Saturday, July 18, 2015

Saturday's Critters #83

Saturday's Critters #83

It's Saturday and it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.

For my critters I am sharing more birds from Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park. I am happy that these birds have a home and were rescued but it is sad to see just how many birds needed to be rescued and rehabbed.

Above the Great Blue Heron with a fish dinner and a Black Vulture nearby.

The Yellow Crowned Night Heron.

More of the breeding Brown Pelicans and a Cormorant showing off. Can you find the male Wood Duck?

Two Great Horned Owls.

The Barred Owl.

Two White Pelicans, they seem to be happy in this park and I guess it is good that they have a safe and happy home. I hope you enjoyed my visit to the wildlife park. As always thank you for stopping by, for all the nice comments and for participating with my Saturday's Critter party!

Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to  Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. It is nice to have Wildlife viewing parks. Not only does it give wildlife a safe haven but it allows us humans to get a look at things we may never see.

  2. Your photos are more wonderful every day. Love the heron and vulture - and the pelicans - and especially the owls. Lovely lovely photos.

  3. Thank you Eileen for sharing such great bird photos today. Heron are my favourite bird, last week 3 flew over our house (I've never seen more than one at a time before).

  4. Great birds and beautiful images. This is my first contribution to your meme. Happy Saturday!

  5. Really would like to see an owl sometime! Beautiful pics, Eileen!Happy Saturday:)

  6. A wonderful collection of birds Eileen and the last image has also beautiful reflections in the water. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  7. I always admire the wide range of interesting birds. I have to show unfortunately only sporadically !
    ♥ly greetings from germany

  8. Gorgeous birds !!! Great captured their beauty. These long beaks are very photogenic !!
    Eileen, have a happy weekend !

  9. Good morning Eileen. Like you say, it's great that so many birds are able to be rehabilitated but a little worrying as to why so many? I hope it isn't human interference which caused it.

    My real favourite has to be the Barred Owl but all of them are lovely.

    Have a brill weekend.

  10. Must be a wonderful park where you
    get to see so many critters, that
    in wildlife are mostly hiding from
    you. Beautiful pictures Eileen!

    Have a happy and sunny weekend!
    Tinna ✐

  11. Wonderful photos Eileen. I love how you've captured the heron with it's fish dinner. Well done!

  12. Those little great horned owls are cute. Great captures as usual. A nice bird sanctuary Eileen,

  13. Though it is a shame that so many birds need to be "rehabbed", I guess we
    have to look at the fact that at least there are places for them. It looks like a nice visit--I love the owl faces--so "serious" looking.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen.

  14. A lovely collection of birds. The brown pelican is interesting. I'm glad there is a place for rescued birds.

  15. Hello Eileen,
    Very good moments you've caught in your pictures.
    The heron with the fish and what a great shots of the owls. Well done!!

    Many greetings,

  16. All images are super...but that first one is like an oil painting to me...I really like that one.

  17. Hello Eileen,
    Stunning images of the different birds.
    Perfect photographed, my compliments.
    Photo 4 and 5 are my favorites
    Best regards, Irma
    Until after the summer.

  18. Muito lindas todas! Deixo um beijo, desejando ótimo fim de semana! chica

  19. Great bird shots again, Eileen, what a nice park! I love the brown pelicans, I had a lot of trouble seeing the male Wood duck. I can't figure out what is sticking out on the first white pelican's bill. Thanks for hosting.

  20. How amazing to capture the Great Blue Heron with its dinner! And I love owls; your horned owls are really different to what I know. Great post all round. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great weekend, Eileen. Jo

  21. These are wonderful photos of the birds Eileen. It is sad that there are so many birds who need to be taken care of but so glad there is such a place to do that. One of the most amusing encounters when we were there, however, was to learn how many birds flew in for a free meal. We got to talking to a lady whose job it was to feed the birds who belonged there. Case in point, there were two storks standing on the rail who had a keen eye on her bucket. When her back was turned their heads dove into her bucket and swallowed as much as they could before she dashed over to shoo them away. She told us the banded birds were theirs and we were really surprised to see how many birds there were who were just hanging around for their free lunch. It was a great visit and I am glad you got to see it. Thanks for hosting and have a great day.

