Sunday, July 5, 2015

Backyard birds & More

I am linking up with   Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday    and NF Trees

They are all fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun  and check out some of the participating posts.

I hope everyone had a happy 4th of July. The weather here was a bit dreary, chilly rainy. Somehow I think we switched weather with the Pacific Northwest coast. What's up with that, LOL! For my post I am sharing some of my backyard birds and some of the magnolia trees seen along the fireroad trail near my house.

Above top row are the male Downy Woodpecker, male Cardinal, Blue Jay. Bottom row is the Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse and a female Bluebird.

Poppa Bluebird is helping out with the second nesting. He has a mouthful of our pine needles from the back yard.

There are so many different species of Magnolia trees. I am not sure if the trees we see in our neighborhood here are the Fraser Magnolia or the Ashe Magnolia.  They could also could be known as the bigleaf magnolia.

A bigger image of one of the bigleaf magnolia blooms.

Tulip Poplar Tree also known as the Tulip Magnolia Tree. The blooms are yellow with an orange band. These trees are found all around the woods near my house.  Both of these blooms took place back in May, I am sharing them for my NF Trees entry. 

A bigger look at the tulip poplar bloom.

The male Eastern Bluebird is a gorgeous bird, here he is posing nicely on our weeping cherry tree.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my backyard birds and the neighborhood trees. Also, thank you for stopping by and for the nice comments. Have a great day and new week ahead. 

I use Pic Monkey to create my mosaics, you can use Pic Monkey free or pay for an upgraded version.
I hope you can join in on our fun with Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday and NF Trees and Bushes.

 Thanks to Judith our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer and to Monica for hosting NF Trees.


Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Beautiful and very cute birds and lovely flowers!
Have a great week ahead!

chica said...

Maravilhosos pássaros e mosaicos! Beleza de ver! Valeu! bjs, lindo dia! chica

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did enjoy your backyard birds and i love that tulip tree and the macro of the flower.. so much beauty in your yard, birds and flowers and trees. Oh My. nothing better to me

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i see those blooms all the time, but never open like that. so pretty. i love your bird mosaic. very pretty. hope you had a nice 4th. we had a rainy & humid one. but i did hear fireworks so i guess it was not too rainy. ( :

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos and such handsome birds. i love the photo of the bluebird with the pine needles!

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Re the Magnolia Tree … My spouse will go to extraordinary lengths to get one of those blooms for the fragrance! :-) I like your bird photos especially the papa bluebird helping to build the nest. A very good Sunday to you!

Magia da Inês said...

Bela série de fotos!!!
Amei as flores!!!

Boa semana com muita saúde e muita harmonia!

Ann-Christin said...

great photos! :)

Linda W. said...

Nice collection of bird photos. Hey, those of us in the PNW would like our weather back! ;) I'm quite tired of this hot, dry weather we've had for over a month....

EG CameraGirl said...

I never would have guessed that bluebirds would use pine needles in their nests. I learned something new!

21 Wits said...

Oh wow, papa helping is just the cutest! Stunning moments in nature. Have a great week ahead!

Leora said...

What a beautiful collection of bird photos. And your magnolia flowers are so delicate. As for the weather, I prefer the cooler temps! And my garden is happy with the rain.

Nancy Chan said...

Lovely collection of birds and flowers. I enjoy viewing all the photos.

Unknown said...

Hello Eileen, I love all the
pretty birds with blue on them
most, followed by the others :))
And I love the Magnolia blooms. :)

Have a happy Sunday and a
wonderful week to come! :)

Tinna ✐

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OMe
Magnificence....and spooky! Why? 'Cos just last week I was visiting a place which had A TULIP TREE!!! Here's to a find week ahead... YAM xx

Amanda Peters said...

Birds are looking wonderful, full of delightful colours...
I use Pic monkey all the time.. and it's free.
Amanda xx

Anonymous said...

Very enjoyable birds and trees today, Eileen. Have a lovely afternoon.

Stacy said...

Didn't you hear the big news? We did switch weather with each other!!! It's official. Oh my heck, it has been so hot hear and we have another week in the nineties before it cools off. Can we also switch birds too? I love your little blue birds and I wish we had them here in OR. The magnolias are stunning. I hope you have a great Sunday!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

How wonderful to have bluebirds nesting in the back yard!

