lighthouse shot.

Algodão Tão Doce said...

As pessoas entram em nossa vida por acaso, mas não é por acaso que elas permanecem.
Obrigada querida pela presença amável!
Maravilhosa postagem!!!
Lindos dias de verão!

Beijos Marie.

Jenn Jilks said...

Retirement has done you good!

HappyK said...

Perfect place to be on a warm summers day. : )
Like the lighthouse.

Buttons Thoughts said...

LOVE LOVE that last shot. Hug B

The Yum List said...

I wander what that bunny is looking at?

Anonymous said...

Great captures of the beach and all the wildlife. The Least Tern is a pretty little shorebird.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty pictures. The sky and water are so lovely. The little bunny melts my heart.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Sitting on beach chairs watching the dolphins swim by... what could possible be better!!

Linda W. said...

Love both the lighthouse and the bird house!

J said...

Lovely Cape May! The birds don't seem to mind your presence on their beach! I think what you do is just fine - so many of us just revel in the beauty of your photos and the environments. We don't care if a bird name is wrong - or if you claim one of them has a "forehead!"

lina@women perspective said...

Your shots show the beauty of Cape May. Enjoying them all.
The last pic is very sweet.

Indrani said...

I loved this virtual visit very much. The last pic looks like a happy ending to a fairy tale story.

Unknown said...

Thank you for all these beautiful
beach photos. Mostly I like the
terns, as always :)And I miss a
photo of the dolphins ;)

Have a beautiful weekend Eileen!

Möwe(dude with bird's name;)

Magia da Inês said...

⊰❀˚° ·.
Gostei muito da colagem de animais e aves selvagens.
A terceira e a quarta fotos são especiais.
Gostei muito da última foto também.
Bom fim de semana!
♡ه° ·.

magiceye said...

Beautiful captures!!

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, I sure enjoyed your photos and post! That last photo at the beach is one you should submit for a calendar or contest ... excellent! You are an inspiration the way you post so regularly and leave kind comments for all your followers. Wonderful! Hope you have a great weekend!

Gail said...

What a wonderful adventure. I have only seen an ocean once in my life.

Unknown said...

The view are nicely captured !

Phil Slade said...

Cape May is so famous and I'm dead jealous you birded there Eileen. As to your question - I hate the term "dude" and it's a term used only by "serious" birders to denigrate those they assume to be less serious. As you point out,
why would anyone bird watch unless they are not enthused with birds? So,me people have more time to devote than others, that's all.

Have a great weekend. See you on Saturday.

LifeRamblings said...

Such a wonderful place to visit. Thanks for sharing your journey.

Hootin Anni said...

Great images as always Eileen. I so enjoyed viewing. Love the one with the Martin house AND the light house. But what really alerted my senses this morning was reading about your camping chairs and sitting on the beach watching the waves/dolphins an planes!!! Now that is an ideal way to spend your time!!!

Nancy Chan said...

Great images. I love your skywatch shot, the lighthouse and birdhouse. Have a wonderful weekend!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Wow! What a gorgeous photos, Eileen!
I wish I could to be there with you! Would be very nice indeed!

Thanks for your nice comment on my Good Fences post! :)

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Great pics, Eileen. Halloween Pennant is one of my favorite dragonflies. Maybe even favoritest!!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I always enjoy your photos and this one of Cape May is beautiful.
I smiled at your last paragraph of a definition of a dude-your enthusiasm for birdwatching leaps across the screen and I love it!
Have a great weekend,

Sue Seibert said...

Checked out the photos on your other blog. Loved all the art photos..especially the couple by the lake!

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Nice pictures of your visit to Cape May. I specially like the photo of the lighthouse and the birdhouse.
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You are definitely NOT a dude (using any definition of that word). And in my book you're not really an amateur either at least compared to me (LOL). Seriously, you have helped me (and others) so much with identification and encouragement .... that makes you a pro in my book!!

I like the word 'twitcher' which we learned about when we stayed in England. I was only sorry I didn't have much time to be one while we were there. I use the term 'accidental birding' sometimes, because I see and take pictures of birds often when we're not actually on purpose going birding.

I love the birds you show here -- most of which I think of as Florida birds -- it's fun to see them 'up north'!!!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Delightful visit to Cape May! We so enjoyed our last visit a few years ago. Thanks for visiting my page!

Brian King said...

Great wildlife variety! That's a fantastic lighthouse!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; I AM always fascinated by your gorgeous pictures and really feel thankful introducing us (me) the birds I cannot see or no way knowing without you♡♡♡ I wish I could visit and see Purple Martin house; my dragonfly lover husband made me open PC's picture page of 'Halloween Pennant Dragonfly' p:)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Barb said...

I haven't visited Cape May in a long, long time, so I'm glad you took me back, Eileen. You saw so many birds! I love the Martin high rise!

Black Jack's Carol said...

Such a fun post and so much to comment on, Eileen.

First, I love the fence shot at the end. I see a sort of an X shape that brings wonderful symmetry to the composition (that from the eye of a non-serious photographer).
Second, you and I cannot be dudes because we have so much fun seeing and sharing nature. I'd put you a category or ten :) above me because you have seen and know so much more than I, but the bottom line is that we are out there and we care about the world around us.
Three, that white string is an impressive testament to the honor system. It does appear to be working.
And finally, those wonderful birds. Loved them all but was especially enraptured by the Blue Grosbeak.
Oh.. and P.S. What a lovely image in my mind of you and hubby looking out over the ocean together. As for seeing dolphins. Be still my heart!

Ela said...

Great place to shoot and gorgeous pictures !!

A Colorful World said...

What a beautiful place to visit! I love the photos, especially the lighthouse with the purple martin house. Great post, Eileen!

NatureFootstep said...

I like that cool birdhouse. The martins seem to like it. :)

GreenComotion said...

Wow -what a lovely set of photos and what a neat beach!
It is awesome that you have all these great places to visit.
I enjoyed your photos, Eileen.
I am not very wordy ...
Have a Great Week!
Peace :)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...