  22. It's sad that do many birds need a bit of help tp survive but it's a treat to see them close up!

  23. I would love to be near a park such as this..There are two in my region, but about two hours away! Beautiful photos! :-)

  24. I need to get up there and visit this, 2 hours north of me. my son lived there about 20 years ago, but when i went to visit i had not camera. love the owls and pelicans

  25. Hari Om
    Delights, every one of them... YAM xx

  26. eileen, your images just keep getting better and better!! you have also been getting some amazing opportunities!! catch of the day was my favorite, that's not easy to do!!!

    many thanks always, for hosting. have a wonderful weekend!!!

  27. loved all the water birds and owls, too. :)

  28. This is a great park for viewing wildlife. I always like the photos that show birds with their caught food, patience and luck for the capture.
    Happy Saturday Eileen.

  29. Beautiful birds. You're very lucky to see them all! :) Have a wonderfull weekend, Eileen!

  30. Eileen ,super photos birds ale najfajniejsza fotka z czaplÄ… jak chwyta rybke,pozdrawiam.

  31. It's such a great park to take photos! We go as often as we can. Love those herons. Happy Saturday my friend. Hugs, Diane

  32. So many birds! What a great place for photos. A hoot!

  33. Took me awhile to find the wood duck.
    Always loved to play 'riddly, riddly, ree; I see something you don't see :)
    Great photos.

  34. All birds are beautiful, but the greatest sympathy I have for pelicans. Greetings.

  35. Those are beautiful birds!! It's great that they have a safe place to live and thrive.

  36. Superb photography, Eileen.

  37. I so love the owls - see that someone has lunch for me

  38. Good to see the herons being fed, I hope they can return to their wild homes!

  39. Goodness I love that yellow crowned night heron, that entire family of herons are a fave of mine. Your owl is really cool too. You have the most incredible critters always! Have a fun weekend.

  40. Yep...found the duck. All such beautiful creatures. I especially love that barred owl. Mother creates art in her creatures.

  41. I love your close-up photos of the night heron and the owl! Good to see these birds are being saved.

  42. Absolutely amazing. I need camera lessons from you!

  43. Always enJOY your link ups, Eileen! Loved seeing those owls and the other rescues. Thankful there is a place for them where they can be safe and also where we can view them in their glory. Have a great weekend!

  44. always excellent nature photography here ~ You do wonderful work and find the greatest places ~ also wonder what type of camera and lens you use to get such clarity? Are you willing to share that info? thanks,

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  45. such WONDERFUL bird images.
    fun to join you!

  46. Lovely birds Eileen, what a thrill to see all these species together!
    Thanks for sharing it with us :)
    Enjoy your weekend!

  47. Love that first shot. What a terrific capture.

  48. Great Blue Heron fishing - great capture. Thanks for sharing.

  49. Lovely birds - your photos are more wonderful!
    Nice weekend Crissi

  50. It is good that the birds, despite their injuries, have a place to live, when you consider the alternative. Nicely documented. i could not find the Wood Duck until I enlarged the photo!

  51. Looks like the waterbirds were on lunch, Eileen. Lovely captures of them, the owls and the White Pelicans.
    I enjoyed the looks on the Horned Owl, particularly the one on the left :)
    Thank you for hosting SC.
    Have a Great Day!
    Peace :)

  52. Very nice blog, you are writing nice and curious posts. Keep it up :) I wish you amazing and bright day! Hello from Dublin. :) If you want, come to my blog : In another life ( Patrycja :)

  53. Two Great Horned Owls are cool individuals among the birds here. So great to see them all. :)

  54. LOL Can you find the male wood duck?

    No I couldn' I am ticked off!!! I am going to enlarge the photo and find that damn duck if it kills me, ha HA! :)

  55. i love your new headers shots. so pretty. hope you are having a good weekend. i lov the owls in your post today. owls are so one of my favorite birds. ( :

  56. Fantastic heron and owl shots! Very nice!

  57. Hi Eileen, what an outstanding post. I love your photos and the owls are incredible. Wonderful collection of shots.
    Have a nice weekend cm

  58. Good to see those birds have snagged their lunch for the day. ;-)

  59. Hi Eileen, I did enjoy these photos from the wildlife park. The owls are just amazing. I appreciate you hosting each week. Have a nice remainder of the weekend.