Debbie said...

The bluebird captures are wonderful Eileen, they are around me but never come to my feeders!!

Jo said...

I love your male Bluebird with nesting material. The blooms are all so stunning too. Have a great day. Jo

waldlaeufer68 Frank Scholtyssek said...

your images bird species which do not exist here in Germany in the great outdoors Thank you for showing your great pictures
greetings Frank

What Karen Sees said...

I especially love your beautiful bird shots. Here in Utah we may have fantastic landscapes to photograph, but not many colorful birds.

Rohrerbot said...

Gorgeous Eileen!!! So jealous you are retired:) You get to go out and have fun now.....and find all these amazing birds. 4th was good. We spent it on top of a mountain away from the heat. Now I'm back in the heat and have NO desire to go outside:) So I'm enjoying your treks.....have a great week!

GranthamLynn said...

Oh the cardinal and blue birds are so pretty. They all are but the vivid colors are beautiful. My daughter is blessed to have a cardinal family living in her little yard. She takes my grandson out to see them. It's a blessing for them since he can't do much right now.
Thanks for sharing and coming by!
Have a great week. XXOO

Barb said...

Did I tell you that I saw a male Blue Bird here at my house? That was a thrill! I bet the air is scented when the Magnolias bloom.

DeniseinVA said...

Sweet photos Eileen. Loved the birds and the flowers, that tulip tree is always fascinating.

Black Jack's Carol said...

So many wonderful birds, Eileen! How neat that the pine needles on your property are appreciated by Papa Bluebird. Also love the close-up of the tulip poplar tree. Quite the education to visit your blog. Now, if only I can improve my ability to retain all of the information :) Have a wonderful Sunday, Eileen!

Cloudia said...

SO gorgeous!

We are so lucky to know you, Eileen



Our photos said...

Very nice series !

Giga said...

Beautiful birds, and another picture of me captivated. Beautiful is kwait tulip tree. Greetings.

Sharon Wagner said...

It's always a happy sight to spot a bluebird. Great vulture on Saturday! Scary.

The Yum List said...

What a pretty first collage - shows the diversity of nature.

HappyK said...

Great captures. Favorite today is papa bluebird helping to make the nest.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

The birds are stunningly wonderful - and I agree, you have our weather and we certainly have someone else's - it is 91 today - hot sunshine and no letting up of the heat wave - dry as can be, which is so unusual for the Pacific Northwest - we'd gladly exchange!!!

TexWisGirl said...

good looking birds and nice blooms.

Marvin said...

Beautiful shot of the tulip poplar bloom -- and I always love bluebirds.

Laura said...

What a beautiful series of birds and flowers Eileen. We had a tulip poplar in our yard when I was growing up. I haven't seen one in years. Thanks so much for sharing and helping me remember how lovely the blossoms are.

The Furry Gnome said...

Lovely bluebird shots! Tulip trees are pretty rare this far north, but there was one in Guelph where I used to see the flowers.

Celeste said...

Lovely images Eileen, Mr Bluebird looks so proud :) I hope you had a great 4th.
Sorry I am such a bad blog friend, I tend to schedule a month or so worth of posts and rarely get time to check back in but I really do appreciate that you always comment on my posts :)
Have a great week.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Another enjoyable series of photos--The blue birds are really a favorite to see, and your photos are why.

magiceye said...

Wonderful collection of beautiful captures!

Beth @ PlantPostings said...

Isn't PicMonkey wonderful?! Great mosaics! I recognize all your birds, except we have the Black-Capped Chickadee here in Wisconsin, in place of the Carolina Chickadee. Great post!

handmade by amalia said...

Picking the Cardinal as my favorite - what a color!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I guess I did not know that there were so many varieties of the Magnolia,it has such a pretty waxy leaf and fragrant blossom. The Magnolia Trees here have huge double blossoms but turn brown on the tips rather quickly.
The photos of the birds from your backyard are so pretty and I am so proud of papa bird for helping out!

Anonymous said...

Love that little Bluebird!

Maude Lynn said...

All of these are really gorgeous, Eileen!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Today's favs are the Eastern Bluebirds! Hooray for the gorgeous helpful cheery birds! Nice photography, too! Have a great coming week!