  60. My heart just melts when I look at those owls. Don't know why I love them so much. It's sad that so many birds need rescuing and help to survive but it's good that there is a place such as this to save them.

  61. That photo of the Great Blue Heron having dinner is a keeper.

  62. Nice shots - I thought that the leaves in the water around the heron were goldfish!!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  63. Great birdshots as always. I love to see them.

  64. Thanks for sharing your link at I'd Rather Birdin'. I'm having internet connection issues apologize for short comment.

  65. Great shots of beautiful birds!

  66. it's good these birds have a safe home. I spotted the male wood duck!

  67. Wonderful shots of my favorite subject Eileen. I cannot get enough of seeing any kind of bird!

  68. What a great selection of shots, Eileen! Thanks for hosting.

  69. Wide range of birds as always..I'm amazed how many varieties you seem to get in one shot...Yes, I saw the Wood duck staying out of harms way..Great shot of the Blue Heron with his fish..Stay cool..

  70. What wonderful pictures and post.

    Hugs Diane

  71. Loved seeing the heron with a fish. The barred owl looks a bit sad. Enjoyable post!

  72. Hi Eileen - You took some wonderful photos and thank you for sharing!! I spotted the Wood Duck but had to enlarge the photo.

  73. Hi Eileen, My new Internet Service Provider has really helped your blog's photographs pop -so hooray for that! Beautiful photographs. Yes, Homosassa seems like a spot I will visit. I have a lot on my plate for a few more weeks but eventually I will get over there. Have a tremendously nice coming week!

  74. Loved all the pictures but the twin owls in their moody avatar were really amusing.

  75. What a great bunch of critters. My favorite if the Heron having lunch. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  76. Great critter shots, as always :)

    Wish you a great new week, Eileen!


  77. These are just plain and simple MAGNIFICENT image shares Eileen!

  78. The array of birds, my favourite is the Yellow Crowned Night Heron, fabulous.

  79. Magnificent pictures, Eileen! I love the owls!

  80. Thank you so much for hosting Eileen. I read this post Friday night at bedtime (when I linked up Pacific Time) but I was too sleepy to comment. Just now remembered that I didn't come back. I love this meme so much .... I usually try to visit several other entrants on Sunday and I'm off to do that now.

    I love your Homossasa birds, especially the owls which I never ever see; that place is so high on my list of 'must visit'.... honestly I think you've seen more of Florida in your one visit than we have in our 7 or 8 seasons.

  81. Loved the expressions on the pair of owls!!
    All superb captures!!

  82. Very nice blog, you are writing nice and curious posts. Keep it up :) I wish you amazing and bright day! Hello from Dublin. :) If you want, come to my blog : In another life ( Patrycjo :)

  83. Really awesome photos! I love that first one! And the owls are so unusual to see...great shots!

  84. I did find the woodduck but not before expanding the view...wonderful that you got to visit this place. Really nice pics.

  85. Love your birds. Hard to pick favorites but I think the "owls" today were my picks.

  86. Great shots, Eileen!
    Love them all!
    Have a great week!

  87. Great capture of the heron feeding. I haven't seen the one that used to come by our cabin for several months now. Maybe it's moved on. We do have a pair of red-throated loons and of course lots of Canadian Geese with their large babies swimming by. - Margy

  88. I feel just like you, Eileen.. sad that so many birds needed rescuing, but happy that they have a safe place to stay. I have to say that a rescue situation sure gives you some wonderful opportunities for spectacular photography. What magnificent close-ups! And all of birds that I would never (or very rarely in the case of the owls) get to see. I really had to search for that Wood Duck though :) I finally spotted him (I think) just to the right of the Egret. Another wonderful post, Eileen!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...