GreenComotion said...

Oh wow - beautiful collection and mosaic of some familiar, pretty friends, Eileen!
Nicely done!!

I love the scent of Magnolia and the beautiful flowers...

Have a Great Week!
Peace :)

Linda said...

Oh, what sweet bluebirds!

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos! I love all the birds and the magnolias. Have a great week, Eileen!

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! The blue bird with nestling is very cute. I like the tulip magnolia tree blossoms very much. But they would not yet bloom in Tokyo. Thanks for sharing.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
fabulous photos of all this beautiful birds and this special blossom. Great ! Have a nice new week,Eileen.
Best regards, Synnöve

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That is a beautiful Tulip poplar bloom close up and all your burd images are fantastic.

Susan said...

Hi Eileen, I enjoyed seeing the variety of birds in your back yard- they're all beautiful. I love the Tulip Magnolia bloom! Have a wonderful week!

Sue said...

Such pretty shots from around the yard. My tufted titmouse has "disappeared"...and I miss seeing them.

Uppal said...

Beautiful mosaic of birds. One with pine needles in its beak looks so innocent. Great that you could capture it right on time!

Laura. M said...

Wonder of nature, always giving beauty .Preciosas Eileeninmd !!
Good Monday.

Phil Slade said...

Your first mosaic is a cracker Eileen - a lovely selection of birds, and all in your back yard! Your Bluebirds didn't waste much time and already raising a second family says a lot about how much they like your yard and the foodstuffs in it.

Enjoy the rest of your week and your days of birding. Hope the weather improves for you.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

ahhh...enjoyed...particularly that last shot. :)

Rose said...

Your post just made me think to look out my window cause my sunflowers are at the right stage, and yes, there is goldfinch on one.

I do love seeing your birds, and I think tulip poplars are so pretty.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Bluebirds are so pretty! I haven't seen those blooms before, but I have seen tulip tree blooms- probably not the same tree. Yours are beautiful- love the orange.

maryaustria said...

All these beautiful birds ... such amazing photos!

This N That said...

For once, I recognize all those birds..Nice series..great pics..Love the bluebirds..Mine have gone missing as have my Hummers..I hope it's just temporary..We have had a lot of nest robbing crows around lately..Have a wonderful week, Eileen

Zizi Santos said...

Seu quintal é um paraíso de tão lindo!

boa semana

Stephanie said...

Lovely shots!

Lowcarb team member said...

Beautiful birds and beautiful flowers but have to admit the one that caught my eye was the Cardinal ... such colour.

All the best Jan

Brian King said...

Fantastic selection of birds! I haven't seen any bluebirds in a long time. Beautiful shot!

Gail Dixon said...

Your bluebird shots are awesome!!! I have not seen that type of magnolia before, but it's very pretty. Tulip Poplars are plentiful around here, yet I only seem to see the blooms when they've fallen off the tree. So pretty!

Lynne said...

How wonderful for you!
So many beautiful backyard birds . . .
Love the Bluebird with the pine needles . . .
and the Magnolia varieties must be a treat to have in your back yard!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The bluebirds, esp the one with the pine needles are just wonderful. I think you did switch weather, we got back to a hot dry Oregon! The weather has modified a bit now, not so hot. But no rain in sight. Which is ok personally, but not for the good of all. Rain is needed badly.

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous shots of birds and blooms! Enjoy your week.

Annemor said...

What gorgeous shots of birds and blooms!
Have a wonderful day.

NatureFootstep said...

you have a Magnolia tree I have not seen yet. The leafs are really big and the flower gorgeous :)

Love the little Bluebird :)

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; I smiled with the picture of Poppa Bluebird with a mouthful of our pine needles♡♡♡ and fantastic photographs of beautiful Magnolia and tulip poplar (I think I could post once tulip poplar from next city's park :-)
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Jenn Jilks said...

A question for you, Eileen, how do you decide which photos to post on Facebook and which on the blog? I'm finding blog buddies on FB, and I think many don't bother visiting my blog if they see the photos there first.

Alexa T said...

Once again I see new kinds of blossoms in trees among the pictures of birds, that I can see only in your stunning images from these posts...

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...